Describe the inspection method and assessments made while inspecting the abdomen Quizlet

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Terms in this set [112]

no specific cause identified, but risk factors include increased age, history of Adenoma's, high red-meat diet, high fat and low fiber diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, first degree relatives, inflammatory bowel disease, crohn's disease

change in bowel habits, abdominal pain, pressure, or cramping, iron deficiency anemia due to blood loss, weakness, weight loss, rectal pressure and/or bleeding, mass in RLQ, rectal bleeding, pain, blood in stools, change in bowel habits, alternating constipation and diarrhea, nausea and vomiting

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What's the first thing you must ask the patient before starting the assessment?

urinate or eliminate waste first

Where must you drape the clothing to examine the stomach?

Drape client at xiphoid process and symphsis publis to expose abdomen.

Then make sure the client is comfortable in a supine position with knees flexed over a pillow or position client so that the arms are either folded across the chest or at sides to ensure abdominal relaxation.

Where must you be to perform you assessment with the patient?

Stand to the right side of client for exam.*******

Have your client point to the areas that bothers them.

use the two handed "sandwich" technique for ticklish patients

Abdominal order of the assessment:


What do you perform auscultation initially for abdominal assessment?

performed second because palpation and percussion could alter bowel sounds.

Abdominal inspection and landmarks

Notice that the abdominal is broken down into 4 main areas:



Epigastric, Umbilical, and Hypogastric or Supraublic

Abdominal Inspection: What are you observing?

Observe the coloration of the skin.
Note the vascularity of the skin: scattered fine views, dilated superficial capillaries.

Note stiae [stretch marks]

Inspect for scares

Observe umbilical location: midline at later line

What for peristaltic waves, normally not seen, although ay be seen in very thin people as slight ripple.

Abdominal Inspection: Contour

Normal abdomen is:
Flate or rounded

Abnormal abdomen is:
Scaphoid or protuberant.

Auscultate for bowel sounds--the process

place the diaphragm lightly on abdominal wall beginning in the RLQ.

Note intensity, pitch and frequency of bowel sounds

Listen for 1 min in an abdominal quadrant before concluding that bowel sounds are absent [5 mins total!!]

Auscultate for Bowel Sounds

Normal: a series of intermittent, soft clicking or gurgles heard at a rate of 5-30/min

Hyperactive: >2-3 sounds or >30 loud, prolonged gurgles charactersitic of stomach growling [Borboygymi]

Hypoactive: indicate decreased motility of the bowels [ sharp pain in area of inflammation

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When is the best time to measure abdominal girt?

Measure abdominal girth at same time each day. Ideally in the morning just after voiding.

Ideal position is patient standing. Otherwise client should be in supine position.

Place take measure behind client and measure and umbilicus.

What is happening the abdomen of the older adult

Esophageal emptying is delayed increased risk for aspiration

Abdominal musculature loses much of its tone

Increased fat deposition in abdominal area.

Gastric acid decreases which may interfere with vitamin B12 absorption

Mucosal lining of GI tract becomes less elastic, and changes in gastric motility result in alterations in digestion and absorption.

Blood flow through the liver is decreased by 55% which can impair drug metabolism.

Increased complains of gas or constipation

Increased incidence of GI malignancy. Intestines subject to ischemia related to atherosclerosis.

What is the order of assessment technique when assessing the abdomen?

Assessing your patient's abdomen can provide critical information about his internal organs. Always follow this sequence: inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation.

How do you assess the abdomen quizlet?

Rationale: The correct order for abdominal assessment is inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation. Palpation is the last step in abdominal assessment. Auscultation follows assessment because percussion and palpation can alter the frequency and intensity of bowel sounds.

What are the steps of an abdominal assessment?

The abdominal examination consists of four basic components: inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. It is important to begin with the general examination of the abdomen with the patient in a completely supine position.

What assessment technique should be used to measure abdominal girth quizlet?

Explanation: The umbilicus should be used as the starting point for measuring abdominal girth, especially when ascites is present. Measure the girth at the same time each day, ideally after the client voids in the morning. The ideal position is for the client to stand.

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