User access Administrator role in Azure

- [Instructor] Beyond the owner role, there's also another built-in role in Azure called user access administrator that users will use for managing access. Let's take a look at the user access administrator role. As you will see, the list of available actions for user access admin is pretty slim. We have the read action available for any resource provider in Azure, but we also have access to any operations within the Microsoft.Authorization resource provider. This means that the user access administrator does not have access to make any changes to resources or resource groups, but it can control access for other users. As a rule of thumb, you should always use the user access administrator role over the owner role, as the owner role actually is a combination of user access administrator role, as well as the contributor role. The owner role is really a combination of user access administrative role, as well as the…

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What is the highest role in Azure?

The Azure AD roles include: Global administrator – the highest level of access, including the ability to grant administrator access to other users and to reset other administrator's passwords.

What is resource access role in Azure?

Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) helps you manage who has access to Azure resources, what they can do with those resources, and what areas they have access to. Azure RBAC is an authorization system built on Azure Resource Manager that provides fine-grained access management to Azure resources.

Which of the following are Azure AD administrator roles?

Privileged role administrator manages Azure AD PIM and updates role assignments for other users. Billing administrator makes purchases, manages subscriptions, manages support tickets, and monitors service health. Password administrator resets passwords, manages service requests, and monitors service health.