Do macros work on hidden sheets?

on August 8, 2011, 12:08 AM PDT

A macro to unhide all hidden sheets in an Excel workbook

Unhiding Excel sheets is easy, but can be tedious. Use this simple macro to unhide all hidden sheets in an Excel workbook.

We hide sheets for many reasons, but mostly, to keep other people out of them. We rarely hide them from ourselves. When you need to update or fix a workbook for a user, you have to remember the hidden sheets and then unhide them – which is easy enough, unless you removed that functionality from the workbook!

To unhide sheets, click any sheet tab and choose Unhide from the context menu. Then, select the sheet you want to unhide from the list and click OK. Although easy, unhiding sheets in this manner is tedious if there happens to be several of them.

Doing this several times to unhide all hidden sheets isn’t necessary. Here’s a quick macro that you can copy into almost any workbook to quickly unhide sheets:

Sub UnhideAllSheets()

‘Unhide all sheets in workbook.

Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible

Next ws

End Sub

In a nutshell, a For Each loop cycles through all the sheets in the Worksheets collection and sets each sheet’s Visible property to true. This macro will even unhide sheets you hide via the Visual Basic Editor properties (xlSheetVeryHidden) so be careful how you apply it.

To run the macro, click Macros in the Code group on the Developer tab. Or, add it to the QAT or a custom tab.

Like most macros, this one has limited appeal. If you have only a few hidden sheets and you seldom need to unhide them, it’s just as easy to manually unhide them. If, on the other hand, this is a frequent task, you’ll probably find this one useful.

It’s a good demonstration of how easy it is to cycle through an object collection. You could add an If() statement that checks for the Visible property and then change only the ones that require it, but this loop is more efficient. Just reset them all; in this case, an If() just adds more work. However, if you want to avoid unhiding certain sheets or the “very hidden” sheets, an If() statement will do the trick.

  • Microsoft

You can use a VBA code to hide or unhide a sheet in Excel. When you right-click on the sheet tab, you can see the option to hide or unhide it, and that same thing you can do with a VBA code.

In this post, we will look at some of the ways and methods that we can use.

Let’s say you want to hide “Sheet1” from the active workbook. In that case, you need to use code like the following.

Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False

In the above code, you have referred to Sheet1, use the visible property, and changed it to false.

Make a Sheet Very Hidden

There’s one more option that you can use to make a sheet very hidden that cannot be un-hide by the user easily.

Hide a Sheet Based on the Value from a Cell

Alright, if you want to use a cell value instead of directly using the sheet name in the code, you can refer to that cell.

Sheets(Range("A1").Value).Visible = True

This code refers to cell A1 and uses the value from it to refer to the sheet that you want to hide.

Helpful Links: Run a Macro – Macro Recorder – Visual Basic Editor – Personal Macro Workbook

Check Sheet Before Hiding

You can also use a small code like the following to check the sheet that you want to hide exits or not.

Sub vba_hide_sheet()

Dim sht As Worksheet

For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets

    If sht.Name = "Sheet1" Then

        sht.Visible = False
        Exit Sub

    End If

Next sht

MsgBox "Sheet not found", vbCritical, "Error"

End Sub

The above code uses the FOR EACH LOOP + IF STATEMENT to loop through each sheet in the workbook. And check for the sheet that you want to hide.

Hide All the Sheets (Except ActiveSheet)

Now there one thing that you need to understand you can’t hide all the sheets. There must be one sheet visible all the time.

Sub vba_hide_sheet()

Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets

    If ActiveSheet.Name <> ws.Name Then

        ws.Visible = False

    End If

Next ws

End Sub

The above code loops through all the sheets of the workbook, then match each sheet’s name with the active sheet’s name and hide it if it doesn’t match.

VBA Code to Unhide a Sheet

To unhide a sheet, you need to change the visible property to TRUE.

Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False

If the sheet that you want to unhide it already visible, this code won’t show any error. But if that sheet doesn’t exist, then you’ll get a Run-time error ‘9’.

Do macros work on hidden sheets?

Use VBA to Unhide All the Hidden Sheets

Imagine you have more than one hidden sheet in a workbook, and if you want to hide them manually, you need to do this one by one.

But here’s the code does this in one go.

Sub vba_unhide_sheet()

Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets

    If ws.Visible = False Then

        ws.Visible = True

    End If

Next ws

End Sub

It loops through each sheet and un-hides it.

More Tutorials on VBA Worksheets

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