terrain là gì - Nghĩa của từ terrain

terrain có nghĩa là

1. An area of land; đất:
2. A particular geographic area; một vùng:
3. The surface features of an area of land; Địa hình.

Ví dụ

Ex: I climbed a tree to view the surrounding terrain.
Ex: there is a guide who knows this terrain well.

terrain có nghĩa là

a train that does not need tracks in order to move from point a to point b. usually very dangerous and can strike without warning. in some severe cases, the all terrain train may find where you live and try to get you.

Ví dụ

Ex: I climbed a tree to view the surrounding terrain.
Ex: there is a guide who knows this terrain well.
a train that does not need tracks in order to move from point a to point b. usually very dangerous and can strike without warning. in some severe cases, the all terrain train may find where you live and try to get you. "dude where's phill today?"

terrain có nghĩa là

A mid-size crossover SUV that really pulls some ass. Manufactured by General Motors Company, the Terrain destroys all other vehicles and makes them look silly with its awesome power and beautiful design. Dudes and ladies alike get laid constantly while cruising around in one of these bad boys.

Ví dụ

Ex: I climbed a tree to view the surrounding terrain.

terrain có nghĩa là

Ex: there is a guide who knows this terrain well.

Ví dụ

Ex: I climbed a tree to view the surrounding terrain.

terrain có nghĩa là

Ex: there is a guide who knows this terrain well.
a train that does not need tracks in order to move from point a to point b. usually very dangerous and can strike without warning. in some severe cases, the all terrain train may find where you live and try to get you.

Ví dụ

"dude where's phill today?" "he's stuck at home with 3 all terrain trains circling his house... all he can do is wait." "ồ được thôi?' A mid-size crossover SUV that really pulls some ass. Manufactured by General Motors Company, the Terrain destroys all other vehicles and makes them look silly with its awesome power and beautiful design. Dudes and ladies alike get laid constantly while cruising around in one of these bad boys. "Just got a new GMC Terrain so it looks like I'm going to pound town tonight!" A way to describe someone you have slept with. That person is your terrain. "Julie? Yep, she's my terrain. A typical American car, idiots waste 60 thousand dollars to buy a car that will rust, and because the Yukon and Terrain look the same, people don't know what to call them.
Absolute waste of money, in every way.
The drivers usually are rich, cocky assholes who have 20 kids and have 6 screaming, whining babies in the back of the car, with the wife texting while driving, and the husband singing a lullaby to the crying babies. Dave (Passenger): Fucking asshole, cutting us off like that, typical Yukon driver!
Greg (Driver: Ah, that's a Yukon DENALI!
No, wait, that's a Terrain Denali, or a regular old Terrain, or a regular old Yukon.
While the are driving behind the Yukon Terrain Denali, it suddenly stops in the middle of the highway.
Dave: (Puts window down) What the fuck is wrong with you?!
YTD Husband: Can you watch your mouth, my 6 babies are here!
Driver: (Puts window down) Fuck you and fuck your babies!

terrain có nghĩa là

YTD Wife: I just got a call from my son at home, he is playing with his Yukon Denali toy!

Ví dụ

YTD Husband: Oh that's wonderful, honey!

terrain có nghĩa là

Driver: (Dials 911) Hello, police, yeah I'm near the underpass at Highway 54, and there is a woman on her phone, stopped in the middle of the road, licence plate number YTD-#1.

Ví dụ

Police Dispatch: What is their vehicle?

terrain có nghĩa là

Greg: A 2013 GMC Yukon Denali, or a GMC Yukon, or a

Ví dụ

GMC Terrain or Terrain Denali, you can't miss it, it is a white with a yellow stripe in the middle.

terrain có nghĩa là

Police Dispatch: We'll send a unit as soon as possible, sir.

Ví dụ

5 Minutes Later, a police car showed up, and gave the wife a fine of 500$, when they handed her the fine, she gave it to her husband, and walked over to Greg and Dave's car, and flipped them off.
Greg: Fuck you, bitch!
This story was based on true events, along with a few things I added myself.

terrain có nghĩa là

Yukon Terrain Denali (YTD) The shape and/or feel of an object or place that resembles an ass or ass like qualities. The long stretch of road had a rough look of Ass Terrain When you smoke hookah and use a mixture of soap and water to make a smoke bubble, and the bubble is able to hit the ground and travel over all kinds of obstacles on the ground such as blankets, pillows, and đôi giày. Oh shit Sam! Did you see that sick ATB (all terrain bubble) shred your shoe up?

Ví dụ

Uberly awesome RC vehicle that functions on all terrains Ted: Hey what's that?
Nick: It's my super awesome Terrain Twister! a midsize suv that people with big penises drive man1: hey man i drive a GMC Terrain man 2: you must have a big penis Brat, Truck car seat back fun mobile it go vroom vroom