Bài kiểm tra tiếng Anh lớp 5 online

Câu 20:

Đọc hiểu và trả lời câu hỏi.

Last Sunday, Lan didn't go to school, but she went to her friend's birthday party. She got up early in the morning, went to the shop, and bought some gifts and flowers. Then, she went to her friend's house. At the party, she ate a lot of cakes and drank soft drink. She danced beautifully, sang many songs, and told a lot of interesting stories. All her friends were there too. They played many games such as hide and seek, skipping rope and cards. They were very happy and enjoyed themselves a lot. Finally, the party came to an end. They said goodbye to each other and went home late in the the evening.

Did Lan go to school yesterday?

Bài kiểm tra tiếng Anh lớp 5 online
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Câu 21:

Đọc hiểu và trả lời câu hỏi.

Last Sunday, Lan didn't go to school, but she went to her friend's birthday party. She got up early in the morning, went to the shop, and bought some gifts and flowers. Then, she went to her friend's house. At the party, she ate a lot of cakes and drank soft drink. She danced beautifully, sang many songs, and told a lot of interesting stories. All her friends were there too. They played many games such as hide and seek, skipping rope and cards. They were very happy and enjoyed themselves a lot. Finally, the party came to an end. They said goodbye to each other and went home late in the the evening.

Where did she go to?

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Đáp án:

She went to her friend's birthday party.

Câu 22:

Đọc hiểu và trả lời câu hỏi.

Last Sunday, Lan didn't go to school, but she went to her friend's birthday party. She got up early in the morning, went to the shop, and bought some gifts and flowers. Then, she went to her friend's house. At the party, she ate a lot of cakes and drank soft drink. She danced beautifully, sang many songs, and told a lot of interesting stories. All her friends were there too. They played many games such as hide and seek, skipping rope and cards. They were very happy and enjoyed themselves a lot. Finally, the party came to an end. They said goodbye to each other and went home late in the the evening.

What did she buy for her friend?

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Đáp án:

She bought some gifts and flowers.

Câu 23:

Đọc hiểu và trả lời câu hỏi.

Last Sunday, Lan didn't go to school, but she went to her friend's birthday party. She got up early in the morning, went to the shop, and bought some gifts and flowers. Then, she went to her friend's house. At the party, she ate a lot of cakes and drank soft drink. She danced beautifully, sang many songs, and told a lot of interesting stories. All her friends were there too. They played many games such as hide and seek, skipping rope and cards. They were very happy and enjoyed themselves a lot. Finally, the party came to an end. They said goodbye to each other and went home late in the the evening.

What did she do at the party?

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Đáp án:

At the party, she ate a lot of cakes and drank soft drink.

Câu 24:

Đọc hiểu và trả lời câu hỏi.

Last Sunday, Lan didn't go to school, but she went to her friend's birthday party. She got up early in the morning, went to the shop, and bought some gifts and flowers. Then, she went to her friend's house. At the party, she ate a lot of cakes and drank soft drink. She danced beautifully, sang many songs, and told a lot of interesting stories. All her friends were there too. They played many games such as hide and seek, skipping rope and cards. They were very happy and enjoyed themselves a lot. Finally, the party came to an end. They said goodbye to each other and went home late in the the evening.

Did they enjoy themselves a lot?

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Câu 25:

Đọc hiểu và trả lời câu hỏi.

Last Sunday, Lan didn't go to school, but she went to her friend's birthday party. She got up early in the morning, went to the shop, and bought some gifts and flowers. Then, she went to her friend's house. At the party, she ate a lot of cakes and drank soft drink. She danced beautifully, sang many songs, and told a lot of interesting stories. All her friends were there too. They played many games such as hide and seek, skipping rope and cards. They were very happy and enjoyed themselves a lot. Finally, the party came to an end. They said goodbye to each other and went home late in the the evening.

When did they go home?

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Đáp án:

She went home late in the evening.

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Bài kiểm tra tiếng Anh lớp 5 online

Bài kiểm tra tiếng Anh lớp 5 online

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Chúng tôi là Cambridge English. Trực thuộc Trường Đại Học Cambridge, chúng tôi giúp hàng triệu người học tiếng Anh và chứng tỏ khả năng của mình cho cả thế giới.

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Bài kiểm tra tiếng Anh lớp 5 online

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Bài kiểm tra tiếng Anh lớp 5 online

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