On task là gì


Thêm vào từ điển của tôi

chưa có chủ đề

  • danh từ

    nhiệm vụ, nghĩa vụ, phận sự

    a difficult task

    một nhiệm vụ khó khăn

  • bài làm, bài tập

    give the boys a task to do

    hãy ra bài tập cho các học sinh làm

  • công tác, công việc

  • lời quở trách, lời phê bình, lời mắng nhiếc

  • động từ

    giao nhiệm vụ, giao việc

    to task someone to do something

    giao cho ai làm việc gì

  • chồng chất lên, bắt gánh vác, thử thách, làm mệt mỏi, làm căng thẳng

    mathematics tasks the child's brain

    toán học làm cho đầu óc em nhỏ căng thẳng

    Cụm từ/thành ngữ

    to take to task

    quở trách, phê bình, mắng nhiếc

    task force

    [quân sự] đơn vị tác chiến đặc biệt

    Từ gần giống

    taskmaster overtask taskwork untasked

  • Từ vựng chủ đề Động vật
  • Từ vựng chủ đề Công việc
  • Từ vựng chủ đề Du lịch
  • Từ vựng chủ đề Màu sắc
  • 500 từ vựng cơ bản
  • 1.000 từ vựng cơ bản
  • 2.000 từ vựng cơ bản
  • QC:

    Liên hệ hỗ trợ: 0988.993.486

    Idiom[s]: take sb to task

    Theme: SCOLDING

    to scold or reprimand someone.• The teacher took John to task for his bad behavior.• I lost a big contract, and the boss took me to task in front of everyone. blame; find fault with责备;挑剔
    He often takes his son to task for not studying hard.他常常责备儿子学习不努力。If you take someone to task, you scold them for something they have done wrong.scold for a fault or error I was taken to task by the supervisor for not arriving at work on time.v. phr. To reprove or scold for a fault or error. He took his wife to task for her foolish wastefulness. The principal took Bill to task for breaking the window.ask you to explain, haul you up on the carpet Did Reverend Klinck take you to task for drinking beer?task
    see take to task.

    Focused on and committed to a given task. We've got to stay on task if we want to finish the project before the deadline. I really wish you would stay on task and stop getting sidetracked.Learn more: on, task
    mod. paying attention to the job at hand. I find it hard to stay on task with all those babes going by. Learn more: on, task
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    Idiom[s]: take sb to task

    Theme: SCOLDING

    to scold or reprimand someone.• The teacher took John to task for his bad behavior.• I lost a big contract, and the boss took me to task in front of everyone. blame; find fault with责备;挑剔
    He often takes his son to task for not studying hard.他常常责备儿子学习不努力。If you take someone to task, you scold them for something they have done wrong.scold for a fault or error I was taken to task by the supervisor for not arriving at work on time.v. phr. To reprove or scold for a fault or error. He took his wife to task for her foolish wastefulness. The principal took Bill to task for breaking the window.ask you to explain, haul you up on the carpet Did Reverend Klinck take you to task for drinking beer?task
    see take to task.

    Focused on and committed to a given task. We've got to stay on task if we want to finish the project before the deadline. I really wish you would stay on task and stop getting sidetracked.Learn more: on, task
    mod. paying attention to the job at hand. I find it hard to stay on task with all those babes going by. Learn more: on, task
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