Up plugin lỗi he link you followed has expired năm 2024

You may see this message after trying to upload WPML 4.5 or later via the Plugins page in WordPress. Starting with version 4.5, WPML’s core plugin now includes the Translation Management functionality. As a result, the file size is larger than the one many hosting companies allow.

What is the best alternative way to upload WPML?

The easiest workaround for this issue is to start with uploading the OTGS Installer plugin. This plugin allows you to register your site then install the WPML plugins you need. You can find the OTGS Installer Plugin on your WPML Downloads page.

After uploading it to your site, click Register WPML, then Get a key for this site. This redirects you to WPML.org to generate a site key.

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Registering WPML using the OTGS Installer plugin

After registering, you can see a list of all available WPML plugins for you to download and activate.

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Choosing which WPML plugins to install

Can I upload WPML to my site using FTP?

Yes, another option for this issue is to upload WPML using an FTP client instead of uploading through a WordPress admin.

To do this, you’ll need to use a program called FTP client but don’t worry, these are simple to use. We recommend using one of the known and free solutions like FileZilla or Cyberduck.

To connect to your site via FTP, you’ll need login credentials:

  • Hostname – the name of the server where your site is hosted
  • Username
  • Password

Usually, you get this information when buying a hosting account. You should also be able to find it in your hosting account’s settings.

Once you successfully connect to your site via FTP, you’ll see a list of folders and files. All you need to do is upload WPML to your site’s ../wp-content/plugins/ folder.

Here’s how this looks like when using FileZilla.

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Using FileZilla to upload the WPML ZIP file using drag-and-drop

Can I upload WPML to my site using a hosting control panel?

If your hosting company offers a control panel like cPanel, Plesk, or Webmin, you can use its file manager section. You can use this section to upload and extract the ZIP file with the WPML plugin into the ../wp-content/plugins/ folder.

Here’s how the File Manager looks like in cPanel.

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Using cPanel hosting control panel to upload the WPML plugin to a site

Would increasing my hosting upload limits help?

You can try to increase your site’s resource limits that might be preventing you from uploading WPML. This includes increasing:

  • File upload size
  • PHP memory
  • Execution time limit

If your hosting company allows you to change these settings, you can follow the steps outlined in this WPBeginner article.

What if the solutions above don’t work?

If none of the above works, we recommend you reach out to your hosting company and ask them to do this for you.

Are you getting this message again and again “The Link You Followed Has Expired?” Are you unable to process your theme and plugins from WordPress? Do you want an immediate solution to this? So, read on this page and we will show you how you can solve this issue quickly.

Table of Contents

Before jumping to the solution, first, it is vital to understand why this happens. This occurs when the user is trying to put a large image than the default. In other words, WordPress has set its limits about images, so if you are trying to upload a large image than “The Link You Followed Has Expired’ message displays.

So, how you can fix this? Simple by increasing the limit of upload default WordPress. In this guide, we will show you a step-by-step guide to fix this issue. Let us get started!

Up plugin lỗi he link you followed has expired năm 2024

If you are to go and open the WordPress dashboard then Media to add new options there you will see the WordPress has set its limits for uploading and executing the image. When you are trying to upload a larger image it will you the notice and you are unable to do fix the issue.

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Moreover, the size mostly depends on the web hosting server you are using. Suppose the webserver provides 100mb as the maximum limit to upload images and smaller to 25mb. This limit usually keeps you limited with upload and you are unable to put heavy themes.

Or if your website web server providing you larger image size to upload then this may not trouble you. Perhaps you understand what you have to do now.

Yes, you are getting my point, you have to boost size limit along with execution.

How? So, here we have suggested some methods that can help to fix this issue and you can enjoy the better UX.

Well, it is not an easy task, you have to edit the WordPress file and copy some HTML script. Don’t worry, we will guide you on every walk. We have listed a few methods, so don’t panic if you failed firstly.

Special note- Apply the given method carefully and follow it correctly. Also, don’t forget to create a backup.

First Method- Edit .htaccess File

.htaccess is an important file of WordPress. You need to use this file to increase the default size of upload image and execution. So, to edit .htaccess all you need to access the Wordpress files in the server. You have another option too instead .htaccess is the FTP file.

Up plugin lỗi he link you followed has expired năm 2024

How to proceed:

  • First login to C Panel from your hosting account.
  • Enter your C Panel details such as username and password.
  • Select the file manager file and open it. It will speedy you which and where you need to navigate.
  • Select the public.html folder and here you will see .htaccess file. Then right-click on the file and choose the edit option.
  • Then copy-paste the following lines and click on the Save button.

“Php_value upload_max_filesize 64M Php_value post_max_size 64M Php_value_max_execution_time300 Php_value max_input_time300”

Second Method- Create PHP.ini File

If you are failed in the first attempt then don’t worry choose this trick. Here you have created a PHP.ini.file into the webserver to resolve The Link You Followed Has Expired error. Well, sometimes hosting server have already crated this file, in case you haven’t then follow the given steps:

Keep in mind the PHP.ini file created on your computer and then upload it on the server. To do this:

Up plugin lỗi he link you followed has expired năm 2024

  • Open notepad and enter the following details and save the file with php.ini name.“Upload_max_filesize=64M Post_max_size=64M Max_execution_time=300”
  • Now, upload the file into the webserver. To do this:

Find the public.html folder and upload the php.ini file into it. Once it uploads, it will fix all the issues and you have increased the limit and i.e 64MB.

Wrapping Up

These are the two methods that can help to fix “The Link You Followed Has Expired” issue. Once it resolves, you can easily manage your theme and plugins. If you are still in a problem, then contact your web hosting service team and get the solution for it. We hope this guide helps you.

Related Post: How To Fix ‘Missing A Temporary Folder’ Error in WordPress

Sonnal S Sinha is a passionate writer as well as WordPress and WooCommerce rockstar who loves to share insights on various topics through his engaging blog posts. He runs a successful website design and digital marketing company. With 15+ years of experience in WordPress theme development, he strives to inform and inspire readers with his thought-provoking content. He helps thousands of small and medium businesses and startups create a unique online presence. Follow Sonnal S Sinha for your regular dose of knowledge and inspiration.