Dilated pupils là gì

Why Do I Need to Get My Eyes Dilated?

By Stephanie Langmaid
Medically Reviewed by Whitney Seltman,OD on March 16, 2021

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Dilation is part of a thorough eye exam. You may think its a hassle. But it gives your doctor a good look inside your eye. Its especially important if youre having eye pain or vision problems, or if youre more likely to get certain eye diseases.

Normally, your pupil gets smaller when light shines into it. In dilation, your doctor uses special eye drops to force the pupil to stay open. Thisallows them to see much more of the back of your eye, including the entire retina, the part of the retina called the macula, and the optic nerve.

During a dilated exam, your doctor can spot problems like a torn or detached retina or an eye tumor. They can also diagnose and monitor common eye diseases that can take away your sight:

  • Diabetic retinopathy: Signs include blood vessels that leak, swell, or grow abnormally in the retina.
  • Glaucoma: Your doctor looks for damage to the optic nerve.
  • Age-related macular degeneration: Protein or pigment buildup and unusual growth of blood vessels are symptoms of a breakdown of the macula.
  • Cataract: A clouding of your natural lens.

Almost all of these conditions are painless, so you may not even know you have oneunless you see your doctor and have your eyes dilated.

How Long Does It Last?

Everyones eyes react differently to the dilation drops. It usually takes 15 to 30 minutes for your pupils to open completely. Most people are back to normal within about 4 to 6 hours. But for you, the effects could wear off more quickly, or they could last much longer.

Can I Drive?

Dilation doesnt typically affect your distance vision,unless you are farsighted and dont have glasses to correct your vision. But because your pupils cant control the amount of light going into your eyes, the glare outside may bother you. For some people, that makes it unsafe to drive.

If youve never had your eyes dilated, get someone else to drive you home from your appointment. Once youve had it done, youll know whether dilation means you cant drive after an exam.

Whether or not you get behind the wheel, its a good idea to bring sunglasses with you so you can shield your eyes after the exam.

Can I Go Back To Work?

Dilating drops make it hard for your eyes to focus on things close to you. You probably wont be able to read, use the computer, or do other tasks that require near vision after your appointment, unless you wear bifocals or use reading glasses. If you work outside, the bright light may bother you. It may be easier to make an appointment later in the day so you dont have to go back to work.

How Often Do I Need It?

The National Eye Institute recommends everyone over 60 have a dilated exam once a year. If youre African-American, youre at higher risk for glaucoma, so the yearly recommendation starts at age 40. If you have diabetes, you should also have a dilated exam once a year no matter how old you are.

Dilation is often a normal part of an eye exam for people who wear glasses or contacts. But if youre young and your eyes are healthy, you may not need it every time. Your doctor also may be able to use other methods to check your retina without dilating your eyes, but they may not work as well. See what your doctor recommends.

Many eye diseases are more common as you get older. The American Academy of Ophthalmology says everyone should get a baseline exam with dilation when theyre 40. That way, your doctor can track any changes that could signal a problem.

Show Sources


National Eye Institute: What is a comprehensive dilated eye exam?

BrightFocus Foundation: The Dilated Eye Exam: Why Its So Important.

The Cleveland Clinic: To Save Your Vision, Doctors Look Deep Into Your Eyes.

American Academy of Ophthalmology: What to Expect When Your Eyes Are Dilated, Eye Exams 101.

Eye: Driving ability after pupillary dilatation.

British Journal of Ophthalmology: Pupil dilatation does affect some aspects of daytime driving performance.

Mayo Clinic: Eye dilation: Necessary with every eye exam?

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