Tháp Hà Nội Python tuple

Cho đến nay, cuốn sách này đã dạy cho bạn các kỹ thuật để viết mã Pythonic có thể đọc được. Hãy áp dụng những kỹ thuật này vào thực tế bằng cách xem mã nguồn của hai trò chơi dòng lệnh. Tháp Hà Nội và Four-in-a-Row

Các dự án này ngắn và dựa trên văn bản để giữ cho phạm vi của chúng nhỏ, nhưng chúng thể hiện các nguyên tắc mà cuốn sách này phác thảo cho đến nay. Tôi đã định dạng mã bằng công cụ Đen được mô tả trong “Đen. Trình định dạng mã kiên quyết” ở trang 53. Tôi chọn tên biến theo hướng dẫn ở Chương 4. Tôi đã viết mã theo phong cách Pythonic, như được mô tả trong Chương 6. Ngoài ra, tôi đã viết nhận xét và chuỗi tài liệu như được mô tả trong Chương 11. Bởi vì các chương trình nhỏ và chúng ta chưa đề cập đến lập trình hướng đối tượng (OOP), nên tôi đã viết hai dự án này mà không có các lớp mà bạn sẽ tìm hiểu thêm trong các Chương 15 đến 17

Chương này trình bày mã nguồn đầy đủ cho hai dự án này cùng với phân tích chi tiết về mã. Những giải thích này không giải thích nhiều về cách thức hoạt động của mã (hiểu cơ bản về cú pháp Python là tất cả những gì cần thiết cho điều đó), nhưng tại sao mã được viết theo cách của nó. Tuy nhiên, các nhà phát triển phần mềm khác nhau có ý kiến ​​khác nhau về cách viết mã và những gì họ cho là Pythonic. Bạn hoàn toàn có thể đặt câu hỏi và phê bình mã nguồn trong các dự án này

Sau khi đọc qua một dự án trong cuốn sách này, tôi khuyên bạn nên tự gõ mã và chạy chương trình một vài lần để hiểu cách chúng hoạt động. Sau đó cố gắng thực hiện lại các chương trình từ đầu. Mã của bạn không nhất thiết phải khớp với mã trong chương này, nhưng việc viết lại mã sẽ cho bạn cảm giác về việc ra quyết định và đánh đổi thiết kế mà lập trình yêu cầu

Tháp Hà Nội

Câu đố Tháp Hà Nội sử dụng một chồng đĩa có kích thước khác nhau. Các đĩa có lỗ ở tâm, vì vậy bạn có thể đặt chúng trên một trong ba cực (Hình 14-1). Để giải câu đố, người chơi phải di chuyển chồng đĩa sang một trong các cực khác. Có ba hạn chế

  1. Người chơi chỉ có thể di chuyển một đĩa tại một thời điểm
  2. Người chơi chỉ có thể di chuyển đĩa đến và đi từ đỉnh tháp
  3. Người chơi không bao giờ có thể đặt đĩa lớn hơn lên trên đĩa nhỏ hơn
Tháp Hà Nội Python tuple

Hình 14-1. Một bộ xếp hình Tháp Hà Nội vật lý

Giải câu đố này là một vấn đề khoa học máy tính phổ biến được sử dụng để dạy các thuật toán đệ quy. Chương trình của chúng tôi sẽ không giải được câu đố này; . Bạn có thể tìm thêm thông tin về Tháp Hà Nội tại https. // vi. wikipedia. org/wiki/Tower_of_Hanoi

Đầu ra

Chương trình Tháp Hà Nội hiển thị các tòa tháp dưới dạng nghệ thuật ASCII bằng cách sử dụng các ký tự văn bản để biểu thị các đĩa. Nó có thể trông thô sơ so với các ứng dụng hiện đại, nhưng cách tiếp cận này giúp việc triển khai trở nên đơn giản, bởi vì chúng tôi chỉ cần các lệnh gọi

import copy
import sys
5 và
import copy
import sys
6 để tương tác với người dùng. Khi bạn chạy chương trình, đầu ra sẽ giống như sau. Văn bản người chơi nhập được in đậm

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!

Với n đĩa, cần tối thiểu 2n – 1 nước đi để giải Tháp Hà Nội. Vì vậy, tháp năm đĩa này cần 31 bước. AC, AB, CB, AC, BA, BC, AC, AB, CB, CA, BA, CB, AC, AB, CB, AC, BA, BC, AC, BA, CB, CA, BA, BC, AC, . Nếu bạn muốn thử thách lớn hơn để tự mình giải quyết, bạn có thể tăng biến

import copy
import sys
7 trong chương trình từ
import copy
import sys
8 lên
import copy
import sys

Mã nguồn

Mở một tệp mới trong trình chỉnh sửa hoặc IDE của bạn và nhập mã sau. Lưu với tên towerofhanoi. py

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Chạy chương trình này và chơi một vài trò chơi để biết chương trình này làm gì trước khi đọc phần giải thích về mã nguồn. Để kiểm tra lỗi chính tả, hãy sao chép và dán nó vào công cụ tìm khác biệt trực tuyến tại https. // phát minh với trăn. com/ngoài/khác biệt/

Viết mã

Chúng ta hãy xem xét kỹ hơn mã nguồn để xem nó tuân theo các mẫu và phương pháp hay nhất được mô tả trong cuốn sách này như thế nào

Chúng tôi sẽ bắt đầu ở đầu chương trình

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Chương trình bắt đầu với một nhận xét nhiều dòng đóng vai trò là chuỗi tài liệu cho mô-đun

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))
0. Hàm
TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))
1 tích hợp sẽ sử dụng thông tin này để mô tả mô-đun

import copy
import sys

Bạn có thể thêm nhiều từ hơn, thậm chí cả các đoạn thông tin vào chuỗi tài liệu của mô-đun nếu bạn cần. Tôi chỉ viết một lượng nhỏ ở đây vì chương trình rất đơn giản

Sau chuỗi tài liệu mô-đun là các câu lệnh

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

import copy
import sys

Định dạng đen những câu lệnh này dưới dạng các câu lệnh riêng biệt chứ không phải là một câu lệnh duy nhất, chẳng hạn như

