Holistic wellness coach near me

Holistic wellness coach near me
to live your unique life purpose.Gain theconfidence
Holistic wellness coach near me
Feel vibrant, healthy,
strong andalive.
Holistic wellness coach near me
Find yourpassions,achieve your goals.
Holistic wellness coach near me
Have the energy to useGod-given gifts.your unique,
Holistic wellness coach near me
Pursue your life with energy,courage.confidence and

The Approach

Holistic wellness coach near me

Holistic health and lifestyle coaching is more than just learning about food. Well learn about nutrition for your specific body type and goals, but well also put a focus on the foods that nourish your soul. These are called Primary Foods. Primary foods include being in balance with your career, spirituality, relationships, finances and emotional stability.

Why It Works

Holistic wellness coach near me

There is not a one-size-fits-all diet. Today people feel compelled to align themselves with a diet theory which creates guilt and shame when we cheat. Ill teach you to take the guesswork out of creating a healthy, sustainable lifestyle based on your body type, goals and desires. Being in balance with your Primary Foods makes it easier to fuel your physical body to have the energy and confidence to live your best life!

How It Works

Holistic wellness coach near me

Getting started is easy! There are several ways we can work together, including one-on-one or couples coaching, online health and fitness accountability groups, cooking classes, grocery store tours and more. Heres how it works:

1. Set up a free 15 minute phone call with me
2. Schedule a Health History Session
3. Make a plan of action based off your goals!

Get Started

My journey

I was the overweight, rambunctious, ADD/ADHD military kid who moved a lot, loved fast food and couldnt run a mile in gym class. I discovered sports in high school and cut out a lot of processed foods, but I also went through years of yo-yo dietingwhich was no fun!

In my 20s, I adopted a work hard, play hard mentality in my professional and personal life. That led to crippling digestive issues, significant weight gain, extreme exhaustion and several trips to the ER. Doctors suggested medications and treatments that would only mask the symptoms.

I believe things happen for a reason because around this time, a corporate wellness program started me down the path of Holistic Health. That led me to work on healing myself, completing nutrition school and finding my passion for helping others live healthier, happier lives.


ITS MY MISSION to equip and inspire you with the knowledge and tools to become the healthiest version of yourself possible so that YOU have the energy, confidence and mental clarity to fulfill YOUR unique God given life purpose!

Some of my specialties include

Holistic wellness coach near me

1-on-1Health Coaching

Holistic wellness coach near me

Seasonal Detox

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Online FitnessChallenge

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Holistic wellness coach near me


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Join My Community


Holistic wellness coach near me

Digestion Issues

Stress, anxiety and food sensitivities can contribute to chronic digestive issues, bloating and weight gain. Find out whats causing it!

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There are natural ways to combat anxiety and stress, including proper nutrition, meditation techniques and other holistic remedies.

Holistic wellness coach near me


Getting to the root cause of your headaches can help you live pain free, sleep better and have more energy.

Holistic wellness coach near me

Extreme Fatigue

Start feeling well rested by eating real and whole foods, reducing stress and getting healthy, natural sleep without medications.

Holistic wellness coach near me

Healthy Cooking

Get creative in the kitchen while learning nutrition. Learn to cook for any special dietary needs: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian, Candida, Auto-Immune and more.

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Food Sensitivities

Many health issues can be caused by common food sensitivities, such as wheat, soy, and dairy. Learn how to make food enjoyable again!

Holistic wellness coach near me


Learn how to gain more control over your blood sugar, weight and energy naturally through food and lifestyle improvements.

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Maintain a Healthy Weight

Holistic health is more than just what you eat. Learn how to balance all the areas of your life to maintain a healthy body weight.

Holistic wellness coach near me

Meal Prepping + Planning

Learn how to eat the right foods at the right times and in the right portions. Youll save time, money and satisfy even picky eaters.

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Auto-Immune Issues

If youve been diagnosed with an auto-immune disease, focusing on what you put into your body, reducing inflammation and improving your lifestyle can help.

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Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses, including heart disease, many cancers and Alzheimers. Learn how to eat foods that reduce inflammation.

Holistic wellness coach near me

Skin Issues

Rashes, acne and Eczema: Figure out the root cause of these skin issues, and make food and lifestyle changes that will help your skin.

Free recipes, health + fitness tips, and inspiration delivered to your inbox.

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Holistic wellness coach near me
Kimi A.

Detoxing the Right Way

We wanted to do a detox or cleanse that didnt require starvation and that would help us develop healthy eating habits and it was PERFECT! I highly recommend this detox for anyone looking for a real life style change and not a quick fix. We found that we had a ton of energy and felt great through the whole process.

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Nancy N.

Living a Long, Healthy Life

I wanted to begin a new phase in my maturing adult life to integrate a healthy diet with my existing exercise program to ensure I stay medication free. We have accomplished my goal and Im on my way to living a long, healthy life. It has been a journey rewarded with a lifetime of benefits. Keep on inspiring!

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Great Meals for Busy Professionals

Im eating a lot more vegetables, Im preparing foods in advance that I actually enjoy, I never feel hungry and Ive learned a lot about flavors and new foods to make a lifestyle change. I would recommend Christine to anyone looking to make a lifestyle change!

LET'S GET STARTED!Let me know how I can help you.
Holistic wellness coach near me
Are you ready to make a lifestyle change?Send me a noteSend me a noteLET'S GET STARTED!Let me know how I can help you.Are you ready to make a lifestyle change?