Đánh giá atc scm 40 mkii năm 2024

I think the above mentioned in the title, might just be the ones. I'm sure there is something better out there (there always is), but not in my budget.

I have been having discussions with a lovely gentleman on the East coast, who PMd me regarding these speakers, being fully aware of the sound l am chasing, what l listen to, room size; and all the other variables that come into play here. He's been great and very informative, and not pushing me in the least, re: buying them. But thought l would do my own research, as we do. Gone as far as l can through online reviews/blogs, etc. So yes, I'm sold on these speakers, but l just can't quite make... the decision.

The looks of the speakers can be quite polarising. But l quite like them. Not so much the grills. What were they thinking. And l am a grills on kind of guy. But this is not a deal breaker. The main thing is, that l can not audition these speakers. But am still willing to take the plunge. And I'm close. Just need a little nudge (aka, reassuring).

So thought l would get people who have these speakers reach out and give me some feedback.

I don't want people asking me what speakers l have considered, or telling me, that other speakers are more relevant/bette, etc. Maybe there are, but at what cost Also, you can spend forever looking, and at some stage you have to arrive at a decision. And l have. I believe the feedback when people say that these speakers are the best speakers at around $10k mark. I did hear some ATC standmounts several years ago, and l liked them. These will be several notches up on those, I'm thinking.

So back on point. A minor concern l am hearing, is that these speakers can be very amp specific. That they need not so much good current, but heaps of watts. Both ideally. I believe my Plinius Hautonga, has both of them in spades. So l don't think that it's an issue. I think my MoFi TT and Emotiva CDP are also up for the job. I keep reading repeatedly that these speakers will only play as good as what's in the chain. Also, l hear if the recording is not so great, they will highlight that too. But l believe most good speakers will do that as well. And let's face it, there is plenty of dud recordings out there. And we all have them...don't we.

So anyone out there with said speaker/amp combination, or even just the speakers. I look forward to hearing from you.

Just obtained a pair of ATC SCM 40 V2 speakers. Should be delivered in a few days. They will be driven by a Devialet Expert Pro 1000 with Speaker Active Matching (SAM) enabled. A SVS PC 4000 will round out the sub bass.

Looking forward to listening to these. I had ATC SCM 19's years ago, and was very impressed with them. This will be a step up in playback quality, especially with the Devialet as the DAC/AMP source.

Đánh giá atc scm 40 mkii năm 2024

Great find!

I’ll look for your posted impressions.


Đánh giá atc scm 40 mkii năm 2024

Speakers arrived to day. Will need to spend time getting to know their sonic character, but first impressions are amazing. They definitely are able to go louder than my Dynaudio Focus 360's (not that I would ever listen too loud).

The Speaker Active Matching (SAM) does an outstanding job of extending the bass register of the SCM 40 V2. They will be fairly easy to integrate with the subwoofer (SVS PC 4000). Will use REW with the calibrated mic. So far, got pretty close by ear. The fact that they are infinite baffle helps with bass integration.

They do seem to have a different sonic character from most speakers. Will need to listen to a variety of music to get a better handle, but one thing I picked up right away: They are great rock speakers.

They need a LOT of power. The Devialet Expert Pro 1000 has plenty of power for them, but the speakers can absorb most of it quite easily. It needs a good 300 watts plus to really sing.

Will check back in a few days.

Đánh giá atc scm 40 mkii năm 2024

Now that I've a few days to listen to the ATC's, I can report they are a remarkable set of speakers. They are quite different in character from my Dynaudio Focus 360's, or the Tyler Linbrook Signatures I recently sold.

The various reviews I've read were all very glowing. Many of the reviewers mentioned that they have more of a "pro audio" sound, as opposed to a audiophile sound (whatever that means?).

They have a lot of strengths.

  • The dispersion is very wide, not real need to worry about having to sit in a sweet spot to get the most from therm.
  • They were easier to integrate with the subwoofer than the ported speakers, due to the infinite baffle design.
  • They definitely can play louder than most other speakers on hand without sounding congested.
  • They sound very neutral throughout the frequency band. No real emphasis on any one frequency band is noticeable.
  • The distortion characteristics from the ATC's are amazingly low. It's something that really jumps out at listener when playing back music. I wound up extending listening sessions due to the performance from the speakers.
  • Dynamics are outstanding. The macro and mico detail presentations are very balanced. The presentation is like sitting in the center of of a symphony hall.

