You want to return a list of all elements in two redis sets. which keyword do you use?

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Available since:1.0.0Time complexity:O[N] where N is the set cardinality.ACL categories: @read, @set, @slow,

Returns all the members of the set value stored at key.

This has the same effect as running SINTER with one argument key.


Array reply: all elements of the set.


SADD myset "Hello" SADD myset "World" SMEMBERS myset


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  4. Redis lists

Introduction to Redis lists

Redis lists are linked lists of string values. Redis lists are frequently used to:

  • Implement stacks and queues.
  • Build queue management for background worker systems.


  • Treat a list like a queue [first in, first out]:
> LPUSH work:queue:ids 101
[integer] 1
> LPUSH work:queue:ids 237
[integer] 2
> RPOP work:queue:ids
> RPOP work:queue:ids
  • Treat a list like a stack [first in, last out]:
> LPUSH work:queue:ids 101
[integer] 1
> LPUSH work:queue:ids 237
[integer] 2
> LPOP work:queue:ids
> LPOP work:queue:ids
  • Check the length of a list:
> LLEN work:queue:ids
[integer] 0
  • Atomically pop an element from one list and push to another:
> LPUSH board:todo:ids 101
[integer] 1
> LPUSH board:todo:ids 273
[integer] 2
> LMOVE board:todo:ids board:in-progress:ids LEFT LEFT
> LRANGE board:todo:ids 0 -1
1] "101"
> LRANGE board:in-progress:ids 0 -1
1] "273"
  • To create a capped list that never grows beyond 100 elements, you can call LTRIM after each call to LPUSH:
> LPUSH notifications:user:1 "You've got mail!"
[integer] 1
> LTRIM notifications:user:1 0 99
> LPUSH notifications:user:1 "Your package will be delivered at 12:01 today."
[integer] 2
> LTRIM notifications:user:1 0 99


The max length of a Redis list is 2^32 - 1 [4,294,967,295] elements.

Basic commands

  • LPUSH adds a new element to the head of a list; RPUSH adds to the tail.
  • LPOP removes and returns an element from the head of a list; RPOPdoes the same but from the tails of a list.
  • LLEN returns the length of a list.
  • LMOVE atomically moves elements from one list to another.
  • LTRIM reduces a list to the specified range of elements.

Blocking commands

Lists support several blocking commands. For example:

  • BLPOP removes and returns an element from the head of a list. If the list is empty, the command blocks until an element becomes available or until the specified timeout is reached.
  • BLMOVE atomically moves elements from a source list to a target list. If the source list is empty, the command will block until a new element becomes available.

See the complete series of list commands.


List operations that access its head or tail are O[1], which means they're highly efficient. However, commands that manipulate elements within a list are usually O[n]. Examples of these include LINDEX, LINSERT, and LSET. Exercise caution when running these commands, mainly when operating on large lists.


Consider Redis streams as an alternative to lists when you need to store and process an indeterminate series of events.

Learn more

  • Redis Lists Explained is a short, comprehensive video explainer on Redis lists.
  • Redis University's RU101 covers Redis lists in detail.


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GRAPH.QUERY graph query [TIMEOUT timeout]
Available in: Redis Stack / Graph 1.0.0Time complexity:

Executes the given query against a specified graph.

Arguments: Graph name, Query, Timeout [optional]

Returns: Result set

GRAPH.QUERY us_government "MATCH [p:president]-[:born]->[:state {name:'Hawaii'}] RETURN p"

Query-level timeouts can be set as described in the configuration section.

Query language

The syntax is based on Cypher, and only a subset of the language currently supported.

  1. Clauses
  2. Functions

Query structure

  • SKIP
  • SET
  • WITH


Match describes the relationship between queried entities, using ascii art to represent pattern[s] to match against.

Nodes are represented by parentheses [], and Relationships are represented by brackets [].

Each graph entity node/relationship can contain an alias and a label/relationship type, but both can be left empty if necessary.

Entity structure: alias:label {filters}.

Alias, label/relationship type, and filters are all optional.


[a:Actor]-[:ACT]->[m:Movie {title:"straight outta compton"}]

a is an alias for the source node, which we'll be able to refer to at different places within our query.

Actor is the label under which this node is marked.

ACT is the relationship type.

m is an alias for the destination node.

Movie destination node is of "type" movie.

{title:"straight outta compton"} requires the node's title attribute to equal "straight outta compton".

In this example, we're interested in actor entities which have the relation "act" with the entity representing the "straight outta compton" movie.

It is possible to describe broader relationships by composing a multi-hop query such as:

[me {name:'swilly'}]-[:FRIENDS_WITH]->[]-[:FRIENDS_WITH]->[foaf]

Here we're interested in finding out who my friends' friends are.

Nodes can have more than one relationship coming in or out of them, for instance:

[me {name:'swilly'}]-[:VISITED]->[c:Country][capture]

The named path includes all entities in the path, regardless of whether they have been explicitly aliased. Named paths can be accessed using designated built-in functions or returned directly if using a language-specific client.


