The process known as the ________ cycle is used by the cpu to execute instructions in a program.

  • School Rutgers University, Newark
  • Course Title CS 101
  • Pages 5
  • Ratings 100% [2] 2 out of 2 people found this document helpful

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7.The process known as the __________ cycle is used by the CPU to execute instructions in a program.a.decode-fetch-executeb.decode-execute-fetchc.fetch-decode-executed.fetch-execute-decodeANS: C

8.Which language is referred to as a low-level language?

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9.The following is an example of an instruction written in which computer language?

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10.The encoding technique used to store negative numbers in the computer's memory is called

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11.The __________ coding scheme contains a set of 128 numeric codes that are used to representcharacters in the computer's memory.a.Unicodeb.ASCIIc.ENIACd.two's complementANS: B

12.The smallest storage location in a computer's memory is known as a

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13.What is the largest value that can be stored in one byte?

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b.128c.8d.65535ANS: A14.The disk drive is a secondary storage device that stores data by __________ encoding it onto aspinning circular disk.

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15.A __________ has no moving parts and operates faster than a traditional disk drive.a.DVD driveb.solid state drivec.jumper drived.hyper driveANS: B

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What Does Machine Cycle Mean?

A machine cycle consists of the steps that a computer’s processor executes whenever it receives a machine language instruction. It is the most basic CPU operation, and modern CPUs are able to perform millions of machine cycles per second. The cycle consists of three standard steps: fetch, decode and execute. In some cases, store is also incorporated into the cycle.

Techopedia Explains Machine Cycle

The machine cycle is the most basic operation that a computer performs, and in order to complete menial tasks such as showing a single character on the screen, the CPU has to perform multiple cycles. The computer does this from the moment it boots up until it shuts down.

The steps of a machine cycle are:

  • Fetch – The control unit requests instructions from the main memory that is stored at a memory’s location as indicated by the program counter [also known as the instruction counter].
  • Decode – Received instructions are decoded in the instruction register. This involves breaking the operand field into its components based on the instruction’s operation code [opcode].
  • Execute – This involves the instruction’s opcode as it specifies the CPU operation required. The program counter indicates the instruction sequence for computer. These instructions are arranged into the instructions register and as each are executed, it increments the program counter so that the next instruction is stored in memory. Appropriate circuitry is then activated to perform the requested task. As soon as instructions have been executed, it restarts the machine cycle that begins the fetch step.

What is processing cycle of CPU?

A machine cycle consists of the steps that a computer's processor executes whenever it receives a machine language instruction. It is the most basic CPU operation, and modern CPUs are able to perform millions of machine cycles per second. The cycle consists of three standard steps: fetch, decode and execute.

When the process is executing instructions it is called?

The process of fetching and executing instructions, one at a time, in the order of increasing addresses is known as straight line sequencing. An instruction cycle [also known as the fetch–decode–execute cycle or the fetch-execute cycle] is the basic operational process of a computer.

What part of the CPU executes instructions?

The actual mathematical operation for each instruction is performed by a combinational logic circuit within the CPU's processor known as the arithmetic–logic unit or ALU. In general, a CPU executes an instruction by fetching it from memory, using its ALU to perform an operation, and then storing the result to memory.

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