Milady chapter 17 Review questions esthetics

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Milady Chapter 17 Basic Review

by A_Jensen, Jan. 2020

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Milady chapter 17 Review questions esthetics
Milady chapter 17 Review questions esthetics

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What is another name for magnifying lamp?

Loupe 🔍

The average magnifying lamp used by estheticians comes in values of 3, 5, and 10 diopters. What does this mean?

30, 50 and 100 times the power magnification.

The unit of measurement used for a magnifying lamp is a(an)


A thick corneum layer appears as __________ when viewed through a woods lamp.

White fluorescence 🤍

Healthy skin appears _________ when viewed with a woods lamp.

Blue white 💙🤍

When using a Wood’s lamp, dehydrated skin will appear

Light voilet 💜

When using a Woods lamp, the room must be

Completely dark 🌚

The primary purpose of the rotary brush is

To lightly exfoliate the skin and assist in the cleansing process. 🧼

When using the brush machine, where on the clients face should you begin?

Forehead 🤦🏻‍♀️

Commonly used modalities in esthetics are Tesla, microcurrent, and

Galvanic 💥


Consists of three oxygen Adams, is created after lightening storms, has antiseptic qualities. ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Every time you use a steamer, you should

Wipe down the outside of the glass with a high level of disinfectant.

What can result from using tap water in your steamer?

Mineral deposits 🚱 🚰❌💧

Should you leave water in the steamer overnight?

Never ❌

You should not use a suction device on....

Super sensitive skin, Cuperose skin or inflamed skin 🔥

How should you move the vacuum machine over the skin?

Back and forth, left to right ⬅️➡️⬅️➡️

People suffering from epilepsy or chronic migraines, who are pregnant, or who wear braces....

Should not have a galvanic treatment 🤦🏻‍♀️🤰🏻❌

The two significant reactions caused by galvanic current are....

Chemical and ionic

Galvanic current is used during desincrustation to create a chemical reaction that....


Which types of products are used for desincrustation?


When performing desincrustation before you turn on the galvanic current, you should make sure the electrode you will use on the clients face is......

What is the most important machine used in esthetics?

Magnification Lamp Known informally as mag lamps, magnification lamps are among the most common and important esthetician tools.

What is another name for a magnifying lamp?

Some manufacturers refer to magnified lamps as luminaires, which is a five dollar word for an electric lighting unit and its components. The word's etymology is French from 1921.

What type of skin has a blue white appearance under a wood's lamp?

What Does a Wood's Lamp Exam Show? The Wood's lamp exam shows areas of skin that are pigmented, depigmented, or fluorescent. Normal, healthy skin appears blue under a Wood's lamp and does not glow. It may show white spots where the skin is thick, yellow spots where it's oily, or purple where it's dehydrated.

What can result from using tap water in your steamer?

Always use distilled water to fill a steamer and don't overfill the tank. All tap water contains minerals that can clog the steamer.