Which is better Cod Vanguard or Cold War?

Which is better Cod Vanguard or Cold War?


A waste of money!

There is a whole world of difference between Vanguard and Cold War.

Campaign - It's alright, nothing great.

Multiplayer - Pretty average, the operators are quite horrible though Zombies - Could not have done a worse job. I don't understand how a game can get worse from being the best at Zombies. I'm going back to play zombies on Cold War. This one is just ridiculous.

Please allow players who have bought all games to merge and play as they feel like. For example - It would be pretty cool if I could use weapons from Warzone and Vanguard to play Zombies in Cold War.

Since Dec 6th you've already merged the ranking progression. Why not do this as well?

It also really upsets me how they took the battle pass o it of Cold War and restricted it to Vanguard. Might as well let us have a crossover. We already gave you the money ; now give us what we want!

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Copy and paste of recent CODs with historical inaccuracies

Was so excited for this game but am extremely disappointed. Mechanics are copied from cold war and MW. Campaign has numerous historical inaccuracies, theres combat shields in ww2, and reticle attachments that weren't introduced until the 1980's. Game also crashes consistently. It seems that Call of Duty let interns create their game to see how it would turn out/if consumers would still purchase the game and battle pass. 0/10 would buy, 10/10 would wait until Modern Warfare 2 comes out next year.

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The worst Call of duty game i ever played and it s the last one.

Call of duty developers have no talent all they care is money.

This game is worst WW2 game of all time. Charaters in this game are comical one.

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Campain - you watch more movies than play and charaters are dumb unrealistic.

Zombies - worst zombies ever and extreme boring

Multiplayer - garbage one of the worst.

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ws1212 November 2021

This game is insult to the WW2.

Campain is woke garbage Charaters is campain are like some cartoon superheroes but yes this is some fantasy sci-fi alternate universe WW2 trash.

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Trash junk garbage

I only play call of doodie for the zombies. I have no words but RUSHED TRASH to describe this dollar store version of what is supposed to be COD ZOMBIES. It's like they just do not care what the fans wanted at all. Sledgehammer did a great job with WW2 zombies in 2017. I would have been very happy with a remastered version instead of this vanguard garbage.well everything comes to an end eventually .

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I set my expectations low but I still was disappointed. :(

You may think Im a halo or battlefield fanboy, but no, I love fps and I love call of duty. My first call of duty, funnily, was world at war, and I can just remember how magical it was for to play it. To this day it is my favorite call of duty along with bo1. Now, you may have probably seen my 4/10 am immediately thought my review was nonsensical but hear me out. All this criticism is in hopes of a better future.

REVIEW STARTS HERE: I will review the 3 aspects of the game and rate each of them

Campaign: Terrible, just terrible. One of the worst Cod campaigns in history. It has you playing through flashbacks of the main characters past. The idea was terrible and the executions was also terrible. This campaign felt like it was setting up for a story, not making its own story. The gameplay is also bad, as the game holds your hand throughout the campaign, and doesn't give you any freedom. Although being linear doesn't make a campaign bad, if the story is bad as well, there is no redeeming part about the campaign. It was no fun to play through the campaign but to be fair, campaigns aren't the real attraction of the game.


Multiplayer: While not great, it is definitely the best portion of this game. The multiplayer is not bad, but it takes a step back from past call of duty multiplayers. It is generic, and it feels as if you played the same thing before. Cold war did not have a great multiplayer, but at least it did not devolve in the same way vanguard did. Sure, there is combat pacing, which seemed like a super innovative idea, but in practice, it either made the game insanely slow, or you getting killed as soon as you spawn. The game lacks the balance between both. I need not talk about sbmm as there are already enough issues.


Zombies: Zombies is generally that last source of entertainment, for bad a call of duty. Its generally a redeeming part of the game. In fact my enjoyment of many recent cod games as purely relied on zombies. The sad thing is, that treyarch, the zombie king, managed to mess up zombies. It is so hard to do that. They have removed all the fun and quirky guns, and zombies literally was a breeze. There was no content. It was literally multiplayer maps thrown in, and you shoot at hordes of zombies for about 1 hour. Thats it, and zombies is done. Zombies was terrible.


