Whatever happens, happens nghĩa là gì

Mọi người có vấn đề gì với khẩu trang vậy? Photo by Norma Mortenson from Pexels

"Whatever happened to [someone or something]?" nghĩa là để hỏi về điều gì đã xảy ra mà người hỏi chưa biết.

Ví dụ
So whatever happened to Mr. Pillow Stuffer and his oleander extract [chiết xuất cây trúc đào]? He was boasting [khoe khoang] up a storm on Anderson Cooper.

Whatever happened to the guy who got shot outside of WH while tr*mp was having a press conference? Haven't heard one word about it.

Another face muzzle [khẩu trang] discarded on the floor in SW London. Whatever happened to caring about the environment, virtue signallers? Is that no longer important?

Glanced at a mother not wearing a mask at the supermarket this morning. She gave me the dirtiest look as if daring me to challenge her right not to wear one. I am hating this us vs them culture. I want to ask Whatever happened to harmony? But has that ever truly existed?

Thu Phương

Bài trước: "The unexpected always happens" nghĩa là gì?

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