Top 100 most popular names in the world năm 2024
Our list of the most popular baby names of the year is different from the others. We update it in real time, using data BabyCenter parents share with us as they choose their baby's name. No trend forecasting or conjecturing here; just a live look at the names parents love. Show
Top baby names of 2024Video Baby name inspirationFrom Instagram filters to outer space themes, find the perfect baby name with this unique inspiration list. Advertisement | page continues below My baby names listBaby Names GeneratorOur Baby Name Generator helps you find the perfect name, sorted by gender, letter, meaning, and more. You don't need to fill out every field, just the ones you're interested in. Our annual list of the most popular baby names in NSW is based on the names registered in the previous calendar year. Take a look at either:
The top 10PositionBoysGirls1OliverIsla, Amelia (equal first)2Noah 3LeoOlivia4HenryMia5LucaCharlotte6TheodoreAva7HudsonLily8WilliamEvelyn9LucasSophia, Matilda (equal ninth)10Charlie PositionBoysGirls1NoahCharlotte2OliverAmelia3LeoIsla4WilliamOlivia5TheodoreMia6JackAva7LucaElla8HenryMatilda9ThomasSienna10CharlieWillow PositionBoysGirls1OliverOlivia2NoahAmelia3JackCharlotte4WilliamIsla5HenryAva6LeoMia7LucasGrace8TheodoreChloe9LeviMatilda10LiamElla PositionBoysGirls1OliverAmelia2NoahOlivia3WilliamCharlotte4LeoIsla5LucasMia6HenryAva7LiamChloe8JackGrace9ThomasSophia10JamesZoe PositionBoysGirls1OliverCharlotte2NoahOlivia3WilliamMia4JackAmelia5LeoIsla6LucasAva7HenryChloe8ThomasGrace9JamesSophia10EthanElla PositionBoysGirls1OliverCharlotte2WilliamAmelia3NoahOlivia4JackMia5HenryAva6ThomasIsla7LucasGrace8LiamChloe9LeoHarper10AlexanderEmily PositionBoysGirls1OliverCharlotte2WilliamOlivia3NoahAva4JackAmelia5JamesMia6HenryIsla7ThomasChloe8LucasGrace9EthanElla10AlexanderZoe PositionBoysGirls1OliverOlivia2WilliamCharlotte3NoahAmelia4JackAva5LucasMia6JamesChloe7EthanEmily8ThomasGrace9AlexanderIsla10LeoRuby The top 100Life events Having a babyOur step-by-step guide can help you manage your finances, understand your responsibilities and find support services. One of the primary responsibilities that come after the birth of a newborn is to find a suitable name that would define their life and personality. Since it is a daunting task, we would like to help you with this list of baby names from around the world. If you widen your search for the right name, you will be able to find classy, elegant, historical, or modern names for babies with beautiful meanings that would suit their nature and reflect on their lives in the future. Parents want their child’s name to be special and meaningful, so these names can help you out. So, check out the options below to know more. Baby Names From Australia:Here are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Australia: 1. OliverGender: M Meaning: The one who is as strong and powerful as a warrior. 2. EthanGender: M Meaning: The one who is strong and firm. 3. AmeliaGender: F Meaning: The one who is feminine and full of the gift of life. Trivia According to the Social Security Administration data, Amelia is the fourth most popular girl’s name in the US (1). 4. MiaGender: F Meaning: The one who is mine. 5. LucasGender: M Meaning: The one who is bright and shining. 6. ChloeGender: M Meaning: The one who is fresh and is full of the gift of life. 7. AvaGender: F Meaning: The one who has a beautiful voice. 8. NoahGender: M/F Meaning: The one who likes to rest or to comfort. Baby Names From FranceHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from France: 9. EnzoGender: M Meaning: The one who rules the home. 10. LeaGender: F Meaning: The one who brings about good news. 11. MathiasGender: M Meaning: The one who is a gift of god. 12. ClaraGender: F Meaning: The one who is bright and clear. 13. NathanGender: M Meaning: The one who is a giver. 14. InesGender: M/F Meaning: The one who is holy or pure. 15. JadeGender: M/F Meaning: The one who is praised. 16. OceanaGender: F Meaning: The one who is the ruler of the oceans. 17. ManonGender: M/F Meaning: The one who is beautiful. 