What are the steps in clinical reasoning

If you are a nursing scholar then you may have heard the term “clinical reasoning”. Now, the question is, what does it mean? In Nursing, a concept is known as the Clinical Reasoning Cycle. It was promoted by Tracy-Levett Jones. He is a professor of Nursing at Newcastle. 

However, clinical reasoning refers to all the cognitive processes that are employed by clinicians, nurses, and other health professionals. It is mainly used to analyze the patient’s condition and clinical case, identify accurate diagnosis and take appropriate treatment plans. 

Thus, clinical reasoning is involved with the integration of all the gained knowledge, balancing evidence, and making conclusions to reach the accurate diagnosis of a patient’s condition. In other words, the thought processes used by clinicians or health professionals are called clinical reasoning. Clinical reasoning is also known as clinical judgment, critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making. 

Understand why Clinical Reasoning is Important

The term clinical reasoning is described as a thin line between a deteriorating patient’s health status and recovery. Clinicians and/or nurses having poor clinical reasoning might create a health condition at risk of death.

The New South Wales Health Incident Management in the NSW Public Health System 2007 recognised the 3 leading reasons for adverse patient health results. It includes failure of health professionals while diagnosing a patient’s health condition, failure in identifying and taking accurate treatment plans, not up to the mark management of complications, etc.

The advantages of having good clinical reasoning include making on-time diagnoses, making prompt to life-saving treatment plans, obviate unwanted investigations that reduce patient’s cost, and ultimately improve the health condition of a patient.

Education and training as a nurse, a doctor, or a healthcare professional finally take a step close to their ability to practice clinical reasoning. Any lapse in judgment results in potential death or harm to the patient.

Different Steps of Clinical Reasoning Cycle Explained By Nursing Assignment Help Experts

The whole clinical reasoning cycle in nursing follows the following stages. These stages are discussed below by the experts delivering nursing care plan assignment help in Australia

Stage 1: The first stage in the clinical reasoning cycle is necessary for nurses in order to explain the patient’s situation. While conducting clinical reasoning, nurses are required to be accurate at the time of considering the patient situation.

Stage 2: Patient history is referred to as the second stage of the clinical reasoning cycle. This stage needs nurses to gather the patient’s medical history. For instance, identify the major ailment a patient has suffered before. Doing this helps in giving ideas of the ways in which the patient responds to a given medication.

Stage 3: This stage involves processing the old and new data together so that it can decide further action course. Generally, while performing this stage, nurses are required to explicate both the discrimination, situations, predict, and relate results acquired from the method.

Stage 4: Here, nurses generally determine the problems faced by patients through diagnosis. In proper diagnosis, identifying the exact problem is quite important.

Stage 5: This is one of the most important stages in the clinical reasoning cycle as per the childcare assignment help professionals. The nurses are required to be clear of what they are trying to accomplish from the beginning. It helps them stick to their path and focus on their duties.

These were the few things a student must understand. It will help them in writing their nursing assignments concerned with the clinical reasoning cycle. For more details, choose the best nursing assignment help experts. 

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During clinical encounters with patients, experienced physicians engage in numerous clinical tasks, including listening to the patient's story, reviewing the patient's past records, performing a physical examination, choosing the appropriate investigations, providing advice or prescribing medications, and/or ordering a consultation. These behaviors which provide the basis of clinical reasoning are influenced and driven by "what" physicians think about and "how" they think.

Clinical Reasoning Principle:

New knowledge is best acquired in the context of application of that knowledge in the cases (case based learning and longitudinal mentorships). Along with factual information stored in long-term memory, the learner continues to develop memory schemes for representing and relating the clinical problems in reasoning strategies.

Clinical Reasoning:

  • Is a process by which clinicians collect, process, and interpret patient information to develop an action plan;
  • Creates a story from the patient's history, physical exam, test results and serial observation;
  • Serves to enhance acquisition and storage of knowledge through repeated exposure to real case examples;
  • Helps the learner develop memory schemes for representing and relating clinical problems.
  • Learning for clinical reasoning is driven by repeated exposures to real case examples that illustrate multiple aspects of clinical reasoning. Repeated exposures to these cases enhance acquisition and storage of knowledge in long-term memory.