Overall Multiplayer is the core part of the game, but that game lacks anything significant that makes it new and enjoyable. Instead, it ends up being a massive step back from past cods. The zombies and campaign were even worse. It is hard for me to play this game, and I will likely not touch it again when battlefield 2042 and the new warzone map comes out. This was sad but expected. :(

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I had low expectations, Vanguard was even worse than expected.

Warning: Spoilers

Campaign, boring story that sets up a second game. Basically all you do is play a bunch of stories of different characters past, and these characters together need to team up and beat the token Nazi bad guy in the end. The characters are bland and boring, they are friends from the beginning. No drama, no spice to the relationships between the characters. There are no collectibles, there is a bunch of scripted gameplay, you have to always follow the chosen and scripted path. The AI is dumb. The campaign is also very short, it takes about only 4-6 hours depending on how fast you are, (half of the time you basically just watch cutscenes). The only good thing I can say is that the graphics are the best in any COD game so far, (at least on PS5), and that the cutscenes are really well made, they basically look just like a movie. Campaign overall is really bland, and definitely does not do anything new we haven't seen before.

Multiplayer is OK, the time to kill is really fast, meaning that you only need better reflexes than the guy trying to kill you. There are a lot of maps (20) at launch. And now you can chose how many players there should be in your lobbies, meaning that you can chose how fast paced you want to play. There is also a new game mode, it's basically hard point but the POI is constantly moving around.

Zombies is so barebones this year. There is ONE map, NO Easter Egg, NO playable characters, NO wonder weapon, NO ray gun. You can't pause the game on solo, after three minutes of not playing (when going for a bathroom break) you get KICKED from YOUR SOLO GAME for being inactive.

This is one of the most generic Call of Duty's ever made, it's even worse than average. Nothing new to add, nothing to say. I do not recommend this game, not even on a sale. 4/10.

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Not a fan of the arcade feel. Nothing tactical about this game... it's just go go go. Gets incredibly boring really fast and will kill your brain cells like none other.

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Call of Duty has lost its way

I was going to give this 3 stars because the graphics are very good. I changed my mind and opted for 2 stars because the ending was so feeble. The main characters are bland, although there are a couple of subsidiary players who almost make the game worth playing. For example, Desmond 'Des' Wilmot part of an Australian contingent deployed in Tobruk; he had a great sense of humour. Also, the D-day landing in a glider was impressive, as was piloting a plane off an aircraft carrier, but the rest is just a lazy repeat of previous COD missions.

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Awful pay to win crap that was marketed as a ww2 era game and its just terrible. Last good cod was black ops 2 and that will remain the way forever. And the warzone updates that have gone along with this have been Terrible. Caldera is probably the worse multi player map I have ever seen. Rebirth is now just a concrete camp fest with new locations added to promote rubbish game play.

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Multiplayer great. Zombies awful

Pleased to see a lot of cool new features added into this game, especially the addition of being able to select combat pacing. Gameplay feels like a big improvement. For me the multiplayer would be a 9/10 if it had better maps, but unfortunately some of them feel a bit boring.

Zombies on the other hand is sadly the worst I've ever seen it by quite a landslide. It no longer has the feeling of being dark and scary like WaW zombies was, and instead feels like a bit of a ridiculous arcade game. The addition of things such as elder gods, flying orbs and land barriers etc totally ruin the feel of zombies mode for me. If you play with zombie health bars on (another thing I think is ridiculous for fortunately can be turned off) then you'll find that the game is just a big clump of colours flying all over the place. I have no idea why they'd decide to get rid of round based zombies in favour of this but hopefully they'll change their minds soon, and let it return to its roots. If zombies was still the same as the Waw and Black Ops days, then I would say that this game is the best Cod we've seen since the PS3/360 days and would probably deserve a 10/10. However as it is it's probably a 7.5/10.

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The Best Call of duty since Modern Warfare 2019 and WW2 2017

Amazing gameplay Realistic Gun sounds Bear McCreary does a amazing Score Call of duty vanguard is highly recommended if you like Brutal multiplayer I haven't had this much fun in years I felt this was a big step up from Cold war because of its questionable multiplayer but its still fun none the less The lovely Laura Bailey is in the game she's great.