18. HugoGender: M Meaning: The one who is bright in the mind and the spirit. Baby Names From Germany:Here are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Germany: 19. FelixGender: M Meaning: The one who is lucky or favored by luck. 20. MarieGender: F Meaning: A child who is wished for. 21. LeonImage: IStock Gender: M/F Meaning: The one who is as brave as the lion. 22. LukasGender: M Meaning: The one who is intelligent and handsome. 23. LeonieGender: M/F Meaning: The one who is as fierce as a lion. 24. LucaGender: M/F Meaning: The special one. 25. JonasGender: M Meaning: The one who is a gift from God. 26. JuliaGender: F Meaning: The one who is youthful. 27. LenaGender: F Meaning: The one who is as bright as a torch. 28. CoraGender: F Meaning: The one who is caring and loyal. 29. MaximilianGender: M Meaning: The one who is the greatest. Baby Names From ChileHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Germany: 30. VicenteGender: M Meaning: The one who will conquer. 31. ConstanzaGender: F Meaning: The one who is constant. 32. CatalinaGender: F Meaning: The one who is pure. 33. ValentinaGender: F Meaning: The one who is brave. 34. DiegoGender: M Meaning: The name refers to a Saint. 35. JuanGender: M Meaning: The one who is diligent and persevering. 36. JoseGender: M Meaning: It is a variation of the name Joseph. 37. CristobalGender: M Meaning: The one who is composed of the elements of Christ. 38. FernandaImage: IStock Gender: F Meaning: The one who is adventurous. 39. JavieraGender: M Meaning: The name is a variation of the name Xavier and means the one who is full of light. 40. AntoniaGender: F Meaning: The one who is priceless. Baby Names From Poland:Here are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Poland: 41. KatarzynaGender: F Meaning: The one who is pure and holy. 42. JanGender: M Meaning: It is a variation of the name John. 43.EwaGender: F Meaning: The one who brings life. 44. ZofiaGender: F Meaning: The one who has wisdom. 45. ElzbietaGender: F Meaning: God is bountiful. 46. MarekGender: M Meaning: The one who is good in war. 47. MarcinGender: M Meaning: It is a variation of the name Martin. 48. TomaszGender: M Meaning: The one who is a twin. 49. KrzysztofGender: M Meaning: The one who is the bearer of Christ. 50. AnnaGender: F Meaning: The one who is full of grace. Baby Names From SwedenHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Sweden: 51. LucasGender: M Meaning: It is a variation of the name Luke. 52. OscarGender: M Meaning: The one who is a dear and caring friend. 53. EliasGender: M Meaning: Christ is my God. 54. MajaGender: F Meaning: The one who is like a pearl. 55. AlvaGender: F Meaning: The one who is small and feminine. 56. IdaGender: F Meaning: The one who can work hard. 57. ElinGender: F Meaning: The one who brings light. 58. AliceGender: F Meaning: The one who is noble. 59. IsakGender: M Meaning: The one who laughs a lot. 60. EmilGender: M Meaning: The one who is industrious. Baby Names From The United States Of AmericaHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from the United States of America: 61. EthanGender: M Meaning: The one who is strong. 62. AaliyahGender: F Meaning: The one who will rise high. 63. AveryGender: F Meaning: The one who can give good counsel. 64. AidanGender: M Meaning: The one who has a fire within. 65. ZoeyGender: M/F Meaning: The one who is full of life. 66. LaylaGender: F Meaning: Night. 67. DylanGender: M Meaning: The one who is of influence. 68. AriaGender: F Meaning: The one who is melodious. 69. ZoeGender: F Meaning: The one who is full of life. 70. AaronGender: M Meaning: The one who is exalted. Baby Names From ArgentinaHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Argentina: 71. JorgeGender: M Meaning: It is a variation of the name George. 72. AlbertoGender: M Meaning: The one who is noble and bright. 73. RicardoGender: M Meaning: The one who is a strong ruler. 74. MartaGender: F Meaning: The one who is like a lady. 75. RosaImage: IStock Gender: F Meaning: The one who is like a rose. 76. SilviaGender: F Meaning: The name is derived from the name of a saint. 77. GracielaGender: F Meaning: The one who is full of grace. 78. BeatrizGender: F Meaning: The one who brings joy. 79. NormaGender: F Meaning: The one who can rule. 80. CarlosGender: M Meaning: The one who is like a little man. Baby Names From AustriaHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Austria: 81. SarahGender: F Meaning: The one who is like a princess. 