Lỗi access to the path is denied trong webclient năm 2024

Tham gia ngày: 22/5/13 Bài viết: 4,880 Đã được thích: 1,193 Điểm thành tích: 113 Giới tính: Nam

Xin các cao nhân gúp đỡ vì vấn đề security của java khá phức tạp(nhất là signed applet).Tôi đang rất gấp và rối bời!!


03-01-2007, 17:05

Mình đã hỏi khắp nơi mà sao ko ai biết vậy.Mình ko ngờ lại đụng đến vấn đề thuộc dạng cực hiếm như vậy. Câu hỏi lần cuối trước khi vĩnh biệt cái applet chết tiệt cũng như java:làm sao chi định remote policy file???


03-01-2007, 17:29

Bạn post đoạn trace exception lên cho mọi người xem, có khi sẽ giúp được đó.


03-01-2007, 17:33

bạn này hỏi mà cứ như khiêu khích dzậy!! ko fải là ko ai biết mà là họ ko muốn trã lời hoặc là thông tin về error của bạn cung cấp chưa đầy đủ để tìm ra lỗi.

When developing reactive applications with Spring Boot and using the WebClient to make web requests, custom error handling is an essential aspect of ensuring robust and user-friendly applications. In this article, we’ll explore how to use the onErrorMap method with the WebClient to handle and customize error responses.

Error Handling with onErrorMap

The onErrorMap method is a powerful tool for mapping and transforming error signals into other error signals or exceptions. It provides fine-grained control over how errors are handled in your application. Let’s dive into some practical examples to illustrate its usage.

Example 1: Mapping a Specific Exception to Another Exception

Suppose you’re interacting with an API, and you want to catch a specific exception, such as ResourceNotFound, and transform it into a custom exception with a more user-friendly error message. Here’s how you can do it:

webClient.get() .uri("URL") .retrieve() .bodyToMono(MyResponse.class) .onErrorMap(ResourceNotFound.class, ex -> new AnotherException("Another Exception", ex))

Example 2: Mapping Any Exception to a Generic Error Exception

In some cases, you may want to catch any exception and map it to a generic error exception with a standard error message. Here’s how you can achieve that:

webClient.get() .uri("URL") .retrieve() .bodyToMono(MyResponse.class) .onErrorMap(AnyException.class, ex -> new Exception("Generic exception", ex));

Example 3: Mapping Status Code-Based Errors

Sometimes, you need to handle errors based on HTTP status codes, such as 4xx client errors or 5xx server errors. You can use `onStatus` to achieve this:

public Mono nonStatusError(String host, int port, String path){

    return webClient.get().uri(uriBuilder -> uriBuilder.host(host).port(port).path(path).build()).retrieve()  
                response -> switch (response.rawStatusCode()){  
                case 400 -> Mono.error(new BadRequestException("bad request made"));  
                case 401, 403 -> Mono.error(new Exception("auth error"));  
                case 404 -> Mono.error(new Exception("Maybe not an error?"));  
                case 500 -> Mono.error(new Exception("server error"));  
                default -> Mono.error(new Exception("something went wrong"));  
        .onErrorMap(Throwable.class, throwable -> new Exception("plain exception"));  

webClient.get() .uri("URL") .retrieve() .onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, clientResponse -> Mono.error(new ClientErrorException("Client error"))) .onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, clientResponse -> Mono.error(new ServerErrorException("Server error"))) .bodyToMono(MyResponse.class);

Using Spring Boot’s WebClient and onErrorMap, developers can improve application reliability and user-friendliness by customizing error handling, including dealing with specific problems and HTTP status code errors.

Tham gia ngày: 26/10/16 Bài viết: 10 Đã được thích: 0 Điểm thành tích: 1 Giới tính: Nữ

Hi Team,

I have an C#.Net core 3.1 console application which is running on RedHat Linux. I have to create a file in the following path in Linux OS using C#.Net Core.


When i run at root user, the file is created succcessfully. But when i run at normal user, the file is not created and giving following exception in Linux machine

Error: Access to the path "var/log/TEST_LOG/" is denied.

Please help me on this issue. My requirement is application has to run at normal user not root user.

Please find the following code,

static void CreateLogs() {

        string linux_path = "";            
        linux_path = @"var/log/TEST_LOG/";                   
            string directoryPath = Path.Combine("/", linux_path);
            if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
                Console.WriteLine("Directory path created " + directoryPath);
            string filePath = directoryPath + "EventLog.txt";
            Console.WriteLine("file path " + filePath);
            FileStream m_LogFile = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read);
            using (StreamWriter m_LogFileWriter = new StreamWriter(m_LogFile, Encoding.UTF8))
                m_LogFileWriter.WriteLine("This file contains C#.");
        catch (Exception exp)
            Console.WriteLine(exp.Message + " " + exp.StackTrace);