"MATCH p=[charlie:Actor { name: 'Charlie Sheen' }]-[:PLAYED_WITH*1..3]->[:Actor]
RETURN nodes[p] as actors"

This query will produce all the paths matching the pattern contained in the named path p. All of these paths will share the same starting point, the actor node representing Charlie Sheen, but will otherwise vary in length and contents. Though the variable-length traversal and [:Actor] endpoint are not explicitly aliased, all nodes and edges traversed along the path will be included in p. In this case, we are only interested in the nodes of each path, which we'll collect using the built-in function nodes[]. The returned value will contain, in order, Charlie Sheen, between 0 and 2 intermediate nodes, and the unaliased endpoint.

All shortest paths

The allShortestPaths function returns all the shortest paths between a pair of entities.

allShortestPaths[] is a MATCH mode in which only the shortest paths matching all criteria are captured. Both the source and the target nodes must be bound in an earlier WITH-demarcated scope to invoke allShortestPaths[].

A minimal length [must be 1] and maximal length [must be at least 1] for the search may be specified. Zero or more relationship types may be specified [e.g. [:R|Q*1..3]]. No property filters may be introduced in the pattern.

allShortestPaths[] can have any number of hops for its minimum and maximum, including zero. This number represents how many edges can be traversed in fulfilling the pattern, with a value of 0 entailing that the source node will be included in the returned path.

Filters on properties are supported, and any number of labels may be specified.


"MATCH [charlie:Actor {name: 'Charlie Sheen'}], [kevin:Actor {name: 'Kevin Bacon'}]
WITH charlie, kevin
MATCH p=allShortestPaths[[charlie]-[:PLAYED_WITH*]->[kevin]]
RETURN nodes[p] as actors"

This query will produce all paths of the minimum length connecting the actor node representing Charlie Sheen to the one representing Kevin Bacon. There are several 2-hop paths between the two actors, and all of these will be returned. The computation of paths then terminates, as we are not interested in any paths of length greater than 2.

Single-Pair minimal-weight bounded-cost bounded-length paths

[Since RedisGraph v2.10]

The algo.SPpaths procedure returns one, n, or all minimal-weight, [optionally] bounded-cost, [optionally] bounded-length distinct paths between a pair of entities. Each path is a sequence of distinct nodes connected by distinct edges.

algo.SPpaths[] is a MATCH mode in which only the paths matching all criteria are captured. Both the source and the target nodes must be bound in an earlier WITH-demarcated scope to invoke algo.SPpaths[].

Input arguments:

  • A map containing:
    • sourceNode: Mandatory. Must be of type node

    • targetNode: Mandatory. Must be of type node

    • relTypes: Optional. Array of zero or more relationship types. A relationship must have one of these types to be part of the path. If not specified or empty: the path may contain any relationship.

    • relDirection: Optional. string. one of 'incoming', 'outgoing', 'both'. If not specified: 'outgoing'.

    • pathCount: Optional. Number of minimal-weight paths to retrieve. Non-negative integer. If not specified: 1

      • 0: retrieve all minimal-weight paths [all reported paths have the same weight]

        Order: 1st : minimal cost, 2nd: minimal length.

      • 1: retrieve a single minimal-weight path

        When multiple equal-weight paths exist: [preferences: 1st : minimal cost, 2nd: minimal length]

      • n > 1: retrieve up to n minimal-weight paths [reported paths may have different weights]

        When multiple equal-weight paths exist: [preferences: 1st : minimal cost, 2nd: minimal length]

    • weightProp: Optional. If not specified: use the default weight: 1 for each relationship.

      The name of the property that represents the weight of each relationship [integer / float]

      If such property doesn’t exist, of if its value is not a positive numeric - use the default weight: 1

      Note: when all weights are equal: minimal-weight ≡ shortest-path.

    • costProp: Optional. If not specified: use the default cost: 1 for each relationship.

      The name of the property that represents the cost of each relationship [integer / float]

      If such property doesn't exist, or if its value is not a positive numeric - use the default cost: 1

    • maxLen: Optional. Maximal path length [number of relationships along the path]. Positive integer.

      If not specified: no maximal length constraint.

    • maxCost: Optional. Positive numeric. If not specified: no maximal cost constraint.

      The maximal cumulative cost for the relationships along the path.


  • Paths conforming to the input arguments. For each reported path:

    • path - the path

    • pathWeight - the path’s weight

    • pathCost - the path’s cost

    To retrieve additional information:

    • The path’s length can be retrieved with length[path]

    • An array of the nodes along the path can be retrieved with nodes[path]

    • The path’s first node can be retrieved with nodes[path][0]

    • The path’s last node can be retrieved with nodes[path][-1]

    • An array of the relationship's costs along the path can be retrieved with [r in relationships[path] | r.cost] where cost is the name of the cost property

    • An array of the relationship's weights along the path can be retrieved with [r in relationships[path] | r.weight] where weight is the name of the weight property

Behavior in presence on multiple-edges:

  • multi-edges are two or more edges connecting the same pair of vertices [possibly with different weights and costs].

