rebel flag là gì - Nghĩa của từ rebel flag

rebel flag có nghĩa là

The rebel flag was the flag of the Confederate States of America. A lot of people are offended by rebel flags because they believe they symbolize racism. Quite the contrary. I like rebel flags, but I am not racist. The Civil War erupted over states' rights, not slavery. The South was mostly people in favor of states' rights, and the North was mostly people who wanted the national government to have more power over the states. Please, learn your history before you judge.


The rebel flag symbolizes states' rights.

rebel flag có nghĩa là

The confederait battle flag that is proudly waved by southern people to show there proud of southern heritage. it is NOT a racist flag!


Hey look at drew waving the rebel flag showing his pride of the south

rebel flag có nghĩa là

the confederate battle flag...many people think it is a sign of racism, it is infact showing heratege that your proud for...for instance mexicans having their flag flying...


the rebel flag is NOT a sign of racism...

rebel flag có nghĩa là

The rebel flag is a proud flag. And does not mean the same for every one. If you must think of it as raceism then go ahead, you have the right to your opion. But dont think for a minute that the civil war was fought over slavery, it wasn't. It was fought over government, the government of states that did not want to be governed. The REBEL FLAG is red and white, not black and white, so lets leave race out of it.


africans sold their own people into slavery, and blamed the rebel flag

rebel flag có nghĩa là

A rag often seen displayed by members of the lower class. Symbolizes the frustration of losers who cannot succeed or thrive in civilized society. Most often displayed by those with little real power or influence. Wavers of this flag usually know that they occupy a low station in life and use the flag as a means of expressing their frustration. The love of this flag is often passed down from generation to generation of losers. Sometimes the rebel flag is displayed with the American Flag further demonstrating the lack of basic knowledge of US History. If you see a rebel flag carefully observer the displayer and note the pathetic nature of the flag waver. Often these ignorant rednecks travel in packs. Most sightings of the rebel flag will be at NASCAR races, stuck to the windows of trucks parked in front of the unemployment office or temporary work agency, or Baptist Church parking lots in Georgia and South Carolina. Never will you see this flag displayed by a southerner around groups of blacks as most rednecks are cowards.


Junior lost his rebel flag window sticker when his truck was repossessed by the title loan company.

rebel flag có nghĩa là

the rebel flag, also known as the confederate flag, has nothing to do with racism. yes the klan, skin heads, and other white supremeness groups use the flag but they are the ones that gave the flag a bad name. the flag was originally created to be the battle flag of the C.S.A. after they broke away from the union. the war everyone knows about about, the civil war, was the main battle where the flag was flown. the civil war was over alot more than just slavery. fact general lee didnt even own a slave but the northern generals did. fact the south freed their slaves before the north. fact the slaves that were freed joined the confederate army willingly and were proud to fight with us. fact the us flag had more slavery under it than the confederate flag. fact some black people fly the confederate flag too. there is more to the confederate flag than just what is pro-trade.


look at that redneck and his rebel flag, he must be a racist. but they dont know he has black friends.

rebel flag có nghĩa là

Simply pride of the south nothing more (to most people)! Next time you see someone with a reble flag dont steriotype them.


Someone and there ansestory who lived in Ohio there whole life and feel angry twards African Americans using the rebel flag.(Aint right)

rebel flag có nghĩa là

1. a symbol of rebellion

2. a symbol of heritage for southerners


and by the way Dr. Benjamin or who ever the hell you are its brightest crayon not sharpest you fucktard


1. lets all dance in a circle around the rebel flag and yell anarchy!

2. wow what a redneck hes got a rebel flag in his front yard

rebel flag có nghĩa là

A symbol of the fact that, win or lose, we Confederates are still here, and that YOU should get used to it.

Think of this flag as the banner of a government in exile, like that of Tibet, or the Jewish Nation before 1948. It is a symbol of a nation's ineradicable memory of the past and patient hope for the future.

And, although you may chase it from the statehouses and public squares, you will never, ever chase it from the hearts of free-thinking Southerners.

In Southern hearts, my friends, is where the true soil of the Confederacy still lies, waiting to nourish the fruits of a new spring, and it is in that soil that this flag is immovably and eternally planted.

(Not a bad disquisition for a "lower-class redneck loser", eh?)


"The rebel flag truly flies in the heart of that gentleman..."

rebel flag có nghĩa là

The Battle Flag of the Confederate States of America (aka)Confederate Flag ,Stars and Bars, flown in Battle for the South in the Civil War Has Historic Meaning it Stamds for Rebellion against Over reaching out of Control Central Government acting outside its Lawful Jurisdiction ,and Outside the limits put on it by The Constitution for the united states of America, 2.Rebellion against a acting government that has been infiltrated by Criminal Elites
And or soldout to criminal Banksters,3 Rebellion against Oppression and/Controlling powers/TYRANTS


The Rebel Flag ,symbolizing American Rebellion against Corperate Criminal Infiltration into the Sovereignty of. The American People and The States Thereon.