Go into overdrive là gì

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishgo into overdrive/be in overdrivego into overdrive/be in overdriveDO something/TAKE ACTIONEXCITEDto start being very active or working very hard  Her career has gone into overdrive. overdrive

To start working very hard or quickly. When the publishing deadline was moved up a week, we had to go into overdrive to get all of the articles done on time.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

COMMON If someone or something goes into overdrive, they begin to work very hard or become very active. When the wedding was announced, the media went into overdrive. My imagination went into overdrive. I tried to make new dishes, not from recipe books but from books about wild plants. Note: You can also say that someone or something is in overdrive. The campaign is in overdrive now with the candidates travelling the nation in a final push for votes. Note: Overdrive is an extra gear on some vehicles, which enables them to go faster than they can with ordinary gears.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

begin to work much harder, increase production, etc: Production at the factory has shifted into overdrive in an attempt to meet the new orders on time.

Overdrive is an extra high gear in a vehicle, that you use when you are driving at high speeds.

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go into overdrive

Everyone using the machines who is under 30 frantically types away on their phones as their legs go into overdrive. Meaning the younger generation may be facing an obesity crisis, with guts and bums bigger than a Texan sumo mom, but their fingers have never been fitter.

FRIENDS FANS go into overdrive after the US sitcom's hunk Matt LeBlanc, 48, is signed up by the BBC to co-host Top Gear.

Dish By One is blessed with good early pace and, combined with staying power, the June 09 daughter of Crash should turn in a handy position and then, as she did in the heats, go into overdrive down the far side.

First up, Jimmy works alongside food production workers in pudding factories, sprout fields and turkey farms as they go into overdrive. These are now hi-tech businesses, and although they may be more efficient, the jury is out on whether they produce food that is just as tasty as those products grown manually - and this is where Jamie comes in.

We can expect the council spin machine to go into overdrive now, and I wouldn't expect any positive news items in Capital Times about any school that is proposed to close.

The researchers suspect that the binding of HIV-complement complexes to B cells also explains why these immune cells go into overdrive. The B cell surface proteins that interact with complement help regulate the production of antibodies.

Meanwhile, Mitch and Cam host a fancy dress bash, but young Lily isn't in the mood and when pregnant Gloria's hormones go into overdrive, she becomes even more hot-headed than normal.

Nghĩa là gì: overdrive overdrive /'ouvə'draiv/
  • ngoại động từ overdrove; overdriven
    • ốp, bắt làm quá sức [người], bắt kéo quá sức [ngựa]

       61. go into overdrive

Ý nghĩa: bắt đầu làm việc gì đó một cách vô cùng chăm chỉ, cật lực.

VD: At the start of every new collection my imagination goes into overdrive.

       62. go off on a tangent

Ý nghĩa: Thay đỏi chủ đề, nói sang một chuyện hoàn toàn khác giữa bài phát biểu / giữa cuộc nói chuyện If someone goes off on a tangent, they change the subject completely in the middle of a speech or conversation.

VD: Sometimes when he’s teaching, he goes off on a tangent and starts talking about his dog!

       63. go off the rails

Ý nghĩa: Mất kiểm soát và bắt đầu có những cách hành xử xấu, gây hại cho xã hội ử một cách xấu xa, không thể chấp nhận If someone goes off the rails, they go out of control and begin to behave in a manner that is unacceptable to society.

VD: Given the unstable environment, it’s a miracle that none of their children ever went off the rails.

       64. go out of your way

Ý nghĩa: đặc biệt chú tâm và bỏ công sức vào làm một chuyện gì.

VD: Aunt Betty went out of her way to make us feel comfortable.

       65. go to extremes

Ý nghĩa: Làm một việc quá quắt, thiếu tiết chế.

VD: My parents tend to go to extremes.  They live on a tight budget and then they go on expensive holidays!

       66. go to pieces

Ý nghĩa: Cảm thấy buồn bã, đau đớn, thường là sau một cú sốc, đến mức không thể quay về cuộc sống bình thường như trước

VD: Jack nearly went to pieces when his son died in a car crash.

       67. go with the flow

Ý nghĩa: Thuận theo tự nhiên, theo xu hướng vận động nói chung của những gì xảy ra xung quanh.

VD: When my colleagues organise an office party, I just go with the flow.

       68. grease the skids

Ý nghĩa: Làm công việc nào đó trở nên dễ dàng, thuận tiện, làm mọi thứ thuận lợi để đạt đến thành công.

VD: Lunch was organised for the delegates before the meeting in order to grease the skids for the negotiations.

       69. grin and bear it

Ý nghĩa: Cắn răng mà chấp nhận, chịu đựng một tình huống khó chịu mà không được phàn nàn

VD: The only seat available is on a low-cost flight.  You’ll just have to grin and bear it!

       70. groan inwardly

Ý nghĩa: Rất muốn thể hiện sự không đồng ý, bực bội hay đau khổ, tuyệt vọng, nhưng rốt cuộc vẫn giữ im lặng.

VD: On his return, when Pete saw the pile of files on his desk, he groaned inwardly.

       71. haul over the coals

Ý nghĩa: Khiển trách nặng nề một ai đó vì họ đã làm một việc sai, không đúng

VD: He was hauled over the coals for the poor quality of his presentation.

       72. have one too many

Ý nghĩa: Chỉ người uống quá nhiều rượu bia

VD: I think Tony has had one too many – he’s talking rubbish!

       73. have the nerve

Ý nghĩa: Có gan làm chuyện gì vô lễ, trái phép, không phù hợp mà không cảm thấy ngượng, xấu hổ

VD: She had the nerve to attend the ceremony wearing jeans!

       74. have a stab at

Ý nghĩa: Thử làm một điều gì đó mà trước giờ chưa từng có cơ hội làm.
VD: I had a stab at surfing once but I decided not to renew the experience!

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Người dịch: Lan Hương
Nguồn: learn-english-today.com

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