Youtube playlist Last updated

Recently, the youtube.playlistItems.list doesn't fetch a playlist item that is suitable for the youtube.playlistItems.update when listing the watchLater playlist. Its works perfectly for playlist that aren't under the relatedPlaylists category of a channel. [e.g. History, favourite, likes etc.]

My list response looks like this:

{ "items": [ { "id": "V0xWWlh5N2JrM0JSTjAtcDJVUmdjc3JRLjZCM0UwMDFFNUU3NzYzNjc=", "snippet": { "publishedAt": "2016-03-21T19:04:22.000Z", "title": "One Word - Episode 38: Skin Tone [Black Women]", . . . "channelTitle": "Ryan Carter", "playlistId": "WLVZXy7bk3BRN0-p2URgcsrQ", "position": 0, "resourceId": { "kind": "youtube#video", "videoId": "0gYgzN6B0y4" } } },

But when I use those values:

PUT //{YOUR_API_KEY} { "id": "V0xWWlh5N2JrM0JSTjAtcDJVUmdjc3JRLjZCM0UwMDFFNUU3NzYzNjc=", "snippet": { "playlistId": "WLVZXy7bk3BRN0-p2URgcsrQ", "resourceId": { "kind": "youtube#video", "videoId": "0gYgzN6B0y4" } } }

I get:

404 null - Show headers - { "error": { "errors": [ { "domain": "youtube.playlistItem", "reason": "playlistItemNotFound", "message": "Playlist item not found." } ], "code": 404, "message": "Playlist item not found." }


  • Down for just me?
  • Have Google blocked updates for the Watch Later playlist?
  • Is the service broken?

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