chambersburg là gì - Nghĩa của từ chambersburg

chambersburg có nghĩa là

Is a thick full figure girl who fucks and sucks any guys.
It is a female who enjoys being used by men for there sexual pleasure.
She will fuck or suck anything with a dick and a pulse.


Sarah J. fucked 5 guys over 2 hours at the pub last. she was taking them to the parking lot to fuck them. She is the Slut of Chambersburg

chambersburg có nghĩa là

A large public school in a small town in the middle of nowhere where people think it's cool to wear camo to both school and prom, not just in the woods. Words and phrases like "red up" and "it's all" are typical of these PA Bible Belt students, who most would consider sheltered hicks. There are countless cliques typical of any school, and the popular crowd goes to Shippensburg University on the weekends for parties. Almost entirely Christian, partying is kept secret and students might as well wear a letter A on their clothes if they have sex with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Most students drive trucks and American Eagle is considered preppy. The football team sucks and the school district wasted their money on a new turf field and pretty architecture instead of new books and smart teachers. But that's okay, most of the students are pretty dumb anyway and end up staying there their whole lives. Most students are at least third generation CASHS students. Students spend their free time playing a sport, smoking, or lying to their parents to keep up their Christian persona. Fyi: There's nothing to do.


Students from Chambersburg Area Senior High School Student 1: Oh my GOSH, did you hear about Brittany and Matt?
Student 2: Oooh, tell me!
Student 1: They got caught having sex this weekend at Shippensburg University and their parents are making them go to youth group now!
Student 2: Good, maybe God will forgive them.
Student 1: Yeah . . . wanna go muddin' this weekend?
Student 2: Only if we go shopping at American Eagle first. Student 1: Amen.

chambersburg có nghĩa là

The most boring place in the world. The only fun thing to do is break laws. This is only fun when you don't get caught. Activities include smoking, drinking, partying, trespassing, cow tipping, ect. Located in a rural setting, where the majority of the population is illiterate. Positive, home to many whootys and kinky people. Since they have to be creative so they don't get bored.


I drove to Chambersburg last night. I had the craziest time, but got bored after one night. I don't understand how people live there.

chambersburg có nghĩa là

The town where fun goes to die. Living in Chambersburg is similar to masturbating to the same porn site every night. Its fun the first time you go there, but every time after your left sitting in your bedroom with a limp and messy dick wallowing in self petty. Things locals do for fun are but not limited to, drinking coffee at Denny's, getting the shits at Waffle House, listening the local mind numbing christian bands, and attempting/succeeding in suicide.


Guy 1: Last night I went to Chambersburg to get some pussy!" Guy 2: Jesus Christ how did that go?! Guy 1: Terrible, I tried to screw this hot chick, but she was so boring my dick went limp. I ended up going home and jerking off, but it was tough because my tears kept getting in the way. I'm never going back there again.

chambersburg có nghĩa là

The county seat of Franklin County, a place that Benjamin Franklin never actually visited. One of the most boring places in the United States. Its downtown area is only 6 blocks, and comprised mostly of churches. It has the highest amount of churches per capita. Its mall, or what remains of one, has continuously been ranked as one of the most dead malls in America, with no anchor stores remaining. Chambersburg has the unique position of being a city surrounded by rural farmland. This causes the unique demographic makeup of the community. It has a very high amount of Hispanic residents, who work on the surrounding farms for low wages. These Hispanics primarily live in the downtown area, along with blacks, which is the main reason why the downtown area hasn't suffered from urban decay like other cities. Most whites live in the suburbs. The education is awful, with less than 70% of people holding a high school diploma and a dropout rate of 25%. Public transportation is nonexistent, with no taxis, trains, or buses operating in the city. Chambersburg claims it has "an amazing position that is very close to major cities like New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C.," when in reality, it is at least two hours away from each of those cities. Things to do in Chambersburg include drinking, smoking, partying, hunting, cow tipping, watching white people act black, and attempting/succeeding in committing suicide. It is a place where fun goes to die.


Chambersburg sucks ass.

chambersburg có nghĩa là

The seat of Franklin County, PA. Known for more churches per capita than any other area in the US, and historically known for being burnt to the ground by the confederacy. A mixture of hicks and country folk, rich soulless landowners and their dynasties of shitty children, and middle class Christians- all of whom look down their noses at nearby Shippensburg. There's a very small contingent of progressive-minded people who try to bring culture to the area, as well as a surprisingly large gay population. Generally a boring fucking place to live with way too many shitty places to eat. A popular nickname is "Fun City." Many people say it's a great place to live because "it's close to Baltimore, DC, Philly, and New York" which is misleading because it takes two hours at a minimum to get to any of those places.


"I can't wait until high school is over so I can get the fuck out of Chambersburg!" fun city southcentralpa

chambersburg có nghĩa là

A place full of ghetto people that make their own rules


Fuck chambersburg area middle school I do what the fuck I want

chambersburg có nghĩa là

Chambersburg Area Senior High School, colloquially known as CASHS, is a school located in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Activities are typical. Sports include attempts at football, basketball, and your occasional Woo-Hoo in the bathrooms. The school band and color guard are actually pretty good at what they do. Scholarly pursuits at the school are met with either encourangement or hindrances. Some teachers are good at their jobs and are friendly; others are hated for their reputation of being a hard-ass. The amount of homework and projects you are tasked seems to depend on how the teacher's day is going. As for student life, it is mostly typical, although there's underlying racial tension and a shitload of bullying that the staff just cant seem to notice. You'll come to find that a vast majority of the population is made up of hicks. These hicks are your wannabe-cowboy, flannel-wearin, mullet-sportin, pornstache-showin, Confederate-flag-flyin, big-truck-little-dick-drivin type of rednecks. Their brash and not-so-subtle nature makes them undesirable, but you mostly want to punch them in the face because why not. On the complete opposite end, you have the E-boys and E-girls, who are pretty similar themselves: they all play the same video games and watch the same shows. They usually sport an extremely unnatural hair dye and a desire to shit on Trump's desk. In conclusion, this school is a shithole that should not exist at all, and would be better off as a pile of ashes.


The only thing you'll miss from Chambersburg Area Senior High School is either your dignity, your virginity, or your innocence. It all sucks.

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