Missha make it brow đánh giá năm 2024

Back in my old days (when I was younger), I always said to myself that I don't need any brow product like other grown-up ladies. But as time flies, I realized that I surely need it!

WHY? Because eyebrow is the frame of your face and also when I changed my brow shape, I see myself in the different look! Like magic, I now regularly shape my eyebrow.

I sometimes laughed at my old photos, with my askfjskafnlsjdfn eyebrows, and after my treatment at Browhaus Brow Salon, I always feel much better with neat eyebrows! :D

You can see my asdfajhgaiuewlh old eyebrows here :)

My real natural eyebrows are bold and thick (like boys), and I don't need high maintanance actions to make it looks superior: like brow resurrection or brow tattoo. Thanks God~ But still I need an eyebrows tool everyday! I usually use Etude House Draw Drawing Eyebrow, but I find the better better better eyebrow styler from Beauty Korea that is MISSHA Perfect Eyebrow Styler! Missha is a wellknown Korean brand, and I love their products.

Missha make it brow đánh giá năm 2024

Missha make it brow đánh giá năm 2024

Why I love this product? Because it is very easy to use and the length of the stick is good enough! Sometimes I drop it to the floor, but it never broken, always strong and solid! It comes with brush and little sponge. Great!

Missha make it brow đánh giá năm 2024

Missha make it brow đánh giá năm 2024

I also loveeeee the touch of the stick, it is gentle and glides easily with quite pigmented color, for perfect blur finish. The brush also helps me a lot to soften the dark area.

Missha make it brow đánh giá năm 2024

I always use brow color in gray (not black), to match with my black hair. It is weird if I have black hair but I use brown eyebrows -_-

1. Twist up to reveal the desired amount of lead. Holding the styler at an angle, use only the tip of the triangle to shape brow and extend and taper brow tail with precision.

2. Holding the styler flat, use the entire width of the triangle to fill in brows using a gradient technique. 3. Use the spoolie brush on the other end to blend and groom brows into place.

Creating a youthful "straight-brow" look: 1. Using the bridge of your nose as a reference point, start the beginning of your brow (the head), in line with the side of the bridge of your nose. 2. Connect the brow head to the tail with a straight line drawn on a slight diagonal. 3. Fill in any sparse areas. 4. Using a brow gel (Missha Browcara), brush color on in the opposite direction of hair growth. 5. Lightly apply a second coat of brow gel (Missha Browcara), this time, in the direction of hair growth to groom and set brows in place. 6. Your "straight-brow" look is complete!

Creating a chic "arched-brow" look: 1. Using the bridge of your nose as a reference point, start the beginning of your brow (the head), in line with the side of the bridge of your nose. 2. Connect the brow head to the tail with a line drawn on a slight diagonal that curves towards the tail. 3. Continue shaping the brow, as desired. 4. Fill in any sparse areas. 5. Using a brow gel (Missha Browcara), brush color on in the opposite direction of hair growth. 6. Lightly apply a second coat of brow gel (Missha Browcara), this time, in the direction of hair growth to groom and set brows in place. 7. You "arched-brow" look is complete!

- Chì kẻ chân mày sử dụng thành phần hợp chất màu chiết xuất từ 5 loại trái cây tự nhiên là chanh, nho, cà chua, kiwi, lê kết hợp với chiết xuất các loài hoa, dâu giàu Vitamin và khoáng chất có tác dụng dưỡng ẩm, bảo vệ và giúp da luôn khỏe mạnh. Nhờ đó, đường lông mày sẽ luôn mịn mượt, bền màu.

- MISSHA PERFECT EYEBROW STYLER là người bạn không thể thiếu của mình. Nó giúp bạn gái sở hữu đôi chân màu sắc nét, quyến rũ, và thay đổi hoàn toàn sắc diện cho gương mặt rạng rỡ!

Chì kẻ lông mày dạng sáp sắc nét giúp định hình lông mày một cách dễ dàng và ấn tượng.

Missha make it brow đánh giá năm 2024
Missha make it brow đánh giá năm 2024
Missha make it brow đánh giá năm 2024
Missha make it brow đánh giá năm 2024
Missha make it brow đánh giá năm 2024