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Not as bad as I expected

Warning: Spoilers

This game was better than expected. The roughly 6 hour campaign has a fair few varied missions playing as different characters. The story is a little bit bland however the gameplay is good.

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People only want white male characters to feel satisfied.

All the negative and hate reviews here are just straight white men complaining about female and blake characters. Grow up.

The game has incredible protection, insane graphics, animations, cinematography, narrative writing, soundtrack and everything. It's like any other COD game, but people only hated on this one because of simple representations. They just can't help themselves.

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campaign and graphics were cool.

I enjoyed this game. The campaign was pretty fun. The sniper lady section of the game was the best. The graphics are awesome. The action was thrilling. I like the weapons in the game. The ending was satisfying. I look forward to the next call of duty game. I think it could be a sequel to the 2019 modern warfare game. That'd be great.

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We'll never go back to the old Call of Duty days

My expectations with game was already low due to make of the last two Call of Duty games. Call of Duty Vanguard is just a re skin to Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) and Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War.

Campaign: One thing I liked about the campaign was that some of the missions where fun but the story was boring, not memorable and neither where the characters. The story to me was like a story out of an Avengers movie.

Multiplayer: All I can say about the multiplayer is that it's a re skin to the last two pervious Call of Duty games but I had fun with it.

Zombies The Zombies is to easy it's not challenging enough. It's so easy, you can get a pack-a-pucnch weapon from the mystery box. The characters aren't memorable either just like the campaign and there are no wall buys just like every other Call of Duty Zombies has.

Conclusion: Call of Duty will never go back to the old Call of Duty days unfortunately. It's a shame because I've been a Call of Duty for over ten years and I've gotten each one every year.

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I absolutely love everything about this game from graphics too gunplay movement is magnificent sound design is crazy good also.this game is a solid 10 in my eyes!!

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Best Call Of Duty!

This is now my new favorite game. The campaign is fun and has good characters. It's definitely a lot better than Cold War. I plan on playing this one a lot.

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Xbox One S Partial Review

Preordered the game last second because the campaign looked very promising as per usual with any Call of Duty release. Not finished with the campaign but so far I am having a great time. Some very intense moments and even on Veteran difficulty it's not unforgiving. Characters are very well acted and set pieces are amazing, some instances I felt myself looking at the environments more often than I probably should. Even on a standard Xbox One the graphics are top notch, can't wait to upgrade to a Series X. Haven't played multiplayer or zombies but it's as to be expected from any other Call of Duty release I'm sure. Was a big fan of Cold Wars Zombies mode. Long story short, 7/10 so far for, amazing acting, graphics, smooth gameplay, great story.

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I liked cold war but this is another level the story mode is way better the running scenes are insane felt so real one of my fav cod I love the multiplayer and zombies hope u guys enjoy this.

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Not for one player

I am not a fan of this game any more, I am a single player and do not like playing on line, in the past the single player part of the games have been a reasonable length. But this one was very disappointing, the whole game took me just 3 x 2.5 hour sessions to complete the whole game. And for the cost of the game is not in my opinion value for money.

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Nope nope nope.

Waste of money. Campaign, multiplayer, graphics, weapons are all trash. Don't even waste your time on this game. I really tried giving this game a chance but it just overall was a complete let down. Some people like it, it's just not for me.

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Ok so I've played most of the story and it was pretty fun, but the game is very disrespectful to the men who fought in ww2. There were never any women in ww2 leading a team into war. This game is very unrealistic and disrespectful towards men. Activision is very liberal and wants to push there whole agenda on a ww2 game. Multiplayer isn't bad!!

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Niot as bad as people say

This game is great took all the best features of mw2019 unlike cold war it actually improved the gunsmith by allowing you to have 10 attachments and made it ww2 its worth it over battlefield 2042.

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Call of Duty: Vanguard did not sell as well as Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, and now Activision has offered some insight into why that might have been. In its latest annual report for 2021, the company said it failed to execute, and the World War II setting didn't particularly grab fans.

Is Cold War and Vanguard the same?

Call of Duty: Vanguard comes after the successful Cold War and Warzone and has many references to older Call Of Duty games.

Are Cold War weapons better than Vanguard?

In fact, according to CoD expert JGOD, Cold War weapons are more effective on Caldera than Vanguard's, and he's explained why.