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))
3. Điều này làm cho việc thêm hoặc xóa các mô-đun đã nhập dễ dàng nhìn thấy hơn trong các hệ thống kiểm soát phiên bản, chẳng hạn như Git, giúp theo dõi các thay đổi mà lập trình viên thực hiện

Tiếp theo, chúng tôi xác định các hằng số chương trình này sẽ cần

________số 8

Chúng tôi xác định những thứ này ở gần đầu tệp để nhóm chúng lại với nhau và biến chúng thành các biến toàn cầu. Chúng tôi đã viết tên của họ bằng chữ viết hoa

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))
4 để đánh dấu họ là hằng số

Hằng số

import copy
import sys
7 cho biết câu đố có bao nhiêu đĩa. Biến
TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))
6 là một ví dụ về danh sách chứa tháp đã giải. nó chứa mọi đĩa có đĩa lớn nhất ở dưới cùng và đĩa nhỏ nhất ở trên cùng. Chúng tôi tạo giá trị này từ giá trị
import copy
import sys
7 và đối với năm đĩa, đó là
TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

Lưu ý rằng không có gợi ý loại nào trong tệp này. Lý do là chúng ta có thể suy ra kiểu của tất cả các biến, tham số và giá trị trả về từ mã. Ví dụ: chúng tôi đã gán hằng số

import copy
import sys
7 giá trị số nguyên
import copy
import sys
8. Từ đó, các trình kiểm tra kiểu, chẳng hạn như Mypy, sẽ suy ra rằng
import copy
import sys
7 chỉ nên chứa các số nguyên

Chúng tôi xác định hàm

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32 mà chương trình gọi ở gần cuối tệp

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!

Các chức năng cũng có thể có các tài liệu. Lưu ý chuỗi tài liệu cho

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32 bên dưới câu lệnh
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
34. Bạn có thể xem chuỗi tài liệu này bằng cách chạy
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
35 và
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
36 từ trình bao tương tác

Tiếp theo, chúng tôi viết một nhận xét mô tả rộng rãi cấu trúc dữ liệu mà chúng tôi sử dụng để biểu thị tòa tháp, bởi vì nó tạo thành cốt lõi của cách thức hoạt động của chương trình này

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!

Chúng tôi sử dụng danh sách

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))
6 làm ngăn xếp, một trong những cấu trúc dữ liệu đơn giản nhất trong phát triển phần mềm. Ngăn xếp là một danh sách có thứ tự các giá trị được thay đổi chỉ thông qua việc thêm (còn gọi là đẩy) hoặc loại bỏ (còn gọi là bật lên) các giá trị khỏi đỉnh ngăn xếp. Cấu trúc dữ liệu này đại diện hoàn hảo cho tòa tháp trong chương trình của chúng tôi. Chúng ta có thể biến danh sách Python thành ngăn xếp nếu chúng ta sử dụng phương thức
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
38 để đẩy và phương thức
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
39 để bật và tránh thay đổi danh sách theo bất kỳ cách nào khác. Chúng tôi sẽ coi phần cuối của danh sách là phần trên cùng của ngăn xếp

Mỗi số nguyên trong danh sách

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
90 đại diện cho một đĩa có kích thước nhất định. Ví dụ: trong một trò chơi có năm đĩa, danh sách
TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))
8 sẽ đại diện cho một chồng đĩa đầy đủ từ đĩa lớn nhất (
import copy
import sys
8) ở dưới cùng đến đĩa nhỏ nhất (
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
93) ở trên cùng

Lưu ý rằng nhận xét của chúng tôi cũng cung cấp các ví dụ về ngăn xếp tháp hợp lệ và không hợp lệ

Bên trong hàm

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32, chúng tôi viết một vòng lặp vô hạn để chạy một lượt trò chơi giải đố của chúng tôi

import copy
import sys

Trong một lượt, người chơi xem trạng thái hiện tại của các tòa tháp và bắt đầu di chuyển. Sau đó, chương trình cập nhật cấu trúc dữ liệu

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
90. Chúng tôi đã ẩn chi tiết của các nhiệm vụ này trong các hàm
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
96 và
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
97. Các tên hàm mô tả này cho phép hàm
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32 cung cấp một cái nhìn tổng quan về chức năng của chương trình

Các dòng tiếp theo kiểm tra xem người chơi đã giải được câu đố hay chưa bằng cách so sánh tòa tháp hoàn chỉnh trong

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))
6 với
import copy
import sys
80 và
import copy
import sys

import copy
import sys

Chúng tôi không so sánh nó với

import copy
import sys
82, bởi vì cột đó bắt đầu bằng một tòa tháp đã hoàn thành; . Lưu ý rằng chúng tôi sử dụng lại
TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))
6 để tạo các tòa tháp bắt đầu và kiểm tra xem người chơi có giải được câu đố hay không. Bởi vì
TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))
6 là một hằng số, chúng tôi có thể tin tưởng rằng nó sẽ luôn có giá trị mà chúng tôi đã gán cho nó ở phần đầu của mã nguồn

Điều kiện chúng ta sử dụng tương đương nhưng ngắn hơn

import copy
import sys
85, một thành ngữ Python mà chúng ta đã đề cập trong Chương 6. Nếu điều kiện này là
import copy
import sys
86, người chơi đã giải được câu đố và chúng tôi kết thúc chương trình. Nếu không, chúng tôi quay lại cho một lượt khác


THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
97 yêu cầu người chơi di chuyển đĩa và xác thực việc di chuyển theo luật chơi

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Chúng tôi bắt đầu một vòng lặp vô hạn tiếp tục lặp cho đến khi một câu lệnh

import copy
import sys
88 khiến việc thực thi rời khỏi vòng lặp và chức năng hoặc một cuộc gọi
import copy
import sys
89 kết thúc chương trình. Phần đầu tiên của vòng lặp yêu cầu người chơi di chuyển bằng cách chỉ định từ và đến tháp