82. HannahGender: F Meaning: The one who is full of grace. Did you know? The variations of the name Hannah include Hanne (German), Chanah, Chana (Hebrew), and Hanna (German, Hebrew, and Dutch). 83.VanessaGender: F Meaning: The one who is like a butterfly. 84. JulianGender: M Meaning: The one who is youthful. 85. FlorianGender: F Meaning: The one who is like a flower. Baby Names From BelgiumHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Belgium: 86. AntonGender: M Meaning: The one who is like a prince or a soldier. 87. MilanGender: M Meaning: The one who is gracious. 88. ArthurGender: M Meaning: The one who is like a king. 89. MohamedGender: M Meaning: The one who is worthy of praise. 90. SimonGender: M Meaning: The one who has heard. 91. MaximeGender: M Meaning: The one who is classy and talented. 92. CamilleGender: F Meaning: The one who is pure. Baby Names From FinlandHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Finland: 93. VeetiGender: M Meaning: The name is a variation of the name Frederick. 94. EetuGender: M Meaning: The one who is wealthy. 95. EllaGender: F Meaning: The name is a variation of the name Ellen. 96. SiiriGender: F Meaning: The one who is like a beautiful victory. 97. AleksiGender: M Meaning: The one who is the protector of mankind. 98. JuhoGender: M Meaning: God is gracious. 99. LauriGender: M Meaning: The name is a variation of the name Laurence. 100. ArttuGender: M Meaning: The one who is filled with noble strength. 101. LeeviGender: M Meaning: The name is a variation of the name Levi. 102. LidaGender: F Meaning: The one who is beloved. 103. AadaGender: F Meaning: The one who is noble. 104. VenlaGender: F Meaning: The name is a variation of the name Wendel. 105. AnniGender: F Meaning: The one who is full of grace. 106. AinoGender: F Meaning: The only one. Baby Names From Iceland:Here are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Iceland: 107. GunnarGender: M Meaning: The one who is a fighter or a soldier. 108. OlafurGender: M Meaning: The one who is a replica of their ancestor. 109. GuorunGender: F Meaning: The one who is god’s secret lore. 110. TelmaGender: F Meaning: The one who has a strong will. 111. BirtaGender: F Meaning: Dawn. 112. HelgaGender: F Meaning: The one who is holy and blessed. 113. BjarniGender: M Meaning: The one who is as strong as a bear. 114. BjornGender: M Meaning: The one who is as strong as a bear. 115. EinarGender: M Meaning: The one who is as strong as a warrior. 116. MagnusGender: M Meaning: The one who is the greatest. 117. SigurourGender: M Meaning: The one who provides protection to others during the times of battle. Baby Names From JapanHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Japan: 118. ShunGender: M Meaning: The one who is fast or talented. 119. ShoGender: M Meaning: The one who can fly as fast as the wind. 120. KaitoImage: IStock Gender: M Meaning: The one who is like the sea or the ocean. 121. DaikiGender: M Meaning: The one who is bright and valuable. 122. YuGender: M Meaning: The one who is bright and luminous. 123. KentaGender: M Meaning: The one who is healthy and strong. 124. SotaGender: M Meaning: The one who is quick. 125. RenGender: M Meaning: Love. 126. TakumiGender: M Meaning: The one who is talented like an artisan. 127. MisakiGender: F Meaning: The one who is as beautiful as a bloom. 128. AoiGender: F Meaning: The colors green and blue. 129. NanamiGender: F Meaning: The one who is like the sea. 130. MiuGender: F Meaning: The one who is like a feather. 131. MoeGender: F Meaning: The one who is going to bloom. 132. RinGender: F Meaning: The one who is dignified. 133. MitsukiGender: F Meaning: The one who is as beautiful as the moon. 134. MiyuGender: F Meaning: The one who is truthful. It also means evening. 135. RikoGender: F Meaning: The one who is like the jasmine flower. Baby Names From The PhilippinesHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from the Philippines: 136. RonaldGender: M Meaning: The one who is the greatest. 137. RyanGender: M Meaning: The one who is like a little king. 138. JoelGender: M Meaning: Christ is the lord. 139. MaricelGender: F Meaning: The one who is great or noble. 