In online training, an instructor has the capability to provide detailed feedback to trainees.

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  1. Digital Collaboration

    Is the use of technology to enhance and extend employees' abilities to work together regardless of their geographic proximity.

  2. Synchronous communication

    Trainers, experts, and learners interact with each other live and in real time the same way they would in face to face classroom instruction.

  3. Asynchronous communication

    Refers to non real time interactions

  4. Web 2.0

    Refers to user created social networking features on the Internet, including blogs, wikis, and twitter.

  5. Multimedia training

    Combines audiovisual training methods with computer based training.

  6. Computer based training

    Is an interactive training experience in which the computer provides the learning stimulus, the trainee must respond, and the computer analyzes the responses and provides feedback to the trainee.

  7. Interactive video

    Combines the advantages of video and computer based instruction.

  8. WWW

    Is a user friendly service on the internet. The web provides browser software that enables you to explore the web. And search engine.

  9. E-Learning

    Refers to instruction and delivery of training by computer online through the internet or the web.

  10. Web-based training

    Refers to training that is delivered on public or private computer networks and displayed by a Web browser.

  11. Intranet-based training

    Refers to training that uses the company's own computer network.

  12. Factors limiting the use of E learning

    Cost, Lack of motivation among employees to learn online, leack of management buy-in, lack of employee intranet access, lack of proof concerning return on investment, lack of high quality content

  13. Repurposing

    Refers to directly translating an instructor-led face to face training program to an online format.

  14. Learner control

    Refers to the ability of tranees to actively learn through self-pacing, exercises, exploting link to other material, and conversations with other trainees and experts

  15. Bandwith

    Refers to the number of bytes and bits that can travel between computers per second.

  16. Plug-ins

    Refer to additional software that needs to be loaded on the computer to listen to sound or watch video.

  17. Hyperlinks

    Are links that allow a trainee to access other Web sites that included printed materials as weel as communications link to experts, trainers, and other learners.

  18. Common Ways of Collaborating in Online learning

    Chat rooms, Message boards, threaded discussion, online conferencing, email, list-servs, blogs, wikis, social networking

  19. Learnig Portals

    Are Web sites or online learning centers that provide, via e-commerce transactions, access to training courses, services, and online learning communities from many sources.

  20. Blended Learning

    Combines online learning, face to face instruction, and other methods for distributing learning content and instruction.

  21. Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS)

    Are instructional systems that use artificial intelligence.

  22. Distance Learning

    Is used by grographically dispersed companies to provide information about new products, policies, or procedures as well as deliver skills traning and expert lectures to field locations.

  23. Teleconferencing

    Refers to synchronous exchange of audio, video, and/or text between two or more individuals or groups at two or more locations.

  24. Interactive distance learning (IDL)

    Refers to the latest generations of distance learning, which uses satellite technology to broadcast programs to different locations and allows trainees to respond to questions posed during the training program using a keypad.

  25. Webcasting

    Involves classroom instruction that is provided online through live broadcasts.

  26. Conditions When Training Support Technologies are Most needed

    • -Performance of task is infrequent
    • -The task is lengthy, difficult, and information-intensive
    • -The consequences of error are damaging
    • -Performance relies on knowledge, procedures, or apporaches that frequently change.
    • -There is high employee turnover
    • -Little time is available for training, or resources for training are few
    • -Employees are expected to take full responsibility for learning and performing tasks.

  27. Expert Systems

    Refer to technology that organizes and applies the knowledge of human experts to specific problems.

  28. Groupware (electronic meeting software)

    Is a special type of software application that eneables multiple users to track, share, and organize information and to work on the same document simultaneously.

  29. Electronic Performance support system (EPSS)

    Is an electronic infrastructure that captures, stores, and distributes individual and corporate knowledge assets throughout an organization to enable individuals to achieve required levels of performance in the fastest possible time and with a minimum of support from other people.

  30. Interactive voice technology

    Uses a conventional personal computer to create an automated phone response system.

  31. Imaging

    Refers to scanning documents, storing them electronically, and retrieving them.

  32. Authorizing tools

    Are used to create presentation, surveys, quizzes, animation, and graphics and to provide sound, video, and text for online learning.

  33. Learning management system (LMS)

    Is a technology plataform that can be used to automate the administration, development, and delivery of all a company's training programs.

  34. Human capital management

    Integrates training with all aspects of the human resource function to determine how traning dollars are spent and how training expenses translate into business dollars for the company.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of online learning as a training delivery method quizlet?

Which of the following is a disadvantage of online learning? Some trainees may not be motivated to learn through technology. Online learning is ineffective for training that emphasizes cognitive outcomes.

How can online training maximize the benefits of learner control?

Collaborative learning tools should be utilized to assist trainees during the learning process. How can online training maximize the benefits of learner control? Training programs should teach learners how to transfer training content to unexpected situations. Organizations must allow trainees time and space to learn.

Which of the following is true online learning is ineffective for training?

Online learning is ineffective for training that emphasizes cognitive outcomes. Some trainees may not be motivated to learn through technology. Online learning fails to link learners to other content, experts, and peers. Some trainees may not be motivated to learn through technology.

Under what conditions should managers and trainers consider using technology based training methods?

Under what conditions should managers and trainers in companies consider using new technology training methods? Sufficient budget and resources will be provided to develop and support the purchase and use of new technology. Trainees are geographically dispersed, and travel costs related to training are high.