Turn off listening

If you’ve ever thought someone was secretly eavesdropping on you, you’re right.

Smartphones and other devices can hear and record what you say, as proven by a now-viral TikTok that showed thousands of audio files recorded on a woman’s Echo and Dot speakers and saved in the innermost folders of her Amazon account.

“I’m not totally comfortable with everything they have,” said the TikTok user, who accessed the files after requesting them from Amazon.

Smart speakers, like Google Home devices or Amazon Echos, can accidentally activate 19 times a day and record 43 seconds of audio with each activation, according to a new study released by Northeastern University.

This is because the devices attempt to detect “wake” words — like “Hey Siri” or “Alexa” — even when seemingly turned off or asleep. Those vocal cues are a component of what makes the technology handy-to-use, but like any technology, it isn’t perfect.

“These technologies are in various stages of development,” cautioned artificial intelligence expert Liz O’Sullivan, the CEO of Parity, an AI compliance and governance platform.

She doesn’t personally use smart at-home devices, but those who do can take simple steps to protect their privacy. Here’s what to do on various gadgets.


Check what apps have access to your iPhone’s microphone by going to “Settings,” then “Privacy,” then “Microphone.” You can also opt to to turn off Siri in “Settings”: Go to “Siri & Search” (or “Siri” in the “General” tab on iPhones running iOS 10 and older), deselect “Listen for ‘Hey Siri,'” deselect “Press Home for Siri” and “Allow Siri When Locked.” Instead, choose “Turn Off Siri.”

Turn off listening
Apps such as Facebook, Instagram and more ask permission from users to access cameras and microphones, allowing them to sometimes record sound.PA Images via Getty Images

For Android users, you can stop the Google voice assistant by going into “Settings,” tapping “Google” and going into the “Search” tab under the “Services” section. To listen to your Google recordings, log in to the “My Activity” page, filter by “Date & Product,” choose “Voice & Audio” and view the recordings.

Turn off listening
Users can turn off devices’ ability to always listen — by muting the microphone or changing settings — to better protect their privacy.SOPA Images/LightRocket via Gett

Amazon Echo

On every Echo device, there’s an option to mute the microphone that picks up sound.

The button features a microphone or a circle with a line through it and is located on the top of the speaker. To turn it off, push the button; it will turn red and stops the device from listening to vocal cues and accidentally waking, barring it from recording the user until turned back on.

To receive data Amazon collects from you in your home, you can request data from their site and have it emailed to you. You can delete voice recordings saved on devices by logging into your account, choosing “Manage Your Content and Devices” under “My Account” and choosing the individual device.

Turn off listening
Google voice assistant devices work similarly to Amazon’s, listening to vocal cues — like words and phrases that signal for the technology to start listening.SOPA Images/LightRocket via Gett

Google Assistant

To view and delete voice recordings, visit the Google Home app, tap the account icon in the top right corner, choose “My Activity” and select which recordings you want to delete.

Google also has an option to delete recordings between certain dates by clicking the three dots on the right-hand side and using the drop down menu that appears. There is also an “auto-delete” feature in “My Activity” that users can activate.

If you don’t want recordings stored at all, Google devices have an “Assistant Guest Mode” feature, which doesn’t save any audio.

Turn off listening
Smart devices, such as Amazon Echos and Google Homes, have the ability to listen to users’ conversations at home.REUTERS

Not everyone in the field sees these privacy concerns as a major issue. Professor Nasir Memon, the chair of New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering, noted that these companies don’t store information maliciously — they do it for quality control and to best optimize the technology for users.

“I understand the concern,” he said. “But what can you do, right? You’re looking for a system to obey your voice commands, and it has to be triggered in some way.”

Filed under amazon amazon alexa amazon echo android artificial intelligence facebook google instagram iphone iPhones smartphones social media 10/22/21

Is it true that my phone is listening to me?

In 2011, Apple introduced Siri, the first virtual assistant designed for iPhones. It paved the way for Alexa, Cortana, and many others. They listen to your voice all the time and, after you trigger a special command, recognize you so you can make calls, send texts, ask questions, and control your device.

We can definitely say that your phone is listening to you via your device's onboard microphone. It always has to listen to you so it can hear your voice command and assist you. However, things are not that simple.

Apple randomly selects a small portion of users’ conversations with Siri to analyze them and see how they can improve the quality of their service. In 2019, a report revealed that Siri can sometimes be mistakenly activated and record private matters, such as people having sex, discussing business, and even talking with their doctors, all of which might later be passed on to contractors responsible for analyzing voice recordings. Apple apologized to its users and promised to improve its policies and default settings. But Siri’s case is not an exception, as Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant are using similar systems and default settings.

Is my phone listening to me? A simple experiment.

