Reporting line là gì

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Vietnamese translation: Báo cáo theo mối quan hệ trực tiếp/gián tiếp

English term or phrase: solid/dotted line [reporting]
Vietnamese translation: Báo cáo theo mối quan hệ trực tiếp/gián tiếp
Entered by: kompoko [X]

English to Vietnamese translations [Non-PRO]
Bus/Financial - Business/Commerce [general]
English term or phrase: solid/dotted line [reporting]
AAA will have solid line reporting to the CEO, and dotted line reporting to the Director.

I found the following definition:

This may incorporate solid lines [direct strong reporting] and dotted lines [a weaker reporting relationship, but still indicating some formal level of ‘right’ to the individual’s time] or it may mean multiple solid lines to more than one boss.
source: global-integration,com/matrix-management/matrix-structure/matrix-organization-structure/
How should I translate it into Vietnamese? Báo cáo thực tuyến/trực tiếp and Báo cáo điểm tuyến/gián tiếp? They're both strange to me.
Báo cáo theo mối quan hệ trực tiếp/gián tiếp

Direct [Solid-Line] Reporting – Solid-line reporting describes a relationship between an employee and his/her direct supervisor/leader. The supervisor provides primary guidance to the employee, controls the major financial resources the employee relies on to perform his/her work, conducts performance reviews with the subordinate, and provides all other direct supervision.

Indirect [Dotted-Line] Reporting – Dotted-line reporting describes a relationship between an employee and a secondary supervisor/leader that provides additional oversight and guidance to the employee in the execution of his/her work. The intent of the dotted-line relationship is to ensure that the dotted-line supervisor/leader has the authority to provide some level of influence and leadership over the employee. The dotted-line supervisor/leader will provide input regarding the employee’s performance to the solid-line supervisor for inclusion in the employee’s annual performance review.

Selected response from:

Dung Huu Nguyen
Local time: 15:17

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4 KudoZ points were awarded for this answer

Summary of answers provided
5 +1 Báo cáo theo mối quan hệ trực tiếp/gián tiếp
Dung Huu Nguyen

5 [báo cáo] theo mô hình trực tuyến/theo mô hình chức năng
Hoang Bao Lan

5 [Báo cáo] thường xuyên/đột xuất
Chinh Chu

10 mins   confidence:

13 hrs   confidence:

[báo cáo] theo mô hình trực tuyến/theo mô hình chức năng

In my reference website, you will see the first picture describes the structure of solid line reporting and in the second picture, that is the sucture of dotted line reporting.

Actually, Solid line could be easily understand "directly"- "trực tuyến", however, when your sentence is translated into Vietnamese, it should be " theo mô hình trực tuyến" for a more natural translation and for "dotted line", "theo mô hình chức năng" is better than "chức năng" only [This relationship provides additional supervision and guidance and more often in administrative functions].

That's my opinion and experience, hopefully it helps you a little bit!

    Reference: //

Hoang Bao Lan
Local time: 15:17
Works in field
Native speaker of:

PRO pts in category: 23

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23 hrs   confidence:

peer agreement [net]: +1

Báo cáo theo mối quan hệ trực tiếp/gián tiếp


Direct [Solid-Line] Reporting – Solid-line reporting describes a relationship between an employee and his/her direct supervisor/leader. The supervisor provides primary guidance to the employee, controls the major financial resources the employee relies on to perform his/her work, conducts performance reviews with the subordinate, and provides all other direct supervision.

Indirect [Dotted-Line] Reporting – Dotted-line reporting describes a relationship between an employee and a secondary supervisor/leader that provides additional oversight and guidance to the employee in the execution of his/her work. The intent of the dotted-line relationship is to ensure that the dotted-line supervisor/leader has the authority to provide some level of influence and leadership over the employee. The dotted-line supervisor/leader will provide input regarding the employee’s performance to the solid-line supervisor for inclusion in the employee’s annual performance review.

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