  • All matching edges are considered. Paths with identical vertices and different edges are different paths. The following are 3 different paths ['n1', 'n2', and 'n3' are nodes; 'e1', 'e2', 'e3', and 'e4' are edges]: [n1]-[e1]-[n2]-[e2]-[n3], [n1]-[e1]-[n2]-[e3]-[n3], [n1]-[e4]-[n2]-[e3]-[n3]


"MATCH [s:Actor {name: 'Charlie Sheen'}], [t:Actor {name: 'Kevin Bacon'}] 
CALL algo.SPpaths[ {sourceNode: s, targetNode: t, relTypes: ['r1', 'r2', 'r3'], relDirection: 'outgoing', pathCount: 1, weightProp: 'weight', costProp: 'cost', maxLen: 3, maxCost: 100} ] 
YIELD path, pathCost, pathWeight
RETURN path ORDER BY pathCost"

Single-Source minimal-weight bounded-cost bounded-length paths

[Since RedisGraph v2.10]

The algo.SSpaths procedure returns one, n, or all minimal-weight, [optionally] bounded-cost, [optionally] bounded-length distinct paths from a given entity. Each path is a sequence of distinct nodes connected by distinct edges.

algo.SSpaths[] is a MATCH mode in which only the paths matching all criteria are captured. The source node must be bound in an earlier WITH-demarcated scope to invoke algo.SSpaths[].

Input arguments:

  • A map containing:
    • sourceNode: Mandatory. Must be of type node

    • relTypes: Optional. Array of zero or more relationship types. A relationship must have one of these types to be part of the path. If not specified or empty: the path may contain any relationship.

    • relDirection: Optional. string. one of 'incoming', 'outgoing', 'both'. If not specified: 'outgoing'.

    • pathCount: Optional. Number of minimal-weight paths to retrieve. Non-negative integer. If not specified: 1

      This number is global [not per source-target pair]; all returned paths may be with the same target.

      • 0: retrieve all minimal-weight paths [all reported paths have the same weight]

        Order: 1st : minimal cost, 2nd: minimal length.

      • 1: retrieve a single minimal-weight path

        When multiple equal-weight paths exist: [preferences: 1st : minimal cost, 2nd: minimal length]

      • n > 1: retrieve up to n minimal-weight paths [reported paths may have different weights]

        When multiple equal-weight paths exist: [preferences: 1st : minimal cost, 2nd: minimal length]

    • weightProp: Optional. If not specified: use the default weight: 1 for each relationship.

      The name of the property that represents the weight of each relationship [integer / float]

      If such property doesn’t exist, of if its value is not a positive numeric - use the default weight: 1

      Note: when all weights are equal: minimal-weight ≡ shortest-path.

    • costProp: Optional. If not specified: use the default cost: 1 for each relationship.

      The name of the property that represents the cost of each relationship [integer / float]

      If such property doesn't exist, or if its value is not a positive numeric - use the default cost: 1

    • maxLen: Optional. Maximal path length [number of relationships along the path]. Positive integer.

      If not specified: no maximal length constraint.

    • maxCost: Optional. Positive numeric. If not specified: no maximal cost constraint.

      The maximal cumulative cost for the relationships along the path.


  • Paths conforming to the input arguments. For each reported path:

    • path - the path

    • pathWeight - the path’s weight

    • pathCost - the path’s cost

    To retrieve additional information:

    • The path’s length can be retrieved with length[path]

    • An array of the nodes along the path can be retrieved with nodes[path]

    • The path’s first node can be retrieved with nodes[path][0]

    • The path’s last node can be retrieved with nodes[path][-1]

    • An array of the relationship's costs along the path can be retrieved with [r in relationships[path] | r.cost] where cost is the name of the cost property

    • An array of the relationship's weights along the path can be retrieved with [r in relationships[path] | r.weight] where weight is the name of the weight property

Behavior in presence on multiple-edges:

  • multi-edges are two or more edges connecting the same pair of vertices [possibly with different weights and costs].

  • All matching edges are considered. Paths with identical vertices and different edges are different paths. The following are 3 different paths ['n1', 'n2', and 'n3' are nodes; 'e1', 'e2', 'e3', and 'e4' are edges]: [n1]-[e1]-[n2]-[e2]-[n3], [n1]-[e1]-[n2]-[e3]-[n3], [n1]-[e4]-[n2]-[e3]-[n3]


"MATCH [s:Actor {name: 'Charlie Sheen'}]
CALL algo.SSpaths[ {sourceNode: s, relTypes: ['r1', 'r2', 'r3'], relDirection: 'outgoing', pathCount: 1, weightProp: 'weight', costProp: 'cost', maxLen: 3, maxCost: 100} ] 
YIELD path, pathCost, pathWeight
RETURN path ORDER BY pathCost"


The OPTIONAL MATCH clause is a MATCH variant that produces null values for elements that do not match successfully, rather than the all-or-nothing logic for patterns in MATCH clauses.

It can be considered to fill the same role as LEFT/RIGHT JOIN does in SQL, as MATCH entities must be resolved but nodes and edges introduced in OPTIONAL MATCH will be returned as nulls if they cannot be found.