140. JaniceGender: F Meaning: God is gracious. 141. JocelynGender: F Meaning: The name is a feminine version of the name Jesus. 142. RowenaGender: F Meaning: The one who is beautiful and competent. 143. MarlonGender: M Meaning: The one who is like a little man. 144. GraceGender: F Meaning: The one who is full of grace. Trivia The use of nicknames is an integral part of the Filipino culture, and the legal name is not something they use in their day-to-day lives. Baby Names From SpainHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Spain: 145. PabloGender: M Meaning: The one who is small. 146. AlvaroGender: M Meaning: The one who always speaks the truth. 147. ValeriaGender: F Meaning: The one who is healthy and strong. 148. MartinaGender: F Meaning: The name is the feminine form of the name Martin. 149. MarioGender: M Meaning: The one who is like the god of war. 150. LuciaGender: F Meaning: The one who is graceful and full of light. 151. DanielaGender: F Meaning: God is my judge. 152. PaulaGender: F Meaning: The one who is petite. Baby Names From RussiaHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Russia: 153. SergeiGender: M Meaning: The one who is a protector. 154. AndreiGender: M Meaning: The one who is manly. 155. IvanGender: M Meaning: The one who is a gracious gift from God. 156. ArtyomGender: M Meaning: The one who is dedicated to Artemis. 157. AlexeyGender: M Meaning: The one who is a defender. 158. DmitryGender: M Meaning: The one who loves the earth. 159. EvegnyGender: M Meaning: The one who is of noble birth. 160. NataliaGender: F Meaning: Christmas day. 161. TatianaGender: F Meaning: The name is a saint’s name. 162. IrinaGender: F Meaning: Peace. 163. YuliaGender: F Meaning: The one who is full of youth. 164. YekaterinaGender: F Meaning: The name is a variation of the name Katherine. 165. OlgaGender: F Meaning: The one who is blessed or holy. 166. MikhailGender: M Meaning: The one who is a gift from God. 167. AnastasiaGender: F Meaning: The one who is a famous one. Baby Names From IndiaHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from India: 168. ArnavGender: M Meaning: The one who is like the ocean. 169. PranavGender: M Meaning: The one who is sacred. 170. SanviImage: IStock Gender: F Meaning: The name is a reference to the goddess Lakshmi. 171. HariniGender: F Meaning: The name is a reference to the goddess Lakshmi. 172. AradhyaGender: F Meaning: The one who is to be worshiped. 173. AnikaGender: F Meaning: The one who is full of grace. 174. AnanyaGender: F Meaning: The one who is unique. 175. ShauryaGender: M Meaning: The one who is brave. 176. TejasGender: M Meaning: The one who is full of light. 177. DevanshGender: M Meaning: The one who is an eternal part of God. 178. AbhinavGender: M Meaning: The one who is new. 179. UlhasGender: M Meaning: The one who is full of happiness. 180. AaryanGender: M Meaning: The one who is of the Aryan race. 181. AaravGender: M Meaning: The one who is peaceful. 182. TrishaGender: F Meaning: The one who is noble. 183. NavyaGender: F Meaning: The one who is new. 184. NavitaGender: F Meaning: The one who is fearless. 185. RishikaGender: F Meaning: The one who is knowledgeable. 186. RidhiGender: F Meaning: The one who is wealthy. 187. DhruvGender: M Meaning: The one who is eternal. 188. IshanGender: M Meaning: The one who is the Lord. Baby Names From IsraelHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Israel: 189. NaomGender: M Meaning: The one who is pleasant. 190. TamarGender: F Meaning: The one who is like the palm tree. 191. ArielGender: M Meaning: The one who is the lion of the god. 192. YaelGender: F Meaning: The one who is god’s strength. 193. ItaiGender: M Meaning: The one who is with me. 194. AdeleGender: F Meaning: The one who is noble. Baby Names From GreeceHere are some of the most popular baby boy and baby girl names from Greece: 195. IoannisGender: M Meaning: God is gracious. 196. AngelikiGender: F Meaning: The one who is the messenger of God. 197. AthanasiosGender: M Meaning: The one who is immortal. 198. KostantinaGender: F Meaning: The one who is constant. 199. DimitriosGender: M Meaning: The name is a variation of the name Dimitri. 