Two-Process Model of Clinical Reasoning

  • Type 1 (Intuitive) processes are very fast – used by experts most of the time
  • Type 2 (Rational) processes are slower, deliberate, and more reliable and focus more on hypothesis and deductive clinical reasoning (Hypothetical- Deductive Reasoning)
  • Repetitive operation of Type 2 leads to Type 1 (recognition: as you see more cases and use Type 2 process effectively, you will build your own illness scripts and your ability to use Type 1 process in medicine will improve)
  • Type 2 processing can override Type 1 (rational override)
  • Type 1 processing can override Type 2 (dysrational override)
  • The Cognitive Miser Function encourages default to Type 1. Most errors also take place in Type 1 processing.

What are the steps in clinical reasoning

Overview of the Clinical Reasoning Process

Obtain and filter information.

  • Information may be obtained primarily through reading, visual imagery, and listening.
  • Other sensory input (e.g., tactile, olfactory) may be obtained.

Formulate an initial set of hypotheses.

  • This set of hypothesis is formulated in the context of identified questions and problems in the current case, as well as a knowledge base of prior cases (using illness scripts and pattern recognition).
  • Experts quickly develop a small set of hypotheses with minimal clinical data to represent the problem to be solved. Short-term memory can actively handle only about 5 items at once.
  • Experts will generally have the final diagnosis in this set within 5 minutes of starting. Novice and intermediate learners will take longer to develop a set of hypotheses.

Obtain additional information as directed by initial hypotheses.

  • The initial small set of hypotheses forms a framework for additional focused information gathering. This process is repeated and refined. Novices and intermediates have more iterations of this process.

Use a reasoning strategy: Hypothetical- Deductive reasoning (deductive v. inductive) to process the information in the clinical context of the case.

  • Hypothetical- Deductive Reasoning: works from general to specific. Develop hypotheses to explain a patient's clinical problem and apply collected information to test the hypotheses in order to try and confirm or exclude a hypothesis. In a hypothetical-deductive process, a classic rank-ordered list of differential diagnoses is generated.
  • The process goes: if - then - but - therefore (yes, no)
  • If we have certain information, then certain hypotheses may be true, but we test against further information, and therefore it is true or not.
  • This is akin to the scientific principle, in which one tries to prove a hypothesis.

The human body is very complex, and we cannot obtain all information we want, so that regardless of the reasoning process utilized, we can never absolutely prove or disprove most hypotheses in many cases. We derive the 'most likely' diagnosis, but we may need to eventually consider others if more information becomes available or the outcome is different than expected.

Perform an analysis of hypotheses by probabilistic and cause-effect means.

  • Hypotheses are refined by cause-effect analysis to apply principles of pathophysiology (such as biomedical knowledge and knowledge about basic science concepts) and determine if a hypothesis is based upon a sound scientific basis.
  • Evidence-based medicine is another description of this process. If tests are performed, such as laboratory tests, calculated results for test sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value are useful in analysis.

Formulate a final diagnosis/hypothesis (Based on the above mentioned steps) and test the final diagnosis/hypothesis.

  • Test against positive and negative findings and standard criteria for description of a disease process.
  • Working diagnoses for patient are finalized only after they are assessed for their adequacy in explaining all positive, negative, and normal clinical findings.
  • The pathophysiologic reliability of the diagnosis is a check on the reasonableness of causal linkages between clinical events, ascertained from use of biomedical knowledge.
  • Does the diagnosis fit with cause and effect? Is the diagnosis consistent with pathophysiologic principles?

Consider other possible diagnoses.

  • To diminish the possibility of premature closure, assume your working diagnosis is incorrect and then consider alternative diagnoses.

Evaluate the process. (Stop, Think, Act, Review): Diagnostic time out

Clinical Reasoning Steps

1. Patient’s story:

2. Data acquisition:

  • Information may be obtained primarily through reading, visual imagery, and listening.
  • Other sensory input (e.g., tactile, olfactory) may be obtained.
  • This includes pertinent positives and negatives from the history, focused physical exam and targeted investigations

3. Accurate problem representation:

  • A brief summary where patient specific details are translated into appropriate medical terminology
  • Translating the story into abstractions (problem representation with semantic qualifiers) fosters retrieval of relevant “Illness scripts”
  • Semantic qualifiers: paired opposing descriptors that can be used systematically to compare and contrast diagnostic considerations: sharp/dull, acute/chronic, tender/non-tender, productive/nonproductive, insidious/abrupt, proximal vs. distal. “Semantic qualifiers” serve like Google search terms
  • Should include the Key/forceful features(History, physical exam, and tests, pathophysiology, illness course, memorable cases, recent readings, pearls)