OPTIONAL MATCH clauses accept the same patterns as standard MATCH clauses, and may similarly be modified by WHERE clauses.

Multiple MATCH and OPTIONAL MATCH clauses can be chained together, though a mandatory MATCH cannot follow an optional one.

"MATCH [p:Person] OPTIONAL MATCH [p]-[w:WORKS_AT]->[c:Company]
WHERE w.start_date > 2016
RETURN p, w, c"

All Person nodes are returned, as well as any WORKS_AT relations and Company nodes that can be resolved and satisfy the start_date constraint. For each Person that does not resolve the optional pattern, the person will be returned as normal and the non-matching elements will be returned as null.

Cypher is lenient in its handling of null values, so actions like property accesses and function calls on null values will return null values rather than emit errors.

"MATCH [p:Person] OPTIONAL MATCH [p]-[w:WORKS_AT]->[c:Company]
RETURN p, w.department, ID[c] as ID"

In this case, w.department and ID will be returned if the OPTIONAL MATCH was successful, and will be null otherwise.

Clauses like SET, CREATE, MERGE, and DELETE will ignore null inputs and perform the expected updates on real inputs. One exception to this is that attempting to create a relation with a null endpoint will cause an error:

"MATCH [p:Person] OPTIONAL MATCH [p]-[w:WORKS_AT]->[c:Company]

If c is null for any record, this query will emit an error. In this case, no changes to the graph are committed, even if some values for c were resolved.


This clause is not mandatory, but if you want to filter results, you can specify your predicates here.

Supported operations:

  • =
  • =
  • IN

Predicates can be combined using AND / OR / NOT.

Be sure to wrap predicates within parentheses to control precedence.


WHERE [ = "john doe" OR movie.rating > 8.8] AND movie.votes = director.age AND actor.age > 32

It is also possible to specify equality predicates within nodes using the curly braces as such:

[:President {name:"Jed Bartlett"}]-[:WON]->[:State]

Here we've required that the president node's name will have the value "Jed Bartlett".

There's no difference between inline predicates and predicates specified within the WHERE clause.

It is also possible to filter on graph patterns. The following queries, which return all presidents and the states they won in, produce the same results:

MATCH [p:President], [s:State] WHERE [p]-[:WON]->[s] RETURN p, s


MATCH [p:President]-[:WON]->[s:State] RETURN p, s

Pattern predicates can be also negated and combined with the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT. The following query returns all the presidents that did not win in the states where they were governors:

MATCH [p:President], [s:State] WHERE NOT [p]-[:WON]->[s] AND [p]->[:governor]->[s] RETURN p, s

Nodes can also be filtered by label:

MATCH [n]-[:R]->[] WHERE n:L1 OR n:L2 RETURN n 

When possible, it is preferable to specify the label in the node pattern of the MATCH clause.


In its simple form, Return defines which properties the returned result-set will contain.

Its structure is a list of separated by commas.

For convenience, it's possible to specify the alias only when you're interested in every attribute an entity possesses, and don't want to specify each attribute individually. For example:

RETURN movie.title, actor

Use the DISTINCT keyword to remove duplications within the result-set:


In the above example, suppose we have two friends, Joe and Miesha, and both know Dominick.

DISTINCT will make sure Dominick will only appear once in the final result set.

Return can also be used to aggregate data, similar to group by in SQL.

Once an aggregation function is added to the return list, all other "none" aggregated values are considered as group keys, for example:

RETURN movie.title, MAX[actor.age], MIN[actor.age]

Here we group data by movie title and for each movie, and we find its youngest and oldest actor age.


Supported aggregation functions include:

  • avg
  • collect
  • count
  • max
  • min
  • percentileCont
  • percentileDisc
  • stDev
  • sum


Order by specifies that the output be sorted and how.

You can order by multiple properties by stating each variable in the ORDER BY clause.

Each property may specify its sort order with ASC/ASCENDING or DESC/DESCENDING. If no order is specified, it defaults to ascending.

The result will be sorted by the first variable listed.

For equal values, it will go to the next property in the ORDER BY clause, and so on.


Below we sort our friends by height. For equal heights, weight is used to break ties.

ORDER BY friend.height, friend.weight DESC


The optional skip clause allows a specified number of records to be omitted from the result set.


This can be useful when processing results in batches. A query that would examine the second 100-element batch of nodes with the label Person, for example, would be:



Although not mandatory, you can use the limit clause to limit the number of records returned by a query:


If not specified, there's no limit to the number of records returned by a query.


CREATE is used to introduce new nodes and relationships.

The simplest example of CREATE would be a single node creation:

It's possible to create multiple entities by separating them with a comma.

CREATE [:Person {name: 'Kurt', age: 27}]

To add relations between nodes, in the following example we first find an existing source node. After it's found, we create a new relationship and destination node.

"MATCH [a:Person]
WHERE = 'Kurt'
CREATE [a]-[:MEMBER]->[:Band {name:'Nirvana'}]"

Here the source node is a bounded node, while the destination node is unbounded.

As a result, a new node is created representing the band Nirvana and a new relation connects Kurt to the band.

Lastly we create a complete pattern.

