A real kick in the pants nghĩa là gì năm 2024

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Các cụm động từ

kick noun (HIT)

He gave the ball a good kick.

SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ

kick noun (STRONG FEELING)

SMART Vocabulary: các từ liên quan và các cụm từ

kick noun (STRONG TASTE)

kick noun (INTEREST)

kick noun (shoes)

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(Định nghĩa của kick từ Từ điển & Từ đồng nghĩa Cambridge dành cho Người học Nâng cao © Cambridge University Press)

kick | Từ điển Anh Mỹ

kick verb [I/T] (HIT)

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Các cụm động từ

kick noun (EXCITEMENT)

We got a kick out of that show.

kick noun (INTEREST)

kick yourself


You know you’ll kick yourself if you forget to do it, so just do it now!

(Định nghĩa của kick từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

kick | Tiếng Anh Thương Mại

kick sth into touch UK (also kick sth into the long grass)

kick the tyres UK ( US kick the tires)

kick sb upstairs informal

kick sth upstairs informal

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Các cụm động từ

(Định nghĩa của kick từ Từ điển Cambridge Tiếng Anh Doanh nghiệp © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của kick


When sampled with a kick net, the only organisms found in significant abundance at this marine foraging site were amphipods.

Neither trading conglomerate held the monopoly in the region, and profits from trade, kick-backs, and tariffs could flow in viceroyal coffers from either side.

He wanted a continuity so that, as one scene ended, the next one kicked in.

After each kicking, the robot modifies its trajectory to goal position by obtaining the information of the kicking position of the other two robots.

People cannot kick with their hands or eyes or anything else in the normal sense.

Interactive agricultural mechanisation has not been given much of a kick-start.

It hardly seems sensible to count the words separately, for kick has nothing to do with moving the foot, nor is bucket a container.

The first few sections deal with a diverse suite of analytical approaches: lithosphericscale issues kick the volume off.

This behaviour comprised sideways movement of the abdomen, kicking and sometimes retraction of the stylets and escape by walking to other parts of the plant.

The implication is that countries need to ' kick the habit ' of aid before they can turn to the task of building authentic democratic institutions.

Similarly, genes for hypercholesterolemia will only kick in if you have a high fat diet.

For example, consider an idiom such as kick the bucket.

The kick wheel is used, depending on the type of vessel being produced.

Similarly, while eat, dance, and kick would not usually be thought of as middle-forming verbs, they can, with appropriate contextualization, occur felicitously in the construction.

Multi-dimensioned intertwined basin boundaries: basin structure of the kicked double rotor.

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Kick in the Pants nghĩa là gì?

TRANG: KICK IN THE PANTS có một từ mới là PANTS nghĩa là cái quần dài. Thành ngữ này có nghĩa đen là một cú đá vào quần, tức là một lời chỉ trích, một sự trừng phạt, hay một thất bại khiến một người tỉnh giấc để cố gắng làm việc đàng hoàng hơn trước.