4. Illness scripts:

  • A narrative structure for recalling the key attributes of a typical case presentation of a condition or a diagnosis
  • Use typical cases to build prototypes
  • Include risk factors, key/forceful features
  • Build knowledge stores retrieved by clinical presentations
  • For example, the illness script for pneumonia differs from that for congestive heart failure in the constellation of features. You will learn features common to both AND which features favor one condition over another.

5. Hypothesis generation, prioritization and evaluation:

  • Hypothesis is generated early in the encounter.
  • They are based on cues acquired from the patient by observation and attentive listening.
  • Hypothesis must not be generated too early, that is, before the patient provides suggestive and useful cues.
  • More than one hypothesis is almost always needed, as the best evaluation of a hypothesis is by comparison with alternatives.

Hypothesis Generation:

1. Hypothetical- Deductive Reasoning:

  • Develop hypotheses to explain a patient’s clinical problem and apply collected information to test the hypotheses in order to try and confirm or exclude a hypothesis.
  • In a hypothetical-deductive process, a classic rank-ordered list of differential diagnoses is generated.
  • The process goes: if - then - but - therefore (yes, no)
  • If we have certain information, then certain hypotheses may be true, but we test against further information, and therefore it is true or not.
  • This is akin to the scientific principle, in which one tries to prove a hypothesis.

2. Compare and Contrast (Pattern recognition) ( as you advance from novice to expert you will be using this type of reasoning more often)

  • Pattern recognition: matching the patients problem representation to an appropriate illness script
  • Verify, reject and refine hypothesis by additional observation, exam, test etc

Prioritize the Hypothesis or Differential: Based on the most likely hypothesis prioritize your differential diagnosis:

1. Compare and contrast two plausible hypotheses and prioritize among the competing options.

2. Compare/contrast different illness scripts with the patient’s problem representation looking for best match

Test the final diagnosis/hypothesis (Hypothesis Evaluation): Perform an analysis of hypotheses by probabilistic and cause-effect means. Hypotheses are refined by cause-effect analysis to apply principles of pathophysiology (such as biomedical knowledge and knowledge about basic science concepts) and determine if a hypothesis is based upon a sound scientific basis.

  • Test against positive and negative findings and standard criteria for description of a disease process.
  • Working diagnoses for patient are finalized only after they are assessed for their adequacy in explaining all positive, negative, and normal clinical findings.
  • The pathophysiologic reliability of the diagnosis is a check on the reasonableness of causal linkages between clinical events, ascertained from use of biomedical knowledge. Does the diagnosis fit with cause and effect? Is the diagnosis consistent with pathophysiologic principles?

Synopsis: The above detailed steps may not be immediately recognizable or flow in the same sequence in the context of actual clinical reasoning. Experts apply pattern recognition with non-analytic cognitive processing during the initial phases of considering a novel clinical case, and then apply analytic processing in hypothesis testing. Novices may work the other way round. However, these two forms of reasoning can be interactive and not sequential. They are complementary contributors to the overall accuracy of the clinical reasoning process, each one influencing the other. Persons who use both perform better than persons using either non-analytic or analytic approaches alone.

What are the five stages of clinical reasoning?

Clinical reasoning is the process by which nurses collect cues, process the information, come to an understanding of a patient problem or situation, plan and implement interventions, evaluate outcomes, and reflect on and learn from the process.

What are the 4 steps of clinical reasoning?

Clinical reasoning is the “thinking and decision making processes associated with clinical practice.”1 It involves pattern recognition, knowledge application, intuition, and probabilities.

What is the first step in clinical reasoning?

During the first stage of the clinical reasoning cycle, the nurse begins to gain an initial impression of the patient and identifies salient features of the situation.

What are steps in clinical reasoning quizlet?

What are the 8 main stages or steps in the clinical reasoning cycle?.
Consider the patient..
Collect cues/info..
Process information..
Identify problems/issues..
Establish goals..
Take action..
Evaluate outcomes..
Reflect on process and new learning..