All entities within the pattern which are not bounded will be created.

"CREATE [jim:Person{name:'Jim', age:29}]-[:FRIENDS]->[pam:Person {name:'Pam', age:27}]-[:WORKS]->[:Employer {name:'Dunder Mifflin'}]"

This query will create three nodes and two relationships.


DELETE is used to remove both nodes and relationships.

Note that deleting a node also deletes all of its incoming and outgoing relationships.

To delete a node and all of its relationships:


To delete relationship:

GRAPH.QUERY DEMO_GRAPH "MATCH [:Person {name:'Jim'}]-[r:FRIENDS]->[] DELETE r"

This query will delete all friend outgoing relationships from the node with the name 'Jim'.


SET is used to create or update properties on nodes and relationships.

To set a property on a node, use SET.

GRAPH.QUERY DEMO_GRAPH "MATCH [n { name: 'Jim' }] SET = 'Bob'"

If you want to set multiple properties in one go, simply separate them with a comma to set multiple properties using a single SET clause.

"MATCH [n { name: 'Jim', age:32 }]
SET n.age = 33, = 'Bob'"

The same can be accomplished by setting the graph entity variable to a map:

"MATCH [n { name: 'Jim', age:32 }]
SET n = {age: 33, name: 'Bob'}"

Using = in this way replaces all of the entity's previous properties, while += will only set the properties it explicitly mentions.

In the same way, the full property set of a graph entity can be assigned or merged:

"MATCH [jim {name: 'Jim'}], [pam {name: 'Pam'}]
SET jim = pam"

After executing this query, the jim node will have the same property set as the pam node.

To remove a node's property, simply set property value to NULL.



The MERGE clause ensures that a path exists in the graph [either the path already exists, or it needs to be created].

MERGE either matches existing nodes and binds them, or it creates new data and binds that.

It’s like a combination of MATCH and CREATE that also allows you to specify what happens if the data was matched or created.

For example, you can specify that the graph must contain a node for a user with a certain name.

If there isn’t a node with the correct name, a new node will be created and its name property set.

Any aliases in the MERGE path that were introduced by earlier clauses can only be matched; MERGE will not create them.

When the MERGE path doesn't rely on earlier clauses, the whole path will always either be matched or created.

If all path elements are introduced by MERGE, a match failure will cause all elements to be created, even if part of the match succeeded.

The MERGE path can be followed by ON MATCH SET and ON CREATE SET directives to conditionally set properties depending on whether or not the match succeeded.

Merging nodes

To merge a single node with a label:


To merge a single node with properties:

GRAPH.QUERY DEMO_GRAPH "MERGE [charlie { name: 'Charlie Sheen', age: 10 }]"

To merge a single node, specifying both label and property:

GRAPH.QUERY DEMO_GRAPH "MERGE [michael:Person { name: 'Michael Douglas' }]"

Merging paths

Because MERGE either matches or creates a full path, it is easy to accidentally create duplicate nodes.

For example, if we run the following query on our sample graph:

"MERGE [charlie { name: 'Charlie Sheen '}]-[r:ACTED_IN]->[wallStreet:Movie { name: 'Wall Street' }]"

Even though a node with the name 'Charlie Sheen' already exists, the full pattern does not match, so 1 relation and 2 nodes - including a duplicate 'Charlie Sheen' node - will be created.

We should use multiple MERGE clauses to merge a relation and only create non-existent endpoints:

"MERGE [charlie { name: 'Charlie Sheen' }]
 MERGE [wallStreet:Movie { name: 'Wall Street' }]
 MERGE [charlie]-[r:ACTED_IN]->[wallStreet]"

If we don't want to create anything if pattern elements don't exist, we can combine MATCH and MERGE clauses. The following query merges a relation only if both of its endpoints already exist:

"MATCH [charlie { name: 'Charlie Sheen' }]
 MATCH [wallStreet:Movie { name: 'Wall Street' }]
 MERGE [charlie]-[r:ACTED_IN]->[wallStreet]"

On Match and On Create directives

Using ON MATCH and ON CREATE, MERGE can set properties differently depending on whether a pattern is matched or created.

In this query, we'll merge paths based on a list of properties and conditionally set a property when creating new entities:

"UNWIND ['Charlie Sheen', 'Michael Douglas', 'Tamara Tunie'] AS actor_name
 MATCH [movie:Movie { name: 'Wall Street' }]
 MERGE [person {name: actor_name}]-[:ACTED_IN]->[movie]
 ON CREATE SET person.first_role ="


The WITH clause allows parts of queries to be independently executed and have their results handled uniquely.

This allows for more flexible query composition as well as data manipulations that would otherwise not be possible in a single query.

If, for example, we wanted to find all children in our graph who are above the average age of all people:

"MATCH [p:Person] WITH AVG[p.age] AS average_age MATCH [:Person]-[:PARENT_OF]->[child:Person] WHERE child.age > average_age return child

This also allows us to use modifiers like DISTINCT, SKIP, LIMIT, and ORDER that otherwise require RETURN clauses.