Rather than post audiophile jargon, just wanted to cut to the chase on how they sound. To me, they are at or near the top at their price point, and would easily put them up against speakers a several times there price point. The drivers are vey good, especially the midrange driver. The cabinet work is excellent, quite solid.

They do require a fair amount of power to get them to sound their best. They need at least 75 to 80 watts in Class A AB. There was a review on the ATC's where the reviewer stated the Purifi module did a poor job driving the bass. They recommended to not use a Class D amp with them. I'm using a Devialet Expert Pro 1000, which has a Class D current output, and Class A voltage drive. The Expert Pro 1000 has no problem driving the ATC's, because of the fact it's 1000 watts @ 6 ohms. The Speaker Active Matching (SAM) with Devialet supports the ATC, which safely extends the bass of the speakers. The Expert Pro/ATC combination sounds extremely good, could not be happier with the sound from this setup.

Also tried the ATC's with a tube amp setup, which has 90 watt mono tube amps. That also sounds very good, with dynamics not as robust, but a more lush midrange.

In conclusion, the ATC SCM 40 V2 speakers are most highly recommended. The active version is also well worth looking at as well. If I didn't already have the Devialet, would have given the active version serious consideration.

« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2023, 05:00 pm by Freo-1 »

Đánh giá atc scm 40 mkii năm 2024

Freo-1: Did you try them without the sub? How low do they go on their own?


Đánh giá atc scm 40 mkii năm 2024

I hope I can someday listen to a pair in my home. Thank you for your impressions.

Đánh giá atc scm 40 mkii năm 2024


Did you try them without the sub? How low do they go on their own?


Hi Don,

Sure have. Without Speaker Active Matching, the bass gets down to the low 40's without the sub. Because it's infinite baffle, the bass is more extended over a bass reflex ported setup.

With SAM, they really go low. The following link is provided to explain more:


Đánh giá atc scm 40 mkii năm 2024

You mentioned that they are infinite baffle. In what way? They look like regular sealed tower speakers based on a quick image search.

Đánh giá atc scm 40 mkii năm 2024

You mentioned that they are infinite baffle. In what way? They look like regular sealed tower speakers based on a quick image search.

From a quick internet search:

The infinite baffle speaker system is basically a closed box or cabinet. Which absorbs the rearward sound wave. The box is sealed to prevent as much sound emanating from the box as possible and it should also be made from solid material so that vibrations of the panels are reduced as much as possible.

Đánh giá atc scm 40 mkii năm 2024

Infinite baffle mathematically refers to a rear firing space that is at least 10 times the driver's rated Vas.

Đánh giá atc scm 40 mkii năm 2024

Infinite baffle mathematically refers to a rear firing space that is at least 10 times the driver's rated Vas.

I think the SCM 40 fits that bill.

Đánh giá atc scm 40 mkii năm 2024

Infinite baffle can be either, the British in particular often refer to sealed speakers as infinite baffle.

If someone uses the term infinite baffle subwoofer, it is assumed they are referring to what JLM describes or at least a massive backwave air space close to 10 times vas.

Đánh giá atc scm 40 mkii năm 2024

Posting an update:

It took some time to break in, but by mid to late October, the speakers have really opened up. They sound quite a bit better than when I first started playing music on them. I thought they were excellent out of the box, but they really sound remarkable now that they have broken in.

I was always a bit skeptical about equipment break in, but have been reliably informed that new speakers in fact do need time to break in to sound their best. This is especially true with the ATC drivers.

They do need power to open up. A pair of 90 watt tube monoblocks drives them very well, and sounds awesome with older blues/jazz recordings. The ATC's sound their best playing large scale orchestra music with a Devialet Expert Pro 1000.

If one is in the market for speakers, these are a strong candidate. Most highly recommended for audition.