Benefits of effective listening in the workplace

Listening is an active process that involves focusing on what is said without allowing other thoughts to invade the process. Small business owners and entrepreneurs who employ serious listening skills and foster this ability from their employees will be the most likely to keep their companies growing. Concentrate on listening at work and you should see benefits such as increased productivity, faster progress toward goals and more congenial relationships between employees.

Reduce Distractions and Interruptions

Inc. Magazine warns employers that when they have poor listening skills themselves they will jeopardize their working relationship with employees. Workers know when they are not really being heard and this decreases their sense of worth in your establishment, builds resentment and motivates them to look for other opportunities. Work on your listening skills by training yourself to focus completely on what is being said.

Take the employee to a quiet spot where you and she are less likely to be distracted or interrupted. This helps aid your listening ability and shows the employee you are interested in what she has to tell you.

Illustrating Caring Attitude

Listening illustrates your caring attitude as a boss in the company. Employees respond positively to an open-door policy in which they know you will listen intently and do your best to resolve issues. The level of trust rises between yourself and your workers and performance problems decrease.

Encourage your staff to listen to one another as well in other to foster employee relationships. This is another instance of showing your concern for employee well-being.

Faster Work Rate

When you and your employees listen to each other regarding how to best accomplish tasks, the work proceeds at a faster rate. Taking this step helps help improve clarity and maintain focus during the task at hand. To help her staff understand the important of good listening, you could provide examples in which active listening either helped or hindered a project.

Less "Do-Overs"

Good listeners learn from what is being said so they are able to use the information at work without making mistakes. When someone does not listen well, however, comprehension is reduced and the production process is likely to slow. According to the Spring Institute for International Studies, employers should first illustrate the relevance of what they are going to say to the employee before it is said to increase his motivation.

For example, explain first that he will be expected to use a new machine that day following your verbal instructions. This heads-up will help guarantee his undivided attention while you speak.

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