If you still think your phone is listening to you, there's a simple test that you can try. From your phone's settings, disable mic access for all of your apps. (Like Facebook's microphone access for example, which you can find in your iOS device's settings). Next, try talking about a product out loud with a friend that you haven't ever searched for on any of your devices. Your targeted ads shouldn't be based on anything that you've just spoken about.

Why is my phone listening to me?

When you ask Google Assistant or Siri to find something, this information is used for targeted ads. It’s no different from typing something into Google Search. If you’re looking for car dealerships in your city, related ads will start chasing you across the internet. In a way, a virtual assistant is just another search engine.

A VPN service will surely give you more privacy when you use your phone. It will encrypt your traffic and hide your IP. You can easily install the app in desktop and mobile devices and use it on all of them simultaneously. With a single NordVPN account you can protect up to 6 devices.

Protect your privacy.

Stay safe and mobile

When you’re using a virtual assistant, you agree to the terms and conditions of the service provider. And if you’ve given your consent in your Google assistant settings, for instance, it’s legal to track your conversations with Google Assistant, Siri, or Alexa for marketing purposes.

It only becomes illegal if an app is spying on you without your consent. That’s why it’s important to review the permissions you’re giving to certain services and learn about the ways your phone is tracking you. If the photo editor you just downloaded asks to access your microphone, consider it fishy, as it can record your voice in the background and use this information for malicious purposes.

How to make my phone stop listening to me

A virtual assistant is just another feature on your smartphone, speaker, watch, or any other device. If you don’t use it or feel unsafe, you can disable it.

How to turn off your microphone on iPhone and Android devices

How to disable “Hey Siri” on iOS:

  1. Go to Settings > Siri & Search.
  2. Toggle off Listen for “Hey Siri”, Press Side Button for Siri, and Allow Siri When Locked.
  3. Tap on Turn Off Siri in the pop-up.

How to disable “Ok Google” on Android:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select Google > Account Services > Search, Assistant & Voice > Voice.
  3. Select Voice Match and toggle off Hey Google.

Other ways to turn of the microphone on your phone

There are a few other steps you can take to limit microphone activity on your device.

For example, you can edit the audio permissions for individual apps on your phone. Most applications that use your microphone in some way can have their access revoked in your settings. Remember that removing microphone permissions may limit certain apps' overall functionality.

There are also a range of more physical solutions available. The microphone on your device can be covered, preventing it from effectively picking up or recording nearby audio.

You can use small stickers and pieces of tape to at least partially limit the microphone's range, or buy specialized phone cases and attachments. Before purchasing any products that claim to block microphones, however, read all available reviews; there are plenty of substandard options online.

5 tips to protect your privacy on a smartphone

  1. Only download virtual assistant apps from official stores. Google Assistant and Siri are the most popular options among smartphone users, but there are a handful of more specialized virtual assistants. Some people download them from questionable sources and risk installing malware.
  2. Review app permissions. Check your phone settings and review the permissions you’ve given to your apps. If some of them can access your microphone for no solid reason, it’s a red flag.
  3. Speaking of app permissions, inspect your phone every so often for apps that you don't recognize. Sometimes, if you've fallen for a phishing attack, clicked on a dodgy link or ad somewhere, or downloaded malware instead of a legitimate file from a website – you could have spyware on your phone.

    Spyware and malware can sometimes get installed onto your phone via various scams and phishing attacks. And often this spyware can be disguised inside an app that forces itself onto your device, and secretly runs in the background, spying on your every move. So make sure you routinely check for rogue apps and delete them immediately.

  4. Delete your voice request history. While Siri claims not to keep your voice request history, Google Assistant does. If you were to lose your phone, somebody malicious could extract your search results.
  5. So, you might be wondering, “What does Google know about me? The short answer is: a lot.

    Google, and other unencrypted search engines monitor your search terms, and all of the websites you visit. This data is often sold to advertisers who build consumer profiles and target you with 'relevant' ads. This is also known as re-targeting.

    Your ISP also knows your IP address as well as everything you do online, which could reveal intimate details about you, like your location.

  6. Use a VPN. A virtual private network masks your IP address and encrypts traffic, to enhance your privacy. If you’re looking for ways to stay away from snoopers and hackers, get the NordVPN app. It works by wrapping your phone with an encrypted secure layer, mitigating the risks of being attacked online. (Note: It won't affect voice monitoring services that you have authorized)
  7. NordVPN encrypts your traffic with a high-end encryption, hides your IP, thus no one can see where you are and what you do online. With just a single click you can enjoy top-notch protection and privacy.

  8. Update your software regularly. Hackers exploit known software vulnerabilities while developers patch security flaws to be one step ahead. Updates are boring, but they enhance your privacy immensely.