Lưu ý lệnh

import copy
import sys
60 nhận đầu vào bàn phím từ trình phát. Cuộc gọi
import copy
import sys
61 chấp nhận đầu vào văn bản từ trình phát bằng cách đưa ra lời nhắc
import copy
import sys
62. Biểu tượng này cho biết người chơi nên nhập nội dung nào đó. Nếu chương trình không đưa ra lời nhắc, người chơi có thể nghĩ rằng chương trình đã bị đóng băng trong giây lát

Chúng tôi gọi phương thức

import copy
import sys
63 trên chuỗi được trả về từ
import copy
import sys
6 để nó trả về dạng chữ hoa của chuỗi. Điều này cho phép người chơi nhập nhãn tháp chữ hoa hoặc chữ thường, chẳng hạn như
import copy
import sys
65 hoặc
import copy
import sys
66 cho tháp A. Đổi lại, phương thức
import copy
import sys
67 của chuỗi chữ hoa được gọi, trả về một chuỗi không có bất kỳ khoảng trắng nào ở hai bên trong trường hợp người dùng vô tình thêm khoảng trắng khi di chuyển. Sự thân thiện với người dùng này giúp người chơi sử dụng chương trình của chúng tôi dễ dàng hơn một chút

Vẫn ở hàm

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
97, chúng ta kiểm tra đầu vào mà người dùng nhập vào

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Nếu người dùng nhập vào

import copy
import sys
69 (trong bất kỳ trường hợp nào, hoặc thậm chí có dấu cách ở đầu hoặc cuối chuỗi, do các cuộc gọi đến
import copy
import sys
63 và
import copy
import sys
67), chương trình sẽ kết thúc. Chúng tôi có thể đã thực hiện
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
97 trả lại
import copy
import sys
69 để chỉ ra cho người gọi rằng nó nên gọi
import copy
import sys
89, thay vì để
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
97 gọi
import copy
import sys
89. Nhưng điều này sẽ làm phức tạp giá trị trả về của
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
97. nó sẽ trả về một bộ gồm hai chuỗi (đối với nước đi của người chơi) hoặc một chuỗi
import copy
import sys
69. Hàm trả về giá trị của một kiểu dữ liệu đơn lẻ dễ hiểu hơn hàm có thể trả về giá trị của nhiều kiểu có thể. Tôi đã thảo luận điều này trong “Các giá trị trả về phải luôn có cùng kiểu dữ liệu” ở trang 177

Giữa ba tòa tháp, chỉ có thể kết hợp sáu tòa tháp. Mặc dù thực tế là chúng tôi đã mã hóa cứng tất cả sáu giá trị trong điều kiện kiểm tra di chuyển, nhưng mã này dễ đọc hơn nhiều so với mã như

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
10. Với những trường hợp này, phương pháp mã hóa cứng là đơn giản nhất

Nói chung, việc mã hóa cứng các giá trị như

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
12 và các giá trị khác dưới dạng giá trị ma thuật được coi là thông lệ không tốt, chỉ có giá trị miễn là chương trình có ba cực. Nhưng mặc dù chúng tôi có thể muốn điều chỉnh số lượng đĩa bằng cách thay đổi hằng số
import copy
import sys
7, nhưng rất khó có khả năng chúng tôi sẽ thêm nhiều cột hơn vào trò chơi. Viết ra mọi di chuyển cực có thể trên dòng này là tốt

Chúng tôi tạo hai biến mới,

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
14 và
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
15, làm tên mô tả cho dữ liệu. Chúng không phục vụ mục đích chức năng, nhưng chúng làm cho mã dễ đọc hơn
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
16 và
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Tiếp theo, chúng tôi kiểm tra xem các tòa tháp đã chọn có cấu thành một động thái hợp pháp hay không

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Nếu không, một câu lệnh

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
18 khiến việc thực hiện quay trở lại phần đầu của vòng lặp, câu lệnh này sẽ yêu cầu người chơi nhập lại nước đi của họ. Lưu ý rằng chúng tôi kiểm tra xem
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
15 có trống không; . Hai điều kiện đầu tiên này đảm bảo rằng vào thời điểm điều kiện thứ ba được chọn,
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
21 và
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
22 sẽ không bị trống hoặc gây ra lỗi
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
23. Chúng tôi đã ra lệnh cho các điều kiện này theo cách để ngăn chặn
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
23 hoặc kiểm tra bổ sung

Điều quan trọng là chương trình của bạn phải xử lý mọi thông tin nhập không hợp lệ từ người dùng hoặc các trường hợp lỗi tiềm ẩn. Người dùng có thể không biết phải nhập gì hoặc họ có thể mắc lỗi chính tả. Tương tự, các tệp có thể bị mất bất ngờ hoặc cơ sở dữ liệu có thể bị sập. Các chương trình của bạn cần phải linh hoạt trong các trường hợp ngoại lệ;

Nếu không có điều kiện nào trước đó là

import copy
import sys
86, thì
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
97 trả về
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Trong Python, các câu lệnh

import copy
import sys
88 luôn trả về một giá trị duy nhất. Mặc dù câu lệnh
import copy
import sys
88 này có vẻ như trả về hai giá trị, nhưng Python thực sự trả về một bộ gồm hai giá trị, tương đương với
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
30. Các lập trình viên Python thường bỏ qua dấu ngoặc đơn trong ngữ cảnh này. Các dấu ngoặc đơn không định nghĩa một tuple nhiều như các dấu phẩy

Lưu ý rằng chương trình chỉ gọi hàm

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
97 một lần từ hàm
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32. Hàm này không cứu chúng tôi khỏi mã trùng lặp, đây là mục đích phổ biến nhất để sử dụng một. Không có lý do gì chúng ta không thể đặt tất cả mã trong
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
97 vào hàm
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32. Nhưng chúng ta cũng có thể sử dụng các hàm như một cách để sắp xếp mã thành các đơn vị riêng biệt, đó là cách chúng ta đang sử dụng
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
97. Làm như vậy sẽ ngăn hàm
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32 trở nên quá dài và khó sử dụng


THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
96 hiển thị các đĩa trên tháp A, B và C trong đối số
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Nó dựa vào hàm

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
39 mà chúng ta sẽ trình bày tiếp theo, để hiển thị từng đĩa trong tháp. Vòng lặp
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
40 kiểm tra mọi đĩa có thể để tìm tháp và vòng lặp
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
41 kiểm tra tháp A, B và C


THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
96 gọi
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
39 để hiển thị mỗi đĩa ở một chiều rộng cụ thể hoặc nếu
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
44 được thông qua, cực không có đĩa

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Chúng tôi hiển thị các nhãn A, B và C trên màn hình. Người chơi cần thông tin này để phân biệt giữa các tòa tháp và để củng cố rằng các tòa tháp được dán nhãn A, B và C chứ không phải 1, 2 và 3 hoặc Trái, Giữa và Phải. Tôi đã chọn không sử dụng 1, 2 và 3 cho các nhãn tháp để ngăn người chơi nhầm lẫn các số này với các số được sử dụng cho kích thước của đĩa

Chúng tôi đặt biến

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
45 thành số khoảng trống để đặt giữa mỗi nhãn, điều này lần lượt dựa trên
import copy
import sys
7, bởi vì càng nhiều đĩa trong trò chơi, khoảng cách giữa các cực càng rộng. Thay vì sử dụng chuỗi f, như trong
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
47, chúng tôi sử dụng phương thức chuỗi
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
48. Điều này cho phép chúng tôi sử dụng cùng một đối số
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
45 bất cứ nơi nào
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
50 xuất hiện trong chuỗi được liên kết, tạo ra mã ngắn hơn và dễ đọc hơn so với phiên bản chuỗi f


"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
39 hiển thị một đĩa đơn cùng với chiều rộng của nó. Nếu không có đĩa, nó chỉ hiển thị cực

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Chúng tôi đại diện cho một đĩa bằng cách sử dụng một khoảng trống ở đầu, một số ký tự

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
52 bằng với chiều rộng của đĩa, hai ký tự cho chiều rộng (bao gồm cả dấu gạch dưới nếu chiều rộng là một chữ số), một chuỗi ký tự
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
52 khác, và sau đó là khoảng trống ở cuối . Để chỉ hiển thị cột trống, tất cả những gì chúng ta cần là khoảng trống ở đầu, hai ký tự ống và khoảng trống ở cuối. Kết quả là, chúng tôi sẽ cần sáu cuộc gọi đến
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
39 với sáu đối số khác nhau cho
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
55 để hiển thị tòa tháp sau

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Lưu ý cách các hàm_______296 và

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
39 phân chia trách nhiệm hiển thị các tòa tháp. Mặc dù
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
96 quyết định cách diễn giải cấu trúc dữ liệu đại diện cho từng tháp, nhưng nó dựa vào
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
39 để thực sự hiển thị từng đĩa của tháp. Chia chương trình của bạn thành các chức năng nhỏ hơn như thế này giúp kiểm tra từng phần dễ dàng hơn. Nếu chương trình hiển thị các đĩa không chính xác, vấn đề có thể xảy ra ở
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
39. Nếu các đĩa xuất hiện không đúng thứ tự, có thể sự cố nằm ở
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
96. Dù bằng cách nào, phần mã bạn phải gỡ lỗi sẽ nhỏ hơn nhiều

Để gọi hàm

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32, chúng tôi sử dụng một thành ngữ Python phổ biến

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Python tự động đặt biến

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
63 thành
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
64 nếu người chơi chạy towerofhanoi. chương trình py trực tiếp. Nhưng nếu ai đó nhập chương trình dưới dạng mô-đun bằng cách sử dụng
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
35, thì
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
63 sẽ được đặt thành
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
67. Dòng
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
68 sẽ gọi hàm
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32 nếu ai đó chạy chương trình của chúng ta, bắt đầu trò chơi Tháp Hà Nội. Nhưng nếu chúng ta chỉ muốn nhập chương trình dưới dạng một mô-đun để chúng ta có thể gọi các chức năng riêng lẻ trong đó để kiểm tra đơn vị, thì điều kiện này sẽ là
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
70 và
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32 sẽ không được gọi

Bốn trong một hàng

Four-in-a-Row là một trò chơi thả gạch dành cho hai người chơi. Mỗi người chơi cố gắng tạo một hàng gồm bốn ô của họ, theo chiều ngang, chiều dọc hoặc đường chéo. Nó tương tự như trò chơi bảng Connect Four và Four Up. Trò chơi sử dụng bảng đứng 7 x 6 và các ô xếp rơi xuống khoảng trống thấp nhất trong một cột. Trong trò chơi Bốn người trong một hàng của chúng tôi, hai người chơi là X và O sẽ đấu với nhau, trái ngược với một người chơi đấu với máy tính

Đầu ra

Khi bạn chạy chương trình Four-in-a-Row trong chương này, đầu ra sẽ như thế này

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Cố gắng tìm ra nhiều chiến lược tinh tế mà bạn có thể sử dụng để có được bốn ô liên tiếp trong khi ngăn chặn đối thủ của bạn làm điều tương tự

Mã nguồn

Mở một tệp mới trong trình chỉnh sửa hoặc IDE của bạn, nhập mã sau và lưu dưới dạng Fourinarow. py

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Chạy chương trình này và chơi một vài trò chơi để biết chương trình này làm gì trước khi đọc phần giải thích về mã nguồn. Để kiểm tra lỗi chính tả, hãy sao chép và dán nó vào công cụ tìm khác biệt trực tuyến tại https. // phát minh với trăn. com/ngoài/khác biệt/

Viết mã

Hãy xem mã nguồn của chương trình, như chúng ta đã làm với chương trình Tháp Hà Nội. Một lần nữa, tôi đã định dạng mã này bằng Màu đen với giới hạn dòng là 75 ký tự

Chúng tôi sẽ bắt đầu ở đầu chương trình

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Chúng tôi bắt đầu chương trình với một chuỗi tài liệu, nhập mô-đun và gán liên tục, như chúng tôi đã làm trong chương trình Tháp Hà Nội. Chúng tôi xác định các hằng số