200. EleniGender: F Meaning: The one who is like the light. Discover More NamesWhen you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem. 1. How have naming conventions evolved over time in different cultures? Naming customs have evolved in different ways and at different paces in various cultures throughout history. Today, many people have a mix of traditional and modern naming conventions in their cultures, and other cultures have influenced many cultures through migration, colonization, and globalization. 2. How has technology influenced baby naming trends in different countries? Technology has had a significant impact on baby naming trends in different countries. From social media to baby naming apps, technology has given parents more options and more opportunities to explore unique and creative baby names. 3. What is the significance of family names in Hispanic cultures? In Hispanic cultures, family names hold significant importance. Hispanic naming traditions often follow a two-part system, with the child receiving a given name and two surnames. The first surname typically represents the father’s family name, while the second surname represents the mother’s family name. This tradition emphasizes paternal and maternal lineages and helps preserve family connections and history. 4. Do indigenous cultures have any naming traditions? Indigenous cultures worldwide have diverse naming traditions that reflect their unique customs, beliefs, and languages. These traditions often emphasize a deep connection to nature, ancestors, and the spiritual world. Names may be chosen based on the time or circumstances of birth, specific qualities or characteristics, or to honor important cultural symbols or deities. 5. What are some baby names inspired by mythology from various cultures? Here are some baby names inspired by mythology from various cultures: Athena (Greek), Thor (Norse), Lakshmi (Hindu), Anansi (African), Freya (Norse), Isis (Egyptian), and Krishna (Hindu). These names evoke the power, wisdom, beauty, and divinity associated with their mythological origins. All these names listed above are popular baby names from around the world, belonging to diverse heritage and ethnicity, with meanings and personalities that can give your child a distinct identity. Their diversity arises from their different origins, countries, cultures, and regions. So choose your favorites and discuss with your partner to come up with the best name for your child. With so many beautiful names to choose from, you can enjoy this time of bonding with your spouse and other family members while picking a name. Infographic: Names From Different Countries For Boys And GirlsAs with languages, cultures, and traditions, different places have different names native to their origin. However, you must have come across some names that are well-known the world over. So, if you wish to choose a name with a universal appeal for your baby, take a look at the infographic below. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team Check out this fun video on popular names around the world! We’ll help you find the perfect name for your baby. Let’s get started! Moms, if your baby has a name that is shared above, do let us know, and also help other moms get more options by sharing different baby names in the comments below. ReferencesMomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy. What is the1 most popular name?There's a new most popular baby name, 2023 report finds. What is the most popular name worldwide?The data revealed some very interesting overarching themes across the world, with Maria—or some form of that name—emerging as the top pick for new parents in 17 countries. Meanwhile, Mohammed reigns supreme as the most popular boys' name in ten nations. What are 20 rarest names?Top 20 rarest baby names choices:. Starlette.. Snowdrop.. Kahlani.. Elodie.. Luxury.. Eloise.. Ophelia.. What is the top 1 rarest name?Article 10 Rarest Baby Names In The World. Hester. According to Nameberry's research, there are fewer than five girls with this name in the US. ... . Romilly. Again, just five girls have this unique name – which was used by actor Emma Thompson as her daughter Gaia's middle name in 1999.. Bee. ... . Lilac. ... . Ottilie. ... . Zebedee. ... . Lorcan. ... . Rafferty.. |