star treks là gì - Nghĩa của từ star treks

star treks có nghĩa là

Star Wars mortal enemy


StarWars Kid: Use The Force!
StarTrek Kid: Phasers On Stun!

Startrek guy on undergrads:
Where's Your Yoda Now?....Smeh

star treks có nghĩa là

A popular series in the mid 60s. Created by Eugene Roddenberry and is one of the most popular science fiction topic in the world. Mostly about a captain exploring space and thinks of clever ways other than attacking[last resort] to solve problems. The motto is "to boldly go where no man has gone before."


Star Trek is on everynight at 7:00.

star treks có nghĩa là

A show that has spanned almost 40 years. While now insulted and unliked, it was once one of the greateest shows. Despite the lack of popularity, there are still millions of 'trekkies' and 'trekkers.' It has 5 serieses and 10 movies, and many online forums. Someday, it may be famous again.


I enjoy "Star Trek" because of its ideas of the future.

star treks có nghĩa là

A television show originally spawned by Gene Roddenberry. It Is the greatest science fiction show ever produced. It, unlike nearly every other science fiction show or movie, relies on a cerebral approach to solve a poblem rather than a gun, something that is very twoubling in today's science fiction. Star Wars posesses a James Bond sort of quality of shoot, shoot again, shoot some more, blow up something, kill billions of people only to be redeemed by saving one.


It is a great travesty that after the murder of billions, Vader was redeemed by saving the life of one, his son, who also killed billions all in the name of an equally imperialistic cause. Star Trek would never allow that.

star treks có nghĩa là

A creation that has spawned 5 shows

Orginal series
Next generation
Deep space nine

Star trek next generation was easily the best


star treks có nghĩa là

A great sci-fi franchise that has perhaps seen one too many years [the original series was the best]. I swear to God though, if I see one more fuckin' comparison to Star Wars I'll beat your fuckin' asses.


Star Trek's best captain [and biggest playa] is James T.Kirk.

star treks có nghĩa là

Sci-fi TV show from the 60's originally concieced by Gene Roddenberry. Star Trek in its 5 live action TV series and 10 movies were originally based on the Gene Roddenburry's visions of the future and his humanistic principles for what the future could achieve if human-kind worked to better its self with the use of technology and personal freedom.

Devoties of star trek are known as [i] Treckies or [ii] Trekkers.
[i] Treckies are often fans of the show but tend not to too heavily engage in the geekyer aspects of it such as conventions or creating their own uniform, righting fan scripts. Still likely to own plenty of DVD/PC Games on the subject buts that’s about it
[ii] Trekkers on the other hand tend to be much more devoted/fanatical and noticeably geekier, oftern sporting uniforms from the show in public with out much reason. Speaking Klingon to their friends [though most Treckies know the odd phrase her or there] and having hundreds of pounds [yes, not dollars] worth of Star Trek memorabilia. Trekkers can be described as 'moving with the show' though a week definition it show quite nicely the considerably amounts of involvement Trekkers with the show have over the passive engagement of Treckies

Star Trek: The Original Series concept was later to be formed in to several spin-of series; "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in the 80's, the 90's saw "Star Trek: Voyager" and "Star Trek: Deep Space 9" and the 00's saw "Star Trek: Enterprise" [prequel series to the Original Series] grace our screen. There have been 10 film incarnations also with another one on the way. Though Gene Roddenberry passed away during the filming of one of the later series of ST:The Next Generation, much of his vision was still continued in the continuing series and movies. Most notably however, was that Gene’s model of standalone episodes was was scrapped, star trek could now have story archers that spanned over many episodes [as in Star Trek: Deep space 9 Series 7, the closing of that series have a 5 episode story line].


Quick put on Sky one Star Trek Fest!!

I'm a Treckie - love the show, and have all the DVD's

I'm a Trekkers - this show is real, one day i shall be Captin of the Enterprose, in the mean time im going to go around dressed as such!

star treks có nghĩa là

The show that proves that all you need to look like an alien is a small lump of clay attached to your head.


The Whole Show "Star Trek"

star treks có nghĩa là

a show starting 10 years before a small bearded rip off merchant took japanese films and transported them into the past in another galaxy far far away. the progenitor of every science fiction space battle type film. the best god damn mofo tv program on earth, watched by more people over the years than wannabee java sipping yuppies who think "friends" is funny and based on real life.


[klingon to cardasian] today is a good day to die.
[cardasian to klingon] fuck that star trek is on.

star treks có nghĩa là

A play on the famous TV series, although of sexual orientation. Star Trekking defines the process of forming the famous split finger pose with your hand [ as Spock would do], and pleasuring your girlfriend from behind in the pink and brown pocket.


Whilst invigorating Sally, Steves' mother happened upon them. In amazement she asked 'Steve what are you doing?' Steve replied 'Im star trekking now live long and prosper and close the door on your way out'

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