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
72 và
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
73 để chúng tôi không phải sử dụng các chuỗi
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
74 và
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
75 trong suốt chương trình, giúp dễ bắt lỗi hơn. Nếu chúng ta nhập lỗi đánh máy trong khi sử dụng các hằng số, chẳng hạn như
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
76, Python sẽ tăng
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
77, ngay lập tức chỉ ra vấn đề. Nhưng nếu chúng tôi mắc lỗi đánh máy với ký tự
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
74, chẳng hạn như
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
79 hoặc
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
80, thì lỗi có thể không rõ ràng ngay lập tức. Như đã giải thích trong “Magic Numbers” ở trang 71, việc sử dụng hằng số thay vì giá trị chuỗi trực tiếp không chỉ cung cấp mô tả mà còn cảnh báo sớm cho bất kỳ lỗi chính tả nào trong mã nguồn của bạn

Các hằng số không nên thay đổi trong khi chương trình chạy. Nhưng lập trình viên có thể cập nhật giá trị của chúng trong các phiên bản tương lai của chương trình. Vì lý do này, chúng tôi ghi chú cho các lập trình viên biết rằng họ nên cập nhật các hằng số

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
81 và
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
82, được mô tả sau, nếu họ thay đổi giá trị của
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Tiếp theo, chúng ta tạo hằng số

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng hằng số này sau để đảm bảo người chơi chọn một cột hợp lệ. Lưu ý rằng nếu chúng tôi đã từng đặt

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
83 thành một giá trị khác với
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
86, chúng tôi sẽ phải thêm nhãn vào hoặc xóa nhãn khỏi bộ dữ liệu
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
82. Tôi có thể tránh điều này bằng cách tạo ra giá trị của
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
82 dựa trên
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
83 với mã như thế này.
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
90. Nhưng
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
82 không có khả năng thay đổi trong tương lai, vì trò chơi Bốn hàng một tiêu chuẩn được chơi trên bàn cờ 7 x 6, vì vậy tôi quyết định viết ra một giá trị bộ dữ liệu rõ ràng

Chắc chắn rồi, mã hóa cứng này có mùi mã, như được mô tả trong “Số ma thuật” ở trang 71, nhưng nó dễ đọc hơn mã thay thế. Ngoài ra, câu lệnh

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
92 cảnh báo chúng tôi về việc thay đổi
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
83 mà không cập nhật
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Như với Tháp Hà Nội, chương trình Four-in-a-Row sử dụng nghệ thuật ASCII để vẽ bảng trò chơi. Các dòng sau đây là một câu lệnh gán đơn với một chuỗi nhiều dòng

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Chuỗi này chứa dấu ngoặc nhọn (

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
95) mà phương thức chuỗi
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
48 sẽ thay thế bằng nội dung của bảng. (Hàm
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
97, được giải thích sau, sẽ xử lý việc này. ) Bởi vì bảng bao gồm bảy cột và sáu hàng, chúng tôi sử dụng bảy cặp dấu ngoặc nhọn
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
95 trong mỗi sáu hàng để đại diện cho mọi vị trí. Lưu ý rằng giống như
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
82, về mặt kỹ thuật, chúng tôi đang mã hóa cứng bảng để tạo một số cột và hàng đã đặt. Nếu chúng tôi thay đổi
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
83 hoặc
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
01 thành số nguyên mới, chúng tôi cũng sẽ phải cập nhật chuỗi nhiều dòng trong
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Chúng tôi có thể đã viết mã để tạo

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
81 dựa trên các hằng số
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
83 và
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
01, như vậy

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Nhưng mã này không thể đọc được như một chuỗi nhiều dòng đơn giản và dù sao thì chúng tôi cũng không thể thay đổi kích thước của bảng trò chơi, vì vậy chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng chuỗi nhiều dòng đơn giản

Chúng tôi bắt đầu viết hàm

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32, hàm này sẽ gọi tất cả các hàm khác mà chúng tôi đã tạo cho trò chơi này

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Chúng tôi cung cấp cho hàm

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32 một chuỗi tài liệu, có thể xem được bằng hàm
TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))
1 tích hợp. Hàm
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32 cũng chuẩn bị bảng trò chơi cho một trò chơi mới và chọn người chơi đầu tiên

Bên trong hàm

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32 là một vòng lặp vô hạn

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Mỗi lần lặp của vòng lặp này bao gồm một lượt duy nhất. Đầu tiên, chúng tôi hiển thị bảng trò chơi cho người chơi. Thứ hai, người chơi chọn một cột để thả một ô vào và thứ ba, chúng tôi cập nhật cấu trúc dữ liệu bảng trò chơi

Tiếp theo, chúng tôi đánh giá kết quả di chuyển của người chơi

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Nếu người chơi thực hiện một nước đi chiến thắng,

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
11 trả về
import copy
import sys
86 và trò chơi kết thúc. Nếu người chơi lấp đầy bàn cờ và không có người chiến thắng,
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
13 trả về
import copy
import sys
86 và trò chơi kết thúc. Lưu ý rằng thay vì gọi
import copy
import sys
89, chúng ta có thể sử dụng một câu lệnh
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
16 đơn giản. Điều này có thể khiến việc thực thi thoát ra khỏi vòng lặp
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
17 và vì không có mã nào trong hàm
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32 sau vòng lặp này, nên hàm sẽ quay trở lại lệnh gọi
THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32 ở cuối chương trình, khiến chương trình kết thúc. Nhưng tôi đã chọn sử dụng
import copy
import sys
89 để các lập trình viên đọc mã hiểu rõ rằng chương trình sẽ kết thúc ngay lập tức

Nếu trò chơi chưa kết thúc, các dòng sau sẽ đặt

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
21 cho người chơi khác

import copy
import sys

Lưu ý rằng tôi có thể biến câu lệnh

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
22 thành một câu lệnh
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
23 đơn giản mà không cần điều kiện. Nhưng hãy nhớ lại nguyên lý Zen của Python rằng rõ ràng hơn là ẩn ý. Mã này nói rõ ràng rằng nếu bây giờ đến lượt người chơi O, thì tiếp theo sẽ đến lượt người chơi X. Phương án thay thế sẽ chỉ nói rằng nếu bây giờ không đến lượt người chơi X, thì sẽ đến lượt người chơi X tiếp theo. Mặc dù các câu lệnh
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
24 và
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
23 phù hợp tự nhiên với các điều kiện Boolean, nhưng các giá trị
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
72 và
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
73 không giống như
import copy
import sys
86 và
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
30 không giống như
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
73. Do đó, thật hữu ích khi trực tiếp kiểm tra giá trị của
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Ngoài ra, tôi có thể đã thực hiện các hành động tương tự trong một lớp lót

import copy
import sys

Dòng này sử dụng thủ thuật từ điển được đề cập trong “Sử dụng từ điển thay vì câu lệnh

