What is the process of stimulus discrimination?
Different consequences may follow the same behavior in different situations. When we respond differently in those different situations, we have formed a discrimination between the situations. For instance, when you tell a ribald tale to friends at a party, but refrain from doing so at a church gathering, this is an example of discrimination. A past history of positive reinforcement in the first case and a past history of positive punishment in the second could clearly be responsible for this illustration of discriminative responding. Show Failure to have discriminated between these different situations would represent a case of inappropriate stimulus generalization. Discrimination comes about when you chose the content of your joke depending on who is the listener (e.g., friend versus priest). Based on the joke that you tell, the positive reinforcement of the listener's laughter or the positive punishment of the listener's frown can tell you whether or not you made the right choice in the joke told. Quotations GeneralizationDiscrimination results when different situations occasion different responses based on the contingencies of reinforcement. Inappropriate stimulus generalization occurs when those different situations fail to produce discriminative operant responding. Generalization is not always inappropriate and occurs when you respond the same to two stimuli that are not identical. For example, a child may learn to say "dog" when it sees the drawing of a rottweiler in a book. If the child later says "dog" when it sees a schnauzer on the street, it has generalized between the two distinct stimuli (the rottweiler and the schnauzer). Discrimination and generalization are behavioral processes that said to jointly produce conceptual behavior. Glossary Index Stimulus Discrimination is when we learn to respond only to the original stimulus, and not to other similar stimuli. The concept of Stimulus Discrimination follows from the idea of Stimulus Generalization, which is when we respond not only to the original stimulus, but also to other similar stimuli. For example, whenever you come home from work, the first thing you do is feed your dog. As a result, your dog gets excited as soon as he hears your car pulling up
at the driveway, barking and running to the door. Eventually, he begins to get excited as soon as any family member arrives in their car, thinking that he will get fed as well. Everytime he hears any car pull up at the driveway, he starts barking and running to the door. That is Stimulus Generalization. But if none of the other family members ever feed the dog as soon as they arrive home, your dog eventually learns that it is only the sound of your car pulling up at the driveway that's worth
getting excited about. That is Stimulus Discrimination, because he learns to distinguish only the specific sound that means food is coming, and learns to ignore all other car sounds as not relevant to his getting fed.
What is a stimulus discrimination procedure?Stimulus discrimination training is a strategy that is used to teach an individual to engage in particular behaviors in the presence of certain situations, events, or stimuli.
What are the two steps in stimulus discrimination training?Answer = The following two steps are involved in stimulus discrimination training: a) When the discriminative stimulus (S D ) is present, the behaviour is reinforced; and b) When any other antecedent stimuli are present except S D , the behaviour does not get reinforced.
How is the process of stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination considered opposite?Stimulus generalization occurs when a stimulus that is similar to an already-conditioned stimulus begins to produce the same response as the original stimulus does. Stimulus discrimination occurs when the organism learns to differentiate between the CS and other similar stimuli.