Top notch 1 workbook unit 6 review answer key năm 2024

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  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. I can’t go running tonight. I go ______________ shopping and make dinner. have to has to don’t have to doesn’t have to
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. Nick can’t come to the beach with us. He ______________ study for a test. have to has to don’t have to doesn’t have to
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. We ______________meet in the office this morning. We can meet at the park. have to has to don’t have to doesn’t have to
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. A: Hello, Judith? B: Hi, Ed. Sorry. I can’t talk right now. ______________ dinner.
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. What are you and your husband are doing this weekend? B: ______________ tennis. Do you want to join us?
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. A: So, ______________ regularly? B: Me? Yes, I do. I go to the gym three times a week. do you exercise are you exercising
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. A: ______________ fatty foods every day? B: No, I don’t. I usually eat healthy foods.
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. ________ there a lot of new students in your class last year?
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. ________ your cruise to Alaska really beautiful?
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. There ________ a lot of new students in our class last year.
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. My friends ________ all at the game.
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. We ________ [1 fly] flew to London for the beginning of our European vacation.
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. On the second day, we ________ [4 go] shopping at Harrod’s Department Store.
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. We ________ [3 visit] the Tower of London. was visit visited did visit
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. We ________ [2 see] the Millennium Wheel.
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. On the second day, we ________ [4 go] shopping at Harrod’s Department Store.
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. We ______________meet in the office this morning. We can meet at the park. have to has to don’t have to doesn’t have to
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. No, I’m not. And you? That’s Paul. No, she’s not.
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. A:________it? B: It’s 4:20. What day is What time is What is Where is
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. March is my favorite month May 10th I was born on July 6th My birthday is on the second of February
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. The children are playing in ____________ room.
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. ______skirt do you like? The short one or the long one? Which What size Why What color
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. She works_______a bookstore.
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. are you study do you study does your study
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. A:_____________? B: It’s 34 Bank Street. Where’s your school? What time’s your school? Is your school on Bank Street?
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. The dinner is______December______the 6th.
  • Multiple Choice Please save your changes before editing any questions. That’s a nice lamp. What do you think? I think they’re great. I think it’s ugly. What’s it like?
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