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
33” trên trang 101. Nhưng giống như nhiều câu nói đơn lẻ, nó không dễ đọc như câu lệnh
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
24 và
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
22 trực tiếp

Tiếp theo, chúng ta định nghĩa hàm

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

Hàm này trả về một từ điển đại diện cho một bảng Four-in-a-Row. Nó có bộ dữ liệu

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
37 cho các phím (trong đó ________ 738 và ________ 739 là số nguyên) và ký tự ________ 740, ________ 741 hoặc
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
42 cho ô xếp ở mỗi vị trí trên bảng. Chúng tôi lưu trữ các chuỗi này lần lượt trong
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
73 và
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Trò chơi Four-in-a-Row của chúng tôi khá đơn giản, vì vậy sử dụng từ điển để đại diện cho bảng trò chơi là một kỹ thuật phù hợp. Tuy nhiên, chúng ta có thể đã sử dụng cách tiếp cận OOP để thay thế. Chúng ta sẽ khám phá OOP trong Chương 15 đến 17


"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
97 lấy cấu trúc dữ liệu bàn trò chơi cho đối số
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
47 và hiển thị bàn cờ trên màn hình bằng cách sử dụng hằng số
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

import copy
import sys

Nhớ lại rằng

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
81 là một chuỗi nhiều dòng với một số cặp dấu ngoặc. Khi chúng ta gọi phương thức
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
48 trên
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
81, các dấu ngoặc này sẽ được thay thế bằng các đối số được truyền cho
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":


"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
53 sẽ chứa danh sách các đối số này. Chúng tôi bắt đầu bằng cách gán cho nó một danh sách trống. Giá trị đầu tiên trong
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
53 sẽ thay thế cặp dấu ngoặc nhọn đầu tiên trong
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
81, giá trị thứ hai sẽ thay thế cặp thứ hai, v.v. Về cơ bản, chúng tôi đang tạo một danh sách các giá trị từ từ điển
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

Các vòng lặp

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
57 lồng nhau này lặp qua mọi hàng và cột có thể có trên bảng, nối thêm chúng vào danh sách trong
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
53. Khi các vòng lặp này kết thúc, chúng tôi chuyển các giá trị trong danh sách
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
53 dưới dạng các đối số riêng lẻ cho phương thức
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
48 bằng cách sử dụng tiền tố dấu sao
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
61. Phần “Sử dụng
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
61 để tạo các hàm biến thiên” trên trang 167 đã giải thích cách sử dụng cú pháp này để xử lý các giá trị trong danh sách dưới dạng các đối số hàm riêng biệt. mã
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
63 tương đương với
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
64. Chúng ta cần dấu sao vì phương thức
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
48 yêu cầu một đối số cho mỗi cặp dấu ngoặc nhọn, không phải một đối số danh sách

Tiếp theo, chúng ta viết hàm

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!

import copy
import sys

Chức năng bắt đầu với một vòng lặp vô hạn chờ người chơi thực hiện một nước đi hợp lệ. Đoạn mã này giống hàm

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
97 trong chương trình Tháp Hà Nội. Lưu ý rằng cuộc gọi
import copy
import sys
5 khi bắt đầu vòng lặp
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
17 sử dụng chuỗi f để chúng tôi không phải thay đổi thông báo nếu chúng tôi cập nhật
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Chúng tôi kiểm tra xem phản hồi của người chơi có phải là một cột không;

import copy
import sys

Chúng ta có thể viết điều kiện xác thực đầu vào này là

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
72, nhưng sẽ đơn giản hơn nếu chỉ sử dụng
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

Tiếp theo, chúng ta cần tìm ra hàng nào mà một ô rơi trong cột đã chọn của người chơi sẽ rơi xuống

import copy
import sys

Bảng hiển thị các nhãn cột

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
93 đến
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
86 trên màn hình. Nhưng các chỉ mục
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
37 trên bảng sử dụng chỉ mục dựa trên 0, vì vậy chúng nằm trong khoảng từ 0 đến 6. Để giải quyết sự khác biệt này, chúng tôi chuyển đổi các giá trị chuỗi
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
77 thành
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
78 thành các giá trị số nguyên
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
44 thành
import copy
import sys

Các chỉ mục hàng bắt đầu từ

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
44 ở đầu bảng và tăng lên
import copy
import sys
9 ở cuối bảng. Chúng tôi kiểm tra hàng trên cùng trong cột đã chọn để xem nó có bị chiếm dụng không. Nếu vậy, cột này đã đầy hoàn toàn và câu lệnh
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
18 di chuyển việc thực hiện trở lại điểm bắt đầu của vòng lặp để yêu cầu người chơi thực hiện một nước đi khác

Nếu cột không đầy, chúng ta cần tìm không gian trống thấp nhất để ô tiếp đất

import copy
import sys

Vòng lặp

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
57 này bắt đầu ở chỉ mục hàng dưới cùng,
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
85 hoặc
import copy
import sys
9 và di chuyển lên cho đến khi tìm thấy khoảng trống đầu tiên. Sau đó, hàm trả về các chỉ mục của khoảng trống thấp nhất

Bất cứ khi nào bàn cờ đầy, trò chơi kết thúc với tỷ số hòa

import copy
import sys


"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
13 sử dụng một cặp vòng lặp
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
57 lồng nhau để lặp lại mọi vị trí trên bảng. Nếu nó tìm thấy một khoảng trống duy nhất, thì bảng chưa đầy và hàm trả về
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
70. Nếu quá trình thực thi diễn ra qua cả hai vòng lặp, hàm
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
13 không tìm thấy khoảng trống nào, do đó, nó trả về
import copy
import sys


