oneonta là gì - Nghĩa của từ oneonta

oneonta có nghĩa là

Imagine the middle of nowhere add a main street and approximatly 12 bars and 5 pizza places (only one with cold pizza). The campus is generally very nice unless you live in hulbert which is like the center for death becuase its so far from anything else on the campus. A place ruled by greek life and even if you arent in one random people call your room phone every min of everyday during rush week to get you to pledge. A place where the parties are usually closed but yet you can manage to hang out until all hours of the morning at either the bars or in the rooms. You know it isnt called stoneonta for nothing! All in all it is a wonderful school if you are getting your "higher" education in the field of alcohol, THC or cold pizza consumption


I want to go to SUNY Oneonta

oneonta có nghĩa là

Awesome school, part of the SUNY system. It's nice and fun as long as you don't live on campus. The worst dorm to live in is Blodgett because it is ruled by an evil RD "Niz", who eats babies.

Mystical land ruled by snow and hippies. At least a third of the campus smokes pot, and at least 125% of the campus drinks. Greek life here is either really cool or really lame, and some unrecognized frats are basicaly gangs with greek letters.

Lots of good people, but there's also evil alien demons around who will kill you.There's a mystical creature here called Elmo in the Frat Phi Kappa Psi, which can help show you the answer to enlightenment.

All the town needs is more bars. There's only 20 here, and they only stay open to 1 in the morning on weeknights and 2 on the weekend. We need more party nights instead of just thursday, friday, saturday.


- I totally got wasted in Oneonta, and I woke up dressed like a hippy.
- Residence life in Oneonta works for Satan.
- God was born in Oneonta.
- There are too many talking trees in Oneonta.

oneonta có nghĩa là

Drinking town with a college problem.

Butt hole of the universe.


And now we have yet another thirsty thursday.

I would have written my paper, but this is Oneonta.

oneonta có nghĩa là

City of hills, my ass city of snow. The snowflakes take steriods, we get pwnedby snow and the nightlife is expensive.


Damn it's cold here in Oneonta.

oneonta có nghĩa là

The shittiest place in the galaxy
also known as "Stoneonta" because most teens/preteens and some adults have drug or drinking problems. there is nowhere and nothing for teens and shit who wanna have fun and thats why we turn to drugs for our happiness. we turn into hippies and then we die.


believe me with this, bro. i LIVE here. and not some dumb college kid whos in Oneonta for a few years.

oneonta có nghĩa là

A town run by families who made their money on factories and railroads in the 1800's before things like labor laws and unions, who still look at the general population as if they are disposable peasants. They will encourage town officials through peer pressure and bribes to sacrifice public well-being for the sake of Cooperstown tourist season. The general population is composed of three groups: 1) trust fund beneficiaries that play at being hippies for the aesthetic, but still call the cops if a person of color takes more than thirty seconds to walk by their house 2) hard working townsfolk who may or may not have a drug problem and also calls the cops if a person of color talks more than thirty seconds to walk by their apartment 3) welfare barons that sit at home eating cheesy poofs, table top gaming, smoking meth, and calling the cops if a person of color takes more than thirty seconds walking passed their trailer


You're such a stereotype of everything wrong with white people. You're from Oneonta, aren't you?

oneonta có nghĩa là

an event, action, activity that is new and incredibly fun yet requiring skill and courage.


rapelling into that gorge with the freezing water from the waterfal was Oneonta

oneonta có nghĩa là

A sexual maneuver in which a partner with braces rubs the metal back and forth across the other partners butt hole until bloody. Thus creating the "enchilada sauce." Invented in Oneonta, New York in 2004 by a young lady with braces and a very adventureous boyfriend, the move swept the nation attracting pedophiles around the world.


Young jenny wanted to make a lasting impression on Jordan so she used the Enchilada of Oneonta.

oneonta có nghĩa là

More known as Stoneonta High School, the only good school in Otsego County where all the rad kids are. The skaters, basketball players, lacrosse players and baseball players are all fine. Where volleyball is the main sport just because spandex and rape and teen pregnancies are normal. Not the party school of the town but known for some good raves.


Yo, I'm headed to a party hosted by the seniors at Oneonta High School, wanna come?

oneonta có nghĩa là

More known as Stoneonta High School, The only somewhat good high school in Otsego County We the only Cool kids are The skater the basketball players, and the baseball players. The Vis printable Mrs lossi is hated by most students but is actually a nice person (sike you thought). Most of the kids that go to stoneonta are wannabe gangstas and think they are cool because they vape and smoke carts in the bathroom


Yo Evan, I'm going to a field party hosted by the seniors at Oneonta high school wanna come?