Kick yourself nghĩa là gì

Photo by Derek Owens on Unsplash

"Someone can go hang oneself" = tự đi treo cổ được rồi đấy -> câu dùng khi không quan tâm đến lời người khác nói hay việc họ làm.

Ví dụ
For OToole, Brexit is at heart an English nationalist project. Opinion polls have shown that Scotland and Ireland can go hang, as far as Brexotics are concerned. They are devout [chân thành] believers in English exceptionalism [chủ nghĩa ngoại lệ].

Under the surface, though, the defender of Australian values wasn't necessarily welcomed. "You can go hang yourself," muttered [thì thầm] one woman as she walked away from a Latham handshake.

Unfortunately, the same could not quite be said for its owner. For after an unseemly [không đúng lúc] row with a wealthy neighbour in the 17th century stately home, Carter sent her an email telling her to go hang yourself.

As the saying goes: heres all the rope in the world, go hang yourself with it, said Councilman Michael Russo. If you choose, as mayor, to put someone in a position, and it turns out that they do not have the qualifications [phẩm chất] or they turn out to be inept [vớ vẩn] in that position, shame on you as mayor at the end of the day it is the administrations authority and ability to make those appointments, and we vote yes or no.

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