When an employees performance is unsatisfactory but correctable The objective of the appraisal interview is to?

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  2. Management
  3. Human Resource Management

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When an employees performance is unsatisfactory but correctable The objective of the appraisal interview is to?

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When an employees performance is unsatisfactory but correctable The objective of the appraisal interview is to?

Human Resource Management, 15e (Dessler)

Chapter 9 Performance Management and Appraisal

1) Which of the following terms refers to the process of evaluating an employee's current and/or

past performance relative to his or her performance standards?

A) employee selection

B) performance appraisal

C) employee orientation

D) organizational development

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Performance appraisal means evaluating an employee's current and/or past

performance relative to his or her performance standards. Performance appraisal always involves

setting work standards, assessing the employee's actual performance relative to those standards,

and providing feedback to the employee.

2) The primary purpose of providing employees with feedback during a performance appraisal is

to motivate employees to ________.

A) apply for managerial positions

B) remove any performance deficiencies

C) revise their performance standards

D) enroll in work-related training programs

Answer: B

Explanation: B) The purpose of providing feedback to the employee is to motivate him or her to

eliminate performance deficiencies or to continue to perform above par.

3) Which of the following is NOT one of the recommended guidelines for setting effective

employee goals?

A) creating specific goals

B) assigning measurable goals

C) administering consequences for failure to meet goals

D) encouraging employees to participate in setting goals

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Effective goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.

Goals should be challenging but doable, and employee participation should be encouraged.

Giving consequences for failing to meet goals is not recommended and unlikely to motivate


4) SMART goals are best described as ________.

A) specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely

B) straightforward, meaningful, accessible, real, and tested

C) strategic, moderate, achievable, relevant, and timely

D) supportive, meaningful, attainable, real, and timely

Answer: A

Explanation: A) The acronym SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and


5) All of the following are reasons for appraising an employee's performance EXCEPT________.

A) correcting any work-related deficiencies

B) creating an organizational strategy map

C) determining appropriate salary and bonuses

D) making decisions about promotions

Answer: B

  • School Columbia Southern University
  • Course Title MHR 6451
  • Type

    Homework Help

  • Pages 2
  • Ratings 100% (2) 2 out of 2 people found this document helpful

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Explain the four basic types of appraisal interviews. Discuss how potential bias can be minimized in theappraisal process.Your response must be at least 200 words in length.The appraisal interview is where the employee and supervisor sit down and review thatappraisal. This is used to strengthen areas that are deficient. It is also used to reinforce the areas inwhich the employee is excelling. There are four basic appraisal interviews that a supervisor willencounter: (1) satisfactory – promotable, (2) satisfactory – not promotable, (3) unsatisfactory –correctable, and (4) unsatisfactory – uncorrectable (Dessler, 2015).A satisfactory – promotable appraisal interview is the easiest appraisal interview to conduct. Theemployee’s performance is satisfactory and will be advancing in positions shortly. The purpose for thistype of interview is to focus on the employee’s career path and create development plans specific to thecareer path. An appraisal interview that is satisfactory, yet not promotable focuses on keeping theperformance at an acceptable level. The supervisor can find incentives specific to the employee andutilize those to keep the performance at a satisfactory level. The incentives can include additional time

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supervisor, Dessler, Appraisal Interview

When an employee's performance is unsatisfactory but correctable The objective of the appraisal interview is to?

96) Tyler, an accounting manager at Firestone, is preparing for an appraisal interview with an employee whose performance is unsatisfactory but correctable. Tyler's primary objective during the interview should be to encourage the employee with positive reinforcements like job enlargement and compliments.

What are the four objectives of appraisal interview?

To identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees to place right men on right job. To maintain and assess the potential in a person for growth and development. To provide a feedback to employees regarding their performance and related status. It serves as a basis for influencing working habits of the employees.

How do you appeal an unsatisfactory performance appraisal?

State your intention to appeal what you feel is an unsatisfactory performance appraisal. Upon learning your intentions, your supervisor may give you an opportunity to explain why you think your performance evaluation is unfair. Remain calm and state your reasons in a nonconfrontational manner.

What is the purpose of appraisal interview?

The employee appraisal interview is a planned, systematic and personal interview between an employee and a manager. It is an important tool to develop a good working environment and to develop each individual at work. It is a supplement to the daily and regular dialogue between employee and manager.