"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
11 kiểm tra xem người chơi có thắng trò chơi không

import copy
import sys

Hàm này trả về

import copy
import sys
86 nếu
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
94 xuất hiện bốn lần liên tiếp theo chiều ngang, chiều dọc hoặc đường chéo. Để biết điều kiện có được đáp ứng hay không, chúng ta phải kiểm tra từng bộ bốn ô liền kề trên bàn cờ. Chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng một loạt các vòng lặp
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
57 lồng nhau để làm điều này

Bộ dữ liệu

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
37 đại diện cho một điểm bắt đầu. Chúng tôi kiểm tra điểm bắt đầu và ba dấu cách ở bên phải của nó để tìm chuỗi
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
94. Nếu không gian bắt đầu là
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
37, thì không gian bên phải của nó sẽ là
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
99, v.v. Chúng tôi sẽ lưu các ô trong bốn khoảng trống này vào các biến ________ 1000, ________ 1001, ______ 1002 và ________ 1003. Nếu tất cả các biến này có cùng giá trị như
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
94, thì chúng tôi đã tìm thấy bốn biến liên tiếp và hàm
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""
11 trả về
import copy
import sys

Trong “Biến có hậu tố số” ở trang 76, tôi đã đề cập rằng các tên biến có hậu tố số liên tiếp (như

import copy
import sys
000 đến
import copy
import sys
003 trong trò chơi này) thường là một mùi mã cho biết bạn nên sử dụng một danh sách duy nhất thay thế. Nhưng trong bối cảnh này, những tên biến này là tốt. Chúng ta không cần thay thế chúng bằng một danh sách, bởi vì chương trình Bốn hàng liên tiếp sẽ luôn yêu cầu chính xác bốn trong số các biến ô xếp này. Hãy nhớ rằng mùi mã không nhất thiết chỉ ra vấn đề; . Trong trường hợp này, việc sử dụng một danh sách sẽ làm cho mã của chúng ta phức tạp hơn và nó sẽ không mang lại bất kỳ lợi ích nào, vì vậy chúng ta sẽ sử dụng
import copy
import sys
import copy
import sys
import copy
import sys
002 và
import copy
import sys

Chúng tôi sử dụng quy trình tương tự để kiểm tra các ô xếp bốn hàng dọc

import copy
import sys

Tiếp theo, chúng tôi kiểm tra các ô xếp bốn hàng theo kiểu đường chéo đi xuống và sang phải;

import copy
import sys

Mã này tương tự như kiểm tra bốn hàng ngang, vì vậy tôi sẽ không lặp lại lời giải thích ở đây. Nếu tất cả các kiểm tra cho các ô bốn hàng liên tiếp không tìm thấy bất kỳ ô nào, hàm trả về ________ 670 để cho biết rằng ________ 794 không phải là người chiến thắng trên bảng này

import copy
import sys

Nhiệm vụ duy nhất còn lại là gọi hàm

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Một lần nữa, chúng tôi sử dụng một thành ngữ Python phổ biến sẽ gọi

THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

     ||          ||          ||
    @[email protected]         ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||          ||
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)

> AC
     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||          ||
   @@[email protected]@        ||          ||
  @@@[email protected]@@       ||          ||
 @@@@[email protected]@@@      ||          ||
@@@@@[email protected]@@@@     ||         @[email protected]
      A           B           C

Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.
(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)


     ||          ||          ||
     ||          ||         @[email protected]
     ||          ||        @@[email protected]@
     ||          ||       @@@[email protected]@@
     ||          ||      @@@@[email protected]@@@
     ||          ||     @@@@@[email protected]@@@@
      A           B           C

You have solved the puzzle! Well done!
32 nếu Fourinarow. py được chạy trực tiếp nhưng không chạy nếu fourinarow. py được nhập dưới dạng mô-đun

Tóm lược

Trò chơi xếp hình Tháp Hà Nội và trò chơi Bốn người trong một hàng là những chương trình ngắn, nhưng bằng cách làm theo các cách thực hành trong cuốn sách này, bạn có thể đảm bảo rằng mã của chúng có thể đọc được và dễ gỡ lỗi. Các chương trình này tuân theo một số thông lệ tốt. chúng đã được định dạng tự động bằng Màu đen, sử dụng chuỗi tài liệu để mô tả mô-đun và chức năng, đồng thời đặt các hằng số ở gần đầu tệp. Chúng giới hạn các biến, tham số hàm và hàm trả về giá trị cho một kiểu dữ liệu duy nhất nên gợi ý kiểu, mặc dù là một dạng tài liệu bổ sung hữu ích, là không cần thiết

Trong Tháp Hà Nội, chúng tôi biểu diễn ba tòa tháp dưới dạng từ điển với các khóa

import copy
import sys
import copy
import sys
018 và
import copy
import sys
019 có giá trị là danh sách các số nguyên. Điều này hoạt động, nhưng nếu chương trình của chúng tôi lớn hơn hoặc phức tạp hơn, thì sẽ là một ý tưởng hay khi biểu diễn dữ liệu này bằng một lớp. Các lớp và kỹ thuật OOP không được sử dụng trong chương này vì tôi không đề cập đến OOP cho đến Chương 15 đến 17. Nhưng hãy nhớ rằng việc sử dụng một lớp cho cấu trúc dữ liệu này là hoàn toàn hợp lệ. Các tòa tháp hiển thị dưới dạng nghệ thuật ASCII trên màn hình, sử dụng các ký tự văn bản để hiển thị từng đĩa của các tòa tháp

Trò chơi Four-in-a-Row sử dụng nghệ thuật ASCII để hiển thị một đại diện của bảng trò chơi. Chúng tôi hiển thị điều này bằng cách sử dụng một chuỗi nhiều dòng được lưu trữ trong hằng số

"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
81. Chuỗi này có 42 cặp dấu ngoặc nhọn
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
95 để hiển thị từng khoảng trống trên bảng 7 nhân 6. Chúng tôi sử dụng dấu ngoặc nhọn để phương thức chuỗi
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
48 có thể thay thế chúng bằng ô tại không gian đó. Bằng cách này, rõ ràng hơn cách chuỗi
"""THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]
A stack-moving puzzle game."""

import copy
import sys

TOTAL_DISKS = 5  # More disks means a more difficult puzzle.

