Bucket List cast hollywood movie

The Bucket List

The Bucket List

film by Reiner [2007]
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Learn about this topic in these articles:

discussed in biography

  • In Rob Reiner: Later films

    revived somewhat with the comedy The Bucket List [2007], about two terminally ill men who embark upon a quest to fulfill their lifes wishes before they die. Though the movie was not necessarily a critical darling, the pairing of cinema favourites Morgan Freeman and Nicholson appealed to audiences, and the

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role of Freeman

  • In Morgan Freeman

    In Rob Reiners The Bucket List [2007], he and Jack Nicholson played terminally ill cancer patients who make the most of their remaining time.

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The Bucket List

film by Reiner [2007]
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Learn about this topic in these articles:

discussed in biography

  • In Rob Reiner: Later films

    revived somewhat with the comedy The Bucket List [2007], about two terminally ill men who embark upon a quest to fulfill their lifes wishes before they die. Though the movie was not necessarily a critical darling, the pairing of cinema favourites Morgan Freeman and Nicholson appealed to audiences, and the

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role of Freeman

  • In Morgan Freeman

    In Rob Reiners The Bucket List [2007], he and Jack Nicholson played terminally ill cancer patients who make the most of their remaining time.

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