tranny chaser là gì - Nghĩa của từ tranny chaser

tranny chaser có nghĩa là

A straight male who is turned on by male to female transsexuals. Tranny Chasers do not like men and are only attracted to transsexuals because they look like women. Gay men do not like male to female transsexuals because strangely enough gay men like men not women.


Guy#1: Wow Bobby's new girlfriend is super hot.
Guy#2: Did you know that she was born a dude?
Guy#1: Woah. I didn't know Bobby was gay.
Guy#2 He isn't gay He's a tranny chaser , gays don't date women, they like guys. Guy#1: I thought you said she is a guy?
Guy#2: I said she "WAS" a guy, not "IS" a guy. Guy's don't have tits and where skirts, do they?
Guy#1: Nah I guess not.

tranny chaser có nghĩa là

Common lingo to define a guy who is sexually obsessed with transsexuals.


"He is such a tranny chaser."

tranny chaser có nghĩa là

Usually refers to disgusting, creepy, horrible "straight" men who festishize pre/non-op mtf transsexuals [more respectfully refered to as trans women]. Their interest is doubly fucked for being highly unrealistic - they desire full genital functionality, which is rare and/or undesirable in most trans women, who take estrogen which inhibits genital functioning.

Unforunately the rampant transphobia of our society forces a lot of trans women to go into sex work, where they have to cater to these disgusting shitty slimeballs for a living.

Also used to refer to dykes who fetishize trans men as "really butch" and thus keep dyke cred by not admitting they might be attracted to a man.

note: this term should not be applied to the respectful, non-festishizing partners of trans people.


trans women A: That dude never looked at me twice and now he's macking all over me? Do you know what's up?
trans women B: Unforunately yes. He found out you had the trans. He's a straight-up tranny chaser.
trans women A: Ugh shit. How fucking disgusting! Thanks for the heads-up, I'll steer clear.

tranny chaser có nghĩa là

A straight male who has fantasies of trans women. they usually hide it, and, or are ashamed. they are not gays because gays don't want anything to do with women or what looks like a woman.[aside from friendship]. they could be but are most likely not bisexuals because bisexuals prefer man or woman not man mixed with woman.


Bill: you think i should warn bob that that chick has a lump in front of her skirt?
Jason: ah no, i think hes well aware that that chick has a dick.
Bill: *sigh* bob is such a tranny chaser

tranny chaser có nghĩa là

a man who's sexually attracted to pre-op male-to-female transsexuals


My tranny chaser friend insisted that he is straight and only likes women, but also prefers cock over pussy.

tranny chaser có nghĩa là

In addition to the other definitions, a tranny chaser refers to the multitudes of creepy guys who stalk and/or lust over the Myspace profiles of transgendered individuals - including crossdressers.


Tranny Chasers often seem to:
"Straight" or "bisexual" as their status.
Married, or have children and a family, yet list themselves as "single".
In their 30s and 40s, or older.
Have nothing but transgendered people, crossdressers, or fetish clothing people, in their friends list.
Fat, or rather unattractive.
Claim that they are "accepting of other gender types" or that they seek a "relationship" with a t-girl. [in reality, they probably are just longing for sex with one]
Never talk to you, just add you, probably for the reason of seeing the other t-girls on the friends list, AND, most importantly, so he can have access to your pictures and jack off to them.
OR, on the rare occasions that they try to initiate conversation, they come off as nice guys, but its soon clear that they are just wanting to cyber. Speaking as a t-girl in her 20s, it's rather disconcerting to know that such perverts lusting after me. F*ck tranny chasers. Seriously.

tranny chaser có nghĩa là

A cisgendered male or female that is attracted to people who identify as transgender. This is usually considered an insult.


Did you hear about Katy? She's dating another transguy. Wow, what a Tranny Chaser!

tranny chaser có nghĩa là

straight men who actively seek companionship from other men dressed as women many are maried


tranny chaser có nghĩa là

A queer-identified woman who lusts after FTMs may be identified as a tranny-chaser if she outs her lovers as trans, particularly to acquaintances and strangers, so that she won't be taken for straight.


That chick's a total tranny chaser. She outed her lover to me when I first met her so I'd know she was queer!

tranny chaser có nghĩa là

A pejorative term for a man who is usually attracted to and that objectifies pre-op or non-op transgender women and crossdressers in a fetishistic, exploitative or obsessive way. Either a stalker or abusive partner of a trans person. Someone who is looking only for sex to satisfy their fetish and has little interest in the individual. Often but not always bottomsluts. They gain unrealistic fantasies of transsexuals due to porn addiction. Sometimes have history of other fetishisms they would like to try and may push upon their partners. They may also seek women or crossdressers they see as "ugly" as well with the assumption of an easier lay. Chasers are disrespectful and degrading to trans people while claiming to be admirers. They may have a higher respect for cisgender women over trans. In a relationship they may exploit a trans womans femininity and attempt to have control over her. Expect trans women to be grateful for their acceptance of dating trans. Essentially an abusive relationship.


This tranny chaser asked me how long Ive been on hormones and if I would fuck other girls.

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