"MATCH [u:User]  WITH u AS nonrecent ORDER BY u.lastVisit LIMIT 3 SET nonrecent.should_contact = true"


The UNWIND clause breaks down a given list into a sequence of records; each contains a single element in the list.

The order of the records preserves the original list order.

"CREATE [p {array:[1,2,3]}]"

"MATCH [p] UNWIND p.array AS y RETURN y"


The UNION clause is used to combine the result of multiple queries.

UNION combines the results of two or more queries into a single result set that includes all the rows that belong to all queries in the union.

The number and the names of the columns must be identical in all queries combined by using UNION.

To keep all the result rows, use UNION ALL.

Using just UNION will combine and remove duplicates from the result set.

"MATCH [n:Actor] RETURN AS name
MATCH [n:Movie] RETURN n.title AS name"


This section contains information on all supported functions from the Cypher query language.

  • Predicate functions
  • Scalar functions
  • Aggregating functions
  • List functions
  • Mathematical operators
  • Mathematical functions
  • Trigonometric functions
  • String functions
  • Point functions
  • Type conversion functions
  • Node functions
  • Path functions

Predicate functions

exists[] Returns true if the specified property exists in the node or relationship
isEmpty[] Returns true if the input list or map contains no elements or if the input string contains no characters.
any[] Returns true if the inner WHERE predicate holds true for any element in the input array
all[] Returns true if the inner WHERE predicate holds true for all elements in the input array
none[] Returns true if the inner WHERE predicate holds false for all elements in the input array
single[] Returns true if the inner WHERE predicate holds true for 1 element only in the input array
CASE...WHEN Evaluates the CASE expression and returns the value indicated by the matching WHEN statement

Scalar functions

coalesce[] Returns the first non-null argument
endNode[] Returns the destination node of a relationship
id[] Returns the internal ID of a relationship or node [which is not immutable.]
hasLabels[] Returns true if input node contains all specified labels, otherwise false
labels[] Returns a string representation of the label of a node
properties[] Returns a map containing all the properties in the given map, node, or edge. In case of map, it is returned without any change
randomUUID[] Returns a random UUID [Universal Unique IDentifier]
startNode[] Returns the source node of a relationship
timestamp[] Returns the amount of milliseconds since epoch
type[] Returns a string representation of the type of a relationship type
list comprehensions See documentation
pattern comprehensions See documentation

Aggregating functions

avg[] Returns the average of a set of numeric values
collect[] Returns a list containing all elements which evaluated from a given expression
count[] Returns the number of values or rows
max[] Returns the maximum value in a set of values
min[] Returns the minimum value in a set of values
sum[] Returns the sum of a set of numeric values
percentileDisc[] Returns the percentile of the given value over a group, with a percentile from 0.0 to 1.0
percentileCont[] Returns the percentile of the given value over a group, with a percentile from 0.0 to 1.0
stDev[] Returns the standard deviation for the given value over a group over a sample
stDevP[] Returns the standard deviation for the given value over a group over an entire population

List functions

head[] Returns the first member of a list
keys[] Returns a list of keys containing all properties names in a given map, node, or edge
last[] Returns the last member of a list
range[] Creates a new list of integers in the range of [start, end]. If an interval was given, the interval between two consecutive list members will be this interval.
size[] Returns a list size
tail[] Returns a sublist of a list, which contains all the values without the first value
reduce[] Returns a scalar produced by evaluating an expression against each list member

Mathematical operators

+ Add two values
- Subtract second value from first
* Multiply two values
/ Divide first value by the second
^ Raise the first value to the power of the second
% Perform modulo division of the first value by the second

Mathematical functions

abs[] Returns the absolute value of a number
ceil[] Returns the smallest floating point number that is greater than or equal to a number and equal to a mathematical integer
floor[] Returns the largest floating point number that is less than or equal to a number and equal to a mathematical integer
rand[] Returns a random floating point number in the range from 0 to 1; i.e. [0,1]
round[] Returns the value of a number rounded to the nearest integer
sign[] Returns the signum of a number: 0 if the number is 0, -1 for any negative number, and 1 for any positive number
e[] Returns the constant e, the base of the natural logarithm
exp[] Returns e^a, where e is the base of the natural logarithm
log[] Returns the natural logarithm of a
log10[] Returns the logarithm [base 10] of a
sqrt[] Returns the square root of a number
pow[] Returns base raised to the power of exponent, base^exponent

Trigonometric functions

sin[] Returns the sine of a numeric expression that represents an angle in radians
cos[] Returns the cosine of a numeric expression that represents an angle in radians
haversin[] Returns half the versine of a numeric expression that represents an angle in radians
tan[] Returns the tangent of a numeric expression that represents an angle in radians
cot[] Returns the cotangent of a numeric expression that represents an angle in radians
asin[] Returns the arcsine, in radians, of a numeric expression
acos[] Returns the arccosine, in radians, of a numeric expression
atan[] Returns the arctangent, in radians, of a numeric expression
atan2[] Returns the 2-argument arctangent, in radians, of a pair of numeric expressions [Cartesian coordinates]
degrees[] Converts a numeric expression from radians to degrees
radians[] Converts a numeric expression from degrees to radians
pi[] Returns the mathematical constant pi

