The Remote Desktop Gateway service on Local Computer started and then stopped


Here I will explain how to solve the Service on local computer started and then stopped, some services stop automatically if there are not in use by other services or programs


In previous article I explained clearly how to create windows service and how to run windows service in scheduled intervals and how to install windows service in system. In my system I tried to install windows service completion writing the code but at that time I was unable to install windows service I got error like this

The Service on local computer started and then stopped ,Some services stop automatically if there are not in use by other services or programs.

Now I will explain how to solve the Service on local computer started and then stopped, some services stop automatically if there are not in use by other services or programs.

To solve this problem we have two ways

First Way

Start --> Run --> Type Services.msc and click enter button now you will get all the services in your computer after that select your service and right click on that and go to Properties

After that open Select Log On tab in that select Local System Account and click ok now your problem will solve

Otherwise check second way.

Second Way

First right click on My Computer and select Manage now computer management window will open
In that window select Application log and right click on it and select properties now another window will open in that change maximum log size to bigger value and check Overwrite events when needed

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