# Start with all disks on tower A:
SOLVED_TOWER = list(range(TOTAL_DISKS, 0, -1))

def main():
    """Runs a single game of The Tower of Hanoi."""
        """THE TOWER OF HANOI, by Al Sweigart [email protected]

Move the tower of disks, one disk at a time, to another tower. Larger
disks cannot rest on top of a smaller disk.

More info at

    """The towers dictionary has keys "A", "B", and "C" and values
    that are lists representing a tower of disks. The list contains
    integers representing disks of different sizes, and the start of
    the list is the bottom of the tower. For a game with 5 disks,
    the list [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] represents a completed tower. The blank
    list [] represents a tower of no disks. The list [1, 3] has a
    larger disk on top of a smaller disk and is an invalid
    configuration. The list [3, 1] is allowed since smaller disks
    can go on top of larger ones."""
    towers = {"A": copy.copy(SOLVED_TOWER), "B": [], "C": []}

    while True:  # Run a single turn on each iteration of this loop.
        # Display the towers and disks:

        # Ask the user for a move:
        fromTower, toTower = getPlayerMove(towers)

        # Move the top disk from fromTower to toTower:
        disk = towers[fromTower].pop()

        # Check if the user has solved the puzzle:
        if SOLVED_TOWER in (towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            displayTowers(towers)  # Display the towers one last time.
            print("You have solved the puzzle! Well done!")

def getPlayerMove(towers):
    """Asks the player for a move. Returns (fromTower, toTower)."""

    while True:  # Keep asking player until they enter a valid move.
        print('Enter the letters of "from" and "to" towers, or QUIT.')
        print("(e.g., AB to move a disk from tower A to tower B.)")
        response = input("> ").upper().strip()

        if response == "QUIT":
            print("Thanks for playing!")

        # Make sure the user entered valid tower letters:
        if response not in ("AB", "AC", "BA", "BC", "CA", "CB"):
            print("Enter one of AB, AC, BA, BC, CA, or CB.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.

        # Use more descriptive variable names:
        fromTower, toTower = response[0], response[1]

        if len(towers[fromTower]) == 0:
            # The "from" tower cannot be an empty tower:
            print("You selected a tower with no disks.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
        elif len(towers[toTower]) == 0:
            # Any disk can be moved onto an empty "to" tower:
            return fromTower, toTower
        elif towers[toTower][-1] < towers[fromTower][-1]:
            print("Can't put larger disks on top of smaller ones.")
            continue  # Ask player again for their move.
            # This is a valid move, so return the selected towers:
            return fromTower, toTower

def displayTowers(towers):
    """Display the three towers with their disks."""

    # Display the three towers:
    for level in range(TOTAL_DISKS, -1, -1):
        for tower in (towers["A"], towers["B"], towers["C"]):
            if level >= len(tower):
                displayDisk(0)  # Display the bare pole with no disk.
                displayDisk(tower[level])  # Display the disk.

    # Display the tower labels A, B, and C:
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS)
    print("{0} A{0}{0} B{0}{0} C\n".format(emptySpace))

def displayDisk(width):
    """Display a disk of the given width. A width of 0 means no disk."""
    emptySpace = " " * (TOTAL_DISKS - width)

    if width == 0:
        # Display a pole segment without a disk:
        print(f"{emptySpace}||{emptySpace}", end="")
        # Display the disk:
        disk = "@" * width
        numLabel = str(width).rjust(2, "_")
        print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}", end="")

# If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game:
if __name__ == "__main__":
81 tạo ra bảng trò chơi khi nó xuất hiện trên màn hình

Mặc dù cấu trúc dữ liệu của chúng khác nhau nhưng hai chương trình này có nhiều điểm tương đồng. Cả hai đều hiển thị cấu trúc dữ liệu của họ trên màn hình, yêu cầu trình phát nhập dữ liệu, xác thực dữ liệu nhập đó và sau đó sử dụng dữ liệu đó để cập nhật cấu trúc dữ liệu của họ trước khi lặp lại từ đầu. Nhưng có nhiều cách khác nhau mà chúng ta có thể viết mã để thực hiện những hành động này. Điều làm cho mã có thể đọc được cuối cùng là ý kiến ​​chủ quan hơn là thước đo khách quan về mức độ tuân thủ chặt chẽ của nó đối với một số danh sách quy tắc. Mã nguồn trong chương này cho thấy rằng mặc dù chúng ta nên luôn xem xét lại bất kỳ mã nào có mùi, nhưng không phải tất cả các mã có mùi đều cho thấy sự cố mà chúng ta cần khắc phục. Khả năng đọc mã quan trọng hơn là tuân theo chính sách “mã không có mùi” cho các chương trình của bạn một cách thiếu suy nghĩ

Làm cách nào để tạo Tháp Hà Nội bằng Python?

Chương trình Python/ Mã nguồn .
# Tạo hàm đệ quy
def tower_of_hanoi(đĩa, nguồn, phụ, đích)
nếu (đĩa == 1)
print('Chuyển đĩa 1 từ thanh {} sang thanh {}. '. định dạng (nguồn, đích))
trở lại
# tự gọi hàm
tower_of_hanoi(đĩa - 1, nguồn, đích, phụ trợ)

Tháp Hà Nội có thể được giải quyết mà không cần đệ quy không?

Có. Nó có thể được lập trình mà không cần đệ quy và không cần ngăn xếp (hoặc ngăn xếp mô phỏng) .

Công thức của Tháp Hà Nội là gì?

Số nước đi tối thiểu cần thiết để giải câu đố Tháp Hà Nội là 2n − 1, trong đó n là số đĩa

Chúng ta có thể giải bài toán Tháp Hà Nội bằng phương pháp lặp không?

Phương pháp tiếp cận lặp lại cho Tower Of Hanoi . till n becomes 1 we will put a variable into stack which makes a track of source, auxiliary and destination pole. Nếu n trở thành 1 thì chúng ta sẽ lấy biến ra khỏi ngăn xếp và in ra.