String functions

left[] Returns a string containing the specified number of leftmost characters of the original string
lTrim[] Returns the original string with leading whitespace removed
replace[] Returns a string in which all occurrences of a specified substring are replaced with the specified replacement string
reverse[] Returns a string in which the order of all characters in the original string are reversed
right[] Returns a string containing the specified number of rightmost characters of the original string
rTrim[] Returns the original string with trailing whitespace removed
split[] Returns a list of strings from splitting a string by a given delimiter
substring[] Returns a substring of the original string, beginning with a 0-based index start and length
toLower[] Returns the original string in lowercase
toJSON[] Returns a JSON representation of a value
toUpper[] Returns the original string in uppercase
trim[] Returns the original string with leading and trailing whitespace removed
size[] Returns a string length

Point functions

point[] Returns a Point type representing the given lat/lon coordinates
distance[] Returns the distance in meters between the two given points

Type conversion functions

toInteger[] Converts a floating point or string value to an integer value. All other types are not allowed and will cause a type mismatch error to be returned
toIntegerOrNull[] Converts a floating point or string value to an integer value. All other types will return null
toIntegerList[] Converts a list of values to a list of integer values. Each item in the list is converted using toIntegerOrNull[]
toFloat[] Converts an integer or string value to a floating point value. All other types are not allowed and will cause a type mismatch error to be returned
toFloatOrNull[] Converts an integer or string value to a floating point value. All other types will return null
toFloatList[] Converts a list of values to a list of floating point values. Each item in the list is converted using toFloatOrNull[]
toString[] Returns a string representation of a value from the type integer, float, boolean, string, point.All other types are not allowed and will cause a type mismatch error to be returned.
toStringorNull[] Returns a string representation of a value from the type integer, float, boolean, string, point. All other types will return null
toStringList[] Converts a list of values to a list of string values. Each item in the list is converted using toStringOrNull[]
toBoolean[] Returns a boolean value from boolean type, string type [either "True" or "False" string values, case insensitive. All other values will return null] or integer type [0 for false, all other values will return true]. All other types are not allowed and will cause a type mismatch error to be returned.
toBooleanOrNull[] Returns a boolean value from boolean type, string type [either "True" or "False" string values, case insensitive. All other values will return null] or integer type [0 for false, all other values will return true]. All other types will return null.
toBooleanList[] Converts a list of values to a list of boolean values. Each item in the list is converted using toBooleanOrNull[]

Node functions

indegree[] Returns the number of node's incoming edges
outdegree[] Returns the number of node's outgoing edges

Path functions

nodes[] Return a new list of nodes, of a given path
relationships[] Return a new list of edges, of a given path
length[] Return the length [number of edges] of the path
shortestPath[] Return the shortest path that resolves the given pattern

List comprehensions

List comprehensions are a syntactical construct that accepts an array and produces another based on the provided map and filter directives.

They are a common construct in functional languages and modern high-level languages. In Cypher, they use the syntax:

[element IN array WHERE condition | output elem]

  • array can be any expression that produces an array: a literal, a property reference, or a function call.
  • WHERE condition is an optional argument to only project elements that pass a certain criteria. If omitted, all elements in the array will be represented in the output.
  • | output elem is an optional argument that allows elements to be transformed in the output array. If omitted, the output elements will be the same as their corresponding inputs.

The following query collects all paths of any length, then for each produces an array containing the name property of every node with a rank property greater than 10:

MATCH p=[]-[*]->[] RETURN [node IN nodes[p] WHERE node.rank > 10 |]

Existential comprehension functions

The functions any[], all[], single[] and none[] use a simplified form of the list comprehension syntax and return a boolean value.

any[element IN array WHERE condition]

They can operate on any form of input array, but are particularly useful for path filtering. The following query collects all paths of any length in which all traversed edges have a weight less than 3:

MATCH p=[]-[*]->[] WHERE all[edge IN relationships[p] WHERE edge.weight < 3] RETURN p

Pattern comprehensions

Pattern comprehensions are a method of producing a list composed of values found by performing the traversal of a given graph pattern.

The following query returns the name of a Person node and a list of all their friends' ages:

MATCH [n:Person]
[[n]-[:FRIEND_OF]->[f:Person] | f.age]

Optionally, a WHERE clause may be embedded in the pattern comprehension to filter results. In this query, all friends' ages will be gathered for friendships that started before 2010:

MATCH [n:Person]
[[n]-[e:FRIEND_OF]->[f:Person] WHERE e.since < 2010 | f.age]


The case statement comes in two variants. Both accept an input argument and evaluates it against one or more expressions. The first WHEN argument that specifies a value matching the result will be accepted, and the value specified by the corresponding THEN keyword will be returned.

Optionally, an ELSE argument may also be specified to indicate what to do if none of the WHEN arguments match successfully.

