Lỗi specified access point not found trong s7-200 năm 2024

The thing I can't enter the Communications configuration cause I keep getting this "Specified Access Point Not Found". I have a PC/PPI cable plugged to my USB port but it doesn't work.

To make it worse I can't even change a thing in the "Set PG/PC Interface". Once in there I try to Add the PC/PPI interface but it gives me this "Not enough administrator rights" which is weird cause my computer is brand new and has no restrictions.

Maybe the computer being that new may be the problem. Here are the specs for my computer:

DELL N5010 Windows 7 Home Premium Intel Core i5 2,66GHz RAM 8GB System type: 64-bit

Any help would be highly appreciated!!!


May 27th, 2011, 12:56 AM

Please check the driver of PC/PPI cable in your computer


May 27th, 2011, 05:34 AM

Not all versions of MicroWin as compatible with more up to date versions of Windows. First though, instead of just starting MicroWin, Right Click it and 'Run as administrator'. Hopefully that will let you change to the USB PC/PPI connection.


May 27th, 2011, 05:34 PM

Not all versions of MicroWin as compatible with more up to date versions of Windows..

What version (service pack) do you have? I have one running on W7 and everything works great but the PPI cable... its just not even there to pick, I think its SP5 or 4

Now that Siemens does not let the service pack be a download I think you will need to contact Siemens for a newer version


May 29th, 2011, 02:13 PM

Run the Micro-Win in compatibility mode with Windows Xp service pack 3 or 2. Windows 7 does have administrator issues. And also check your firewall settings and make sure it is not preventing it. If there is still problem try checking the DP switches of PPI cable with the selected baud rate, it'll definitely solve your problem.


Lỗi specified access point not found trong s7-200 năm 2024

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Lỗi specified access point not found trong s7-200 năm 2024

Không kết nối được s7-200 với pc qua cáp cổng usb- ppi

làm sao để kết nối PLC với PC dùng cáp USB-PPI? mình cắm cáp và vào communication thì đuợc báo lỗi:"Specified access point not found" Vào "Set PG/PC interface" thì không tìm thấy cổng kết nối mong muốn. mong mọi ngừoi giúp đỡ!!!


cần có 1 file .bat để fix lỗi này - để mình tìm gửi cho bạn
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https://www.fshare.vn/file/AU8AG4X28PJC - tải cái này về rồi chạy - khởi động lại win thử coi
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