Cloud your judgement là gì

Don’t get fooled into thinking that your anxiety level should be the factor that helps you make the final decision about risk. Your feelings may be very unreliable. The more emotional you feel, the less logical your thoughts will be. Increase your rational thoughts about the risk you’re facing to balance out your emotional reaction.

If you’re going to take a risk, especially one that could possibly involve your well-being, wouldn’t you want the odds in your favor? However, most people choose the option that will cause them the least amount of anxiety. Pay attention to the thoughts you have about taking the risk and make sure you’re basing your decision on facts, not just feelings.

A lot of research shows that we are pretty bad at accurately calculating risk. Frighteningly, many of our major life decisions are based on complete irrationality. Here are a few ways that happens:

1. We Incorrectly Judge How Much Control We Have Over A Situation

We’re usually more willing to take bigger risks when we think we have more control. Most people feel more comfortable when they’re in the driver’s seat of a car for example, but just because you’re in the driver’s seat doesn’t mean you can avoid an accident.

We behave more recklessly when we think there are safety nets in place, and ultimately, we increase our risk. People tend to speed more when they wear their seat belts. And insurance companies discovered that increased safety features on cars actually correlated with higher accident rates.

3. We Don’t Recognize The Difference Between Skill And Chance

Casinos have discovered that when gamblers play craps, they roll the dice differently depending on what type of number they need to win. When they want to roll a high number, they throw the dice hard. When they want a small number, they roll the dice softly. Even though it’s a game of chance, people behave as if it involves some level of skill.

4. We Become Easily Deluded When We See A Potentially Large Payoff

Even when the odds are stacked against you, if you really like the potential payoff, like in the lottery for example, you’ll likely overestimate your odds of success.

The more often we take a risk, the more we tend to miscalculate how big of a risk we’re actually taking. If you take the same risk over and over again, you’ll stop perceiving it as risky. If you speed on your way to work every day, you’ll greatly underestimate the danger you’re putting yourself in.

6. We Place A Lot Of Faith In Other People’s Abilities To Perceive Risk Accurately

Emotions can be contagious. If you’re in a crowd of people who don’t react to the smell of smoke, it’s likely you might not sense much danger. In contrast,if other people begin to panic, you’re much more likely to react.

From the book, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do: Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success by Amy Morin. Copyright © 2014 by Amy Morin. Published by permission of William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

1) ... are proud of their ability to cut through the' pointless' human emotion that clouds judgement and work in a universe that has no mercy.

2) He would want us to break down the barriers that are clouding our judgement and focus on getting things done right.

3) I think your personal problem with the rescue has clouded your judgement, and pulled the wool in front of your eyes.

4) Or are we allowing our desire to impart "skepticism" to the media to cloud our judgement, leading us to a tendency to jump to false conclusions?

5) I think you may be letting your dislike for Brown cloud your judgement.

6) Political bias - whatever side always clouds judgement - there is a real need for the BBC to be impartial.

7) ... their lack of motivation and insecurity around second or third choice programmes can cloud judgement.

8) As an enlightened person you should always remove sentiment from criticism as it easily clouds judgement.

9) ... often certain factors enter human minds, which can cloud judgement and lead to a person trying to fulfill his own rights.

10) These feelings of worthlessness have clouded her judgement and depressed her so much that she doesn't even want to interact ...

11) But his temper clouded his judgement.

12) ... achieve success, you must first avoid the fear of a possibility of failing to cloud your judgement and to strangle your decision.

13) Don't let your embarrassment cloud your judgement. Don't be afraid to admit you are lost, either to ...

14) ... just goes to show that the world would be a much better place without religion clouding our judgement.

15) My past traumas cloud my judgement. I need to remember to have empathy for the man.

16) ... eating disorders is their ability to destroy the hopes and aspirations of teenagers, and cloud judgment to the point of a complete loss of reality.

17) ... may prove to be transient and circumstantial (due to depression, misinformation, or clouded judgment).

18) No, its well deserves, he's overly aggressive and that clouds his judgment.

19) It's probably her issues with her parents that cloud her judgment and force her to make John completely ineffectual.

20)  ... has allowed emotion, temper, and frustration to get the better of them thus clouding their judgment.

use your judgment

impairs your judgment

your judgment about the need

your judgment upon the world

may affect your judgment

is to trust your judgment











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