In its simple form, there is only one expression to evaluate and it immediately follows the CASE keyword:

CASE n.title
WHEN 'Engineer' THEN 100
WHEN 'Scientist' THEN 80
ELSE n.privileges

In its generic form, no expression follows the CASE keyword. Instead, each WHEN statement specifies its own expression:

WHEN n.age < 18 THEN '0-18'
WHEN n.age < 30 THEN '18-30'
ELSE '30+'


The reduce[] function accepts a starting value and updates it by evaluating an expression against each element of the list:

RETURN reduce[sum = 0, n IN [1,2,3] | sum + n]

sum will successively have the values 0, 1, 3, and 6, with 6 being the output of the function call.


The point[] function expects one map argument of the form:

RETURN point[{latitude: lat_value, longitude: lon_val}]

The key names latitude and longitude are case-sensitive.

The point constructed by this function can be saved as a node/relationship property or used within the query, such as in a distance function call.


The shortestPath[] function is invoked with the form:

MATCH [a {v: 1}], [b {v: 4}] RETURN shortestPath[[a]-[:L*]->[b]]

The sole shortestPath argument is a traversal pattern. This pattern's endpoints must be resolved prior to the function call, and no property filters may be introduced in the pattern. The relationship pattern may specify any number of relationship types [including zero] to be considered. If a minimum number of edges to traverse is specified, it may only be 0 or 1, while any number may be used for the maximum. If 0 is specified as the minimum, the source node will be included in the returned path. If no shortest path can be found, NULL is returned.

JSON format

toJSON[] returns the input value in JSON formatting. For primitive data types and arrays, this conversion is conventional. Maps and map projections [toJSON[node { .prop} ]] are converted to JSON objects, as are nodes and relationships.

The format for a node object in JSON is:

  "type": "node",
  "id": id[int],
  "labels": [label[string] X N],
  "properties": {
    property_key[string]: property_value X N

The format for a relationship object in JSON is:

  "type": "relationship",
  "id": id[int],
  "relationship": type[string],
  "properties": {
    property_key[string]: property_value X N
  "start": src_node[node],
  "end": dest_node[node]


Procedures are invoked using the syntax:

GRAPH.QUERY social "CALL db.labels[]"

Or the variant:

GRAPH.QUERY social "CALL db.labels[] YIELD label"

YIELD modifiers are only required if explicitly specified; by default the value in the 'Yields' column will be emitted automatically.

db.labels none label Yields all node labels in the graph.
db.relationshipTypes none relationshipType Yields all relationship types in the graph.
db.propertyKeys none propertyKey Yields all property keys in the graph.
db.indexes none type, label, properties, language, stopwords, entityType, info Yield all indexes in the graph, denoting whether they are exact-match or full-text and which label and properties each covers and whether they are indexing node or relationship attributes.
db.idx.fulltext.createNodeIndex label, property [, property ...] none Builds a full-text searchable index on a label and the 1 or more specified properties.
db.idx.fulltext.drop label none Deletes the full-text index associated with the given label.
db.idx.fulltext.queryNodes label, string node, score Retrieve all nodes that contain the specified string in the full-text indexes on the given label.
algo.pageRank label, relationship-type node, score Runs the pagerank algorithm over nodes of given label, considering only edges of given relationship type.
algo.BFS source-node, max-level, relationship-type nodes, edges Performs BFS to find all nodes connected to the source. A max level of 0 indicates unlimited and a non-NULL relationship-type defines the relationship type that may be traversed.
dbms.procedures[] none name, mode List all procedures in the DBMS, yields for every procedure its name and mode [read/write].



The breadth-first-search algorithm accepts 4 arguments:

source-node [node] - The root of the search.

max-level [integer] - If greater than zero, this argument indicates how many levels should be traversed by BFS. 1 would retrieve only the source's neighbors, 2 would retrieve all nodes within 2 hops, and so on.

relationship-type [string] - If this argument is NULL, all relationship types will be traversed. Otherwise, it specifies a single relationship type to perform BFS over.

It can yield two outputs:

nodes - An array of all nodes connected to the source without violating the input constraints.

edges - An array of all edges traversed during the search. This does not necessarily contain all edges connecting nodes in the tree, as cycles or multiple edges connecting the same source and destination do not have a bearing on the reachability this algorithm tests for. These can be used to construct the directed acyclic graph that represents the BFS tree. Emitting edges incurs a small performance penalty.


RedisGraph supports single-property indexes for node labels and for relationship type. String, numeric, and geospatial data types can be indexed.

Creating an index for a node label

For a node label, the index creation syntax is:


An old syntax is also supported:


After an index is explicitly created, it will automatically be used by queries that reference that label and any indexed property in a filter.

1] "Results"
2] "    Project"
3] "        Index Scan | [p:Person]"

This can significantly improve the runtime of queries with very specific filters. An index on :employer[name], for example, will dramatically benefit the query:

"MATCH [:Employer {name: 'Dunder Mifflin'}]-[:EMPLOYS]->[p:Person] RETURN p"

An example of utilizing a geospatial index to find Employer nodes within 5 kilometers of Scranton is:

"WITH point[{latitude:41.4045886, longitude:-75.6969532}] AS scranton MATCH [e:Employer] WHERE distance[e.location, scranton] < 5000 RETURN e"

Geospatial indexes